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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMoney and Power Do You No Good When You're Dying.
Trump has not yet learned that. I hope for him to have a long, lingering, debilitating illness before his death. I want him to have time to think about it. A good long time.

Ocelot II
(122,654 posts)When Satan decides to call Trump home, he's going.
(148,407 posts)I believe we get a life. Then, at the end of that life, reality ends for us.
Ocelot II
(122,654 posts)there will be an end to him. For that guy I'd like there to be at least a Purgatory, though, in which he spends a few millennia living in dire poverty in a run-down, cockroach-infested double-wide with no air conditioning, no cable TV, and nobody paying him any attention.
The Madcap
(852 posts)Hell or eternal nothingness...
Since eternal nothingness is not likely painful since the brain would have died and rotted away eventually, it's probably going to be his preferred option.
Of course, in Hell, he could have a corner office since he could serve in Satan's court. He's already halfway to red, given his orange complexion, and certainly evil enough.
"Consider that before long you will be nobody and nowhere, nor will any of the things which you now see, nor any of those who are now living. For all things are formed by Nature to change and be turned and to perish, in order that other things in continuous succession may exist." Marcus Aurelius
(12,455 posts)Add dementia and you don't have a chance of your wish coming true.
Fortunately, the suffering part remains and may FU47 suffer every second of every day. He's earned it.
(85,996 posts)Ocelot II
(122,654 posts)and even winning the presidency doesn't seem to have given him what he wants or needs, since he's still ranting about his enemies and demanding retribution. He's a gigantic black hole of psychological need that nothing can satisfy, and that must be its own kind of Hell. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to know how to be happy, or even what that is - other than enjoying the suffering of people he hates.
That he is losing his mind to dementia or Alzheimers and he doesnt want anyone to know it.
(6,333 posts)kimbutgar
(24,000 posts)Like a massive stroke where it so debilitating he cant function. He cant speak or walk and has to only listen.
(7,500 posts)I worked in a nursing home and believe me, you can tell if someone is bothered by their helplessness or if they're oblivious to it. I want him to feel total humiliation. I want him to be embarrassed and wish he was dead every second he's awake. And in his dreams, too. I want that son-of-a-bitch to suffer 24/7.
(9,992 posts)dying on the cold concrete or in a private hospital room with morphine in an IV drip.
The best we can hope for is a debilitating stroke requiring lots and lots of rehab.
(681 posts)good people usually have good things happen to them. Bad people, not so much. If logic is applied here, on the scale of good/bad, he will die a miserable life. Personally, I don't think he thinks he will ever die. That's how f'ed up his mind is. He thinks he is a God. His supporters have put him on this pedestal and he believes it.
(12,630 posts)The POS will skate.
(9,769 posts)to waste it thinking about him.
(7,053 posts)Now, in regard to some of the things he and his Fellowship of Evil has said they would do, I think about it often. But, him I do not give any thought to.
(242 posts)One of the wealthiest persons I have known,,,, just met a few times,
only through a almost $100M commercial construction project that she owned
Was at one time one of the wealthiest woman (women?j in the US.
One of the HL Hunt family oil monied offspring.
She ended up in a care facility named after T Boone Pickens.
Im sure she received the best care money could offer,
But like everyone else in this world
We wont get out of here alive.
(64,621 posts)
(34,424 posts)I see Trump more as the nurse annoying baby who just cannot imagine he is in that position at all. He will annoy and bore them to death.
I wish we could all tell him but...
Sometimes they will admit they were not good guys. To late when the lady straddling you is pumping your heart.
(331 posts)Words such as "think" are not in its vocabulary.
Evolve Dammit
(19,751 posts)JT45242
(3,088 posts)This will not happen because this country is an irredeemable wasteland of plutocrats, racists, and misogynists.
(30,137 posts)describes what he is to the country.
(985 posts)He will never reflect on anything, he is incapable of self reflection.
(3,980 posts)Gives me hope for Chump's downfall.