General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIs it too much to ask that no one posts 45+'s damn face here??? I just CAN NOT LOOK AT HIM......
and I kinda hoped here on DU we could at least NOT SEE HIS ORANGE FACE. Am I way off to request this??? I dont watch ANY news so I wont see the orange piece of shit ..and was hoping when I come here I WONT see it either. Thank you.

(34,291 posts)I'm over that pig from hell.
No offense to pigs - or hell.
(65,568 posts)zbird
(1,602 posts)CTyankee
(65,568 posts)bsiebs
(780 posts)Initech
(103,414 posts)
(1,437 posts)Autumn
(47,211 posts)Here's a fact. He's going to be in charge of our country and it's people. We have a front row seat to watch him do as much damage he can do. Buckle up. It's going to get worse. Way worse.
(20,794 posts)a kennedy
(32,717 posts)and I did post on Saturday, that I just cant deal with DUs General Discussion forum much anymore, and that I was doing more lounge posts.
(47,211 posts)is going to be breathlessly reported by the media for the shock value alone. Every midnight thought when he's on the toilet at 2 am with his swollen prostrate will be endlessly repeated, examined and proclaimed to be brilliant.
bikes and bunnies
(99 posts)and I agree with him.
One of the reasons I'm beginning to prefer DU to Daily Kos is that I see the hog anus face much less often here. Folks at Kos have been clamoring for them to stop featuring photos of Fuckface, but Kos just ignores them. Callous indifference to the feelings of others isn't a monopoly of the right, it seems.
What news value does it provide to show his nasty mug over and over again?
We already know what the lying dirtbag looks like.
(47,211 posts)don't want to see something. There are tools here so one can tailor their DU experience to suit themselves There are no tools to control what other people post. We are not supposed to baby sit posters here because the stupid face of a US president offends them. You control what you see, it's not our job to protect you from politics. Get used to seeing that ugly, nasty, hateful face. His party hasn't even fucking started yet.
(65,568 posts)JustAnotherGen
(34,291 posts)We'll get there pretty soon.
when did DUers become such fragile flowers that they wilt at Trump's image?
How do we expect to recover if we're that weak?
(47,211 posts)to hide the bad thing for them.
Just don't want to be grossed out by seeing that felon/rapist/fraudster/lying psychopath. I don't think it's too much to ask to not post pictures-what's the point? If too many get posted, I'm going to quit viewing DU as much, not because I'm weak.
(24,067 posts)And yes Id love not to see his face unless its in an unflattering cartoon.
(1,631 posts)of DJT in an open casket!
(391 posts)The sight of him is so revolting. And I cant stand his voice either. It would be nice if they would put a warning in the title, which says picture of orange psycho or whatever lol 😹
(57,596 posts)thinkingagain
(1,222 posts)Sharpie over his face😊
(52,555 posts)But just hearing his voice or his name causes me physical distress. I will NOT subject myself to this fucking BS for 4 more years. If I hear his voice or see his name I immediately change the channel or I discontinue reading. I have a choice and I'm not a masochist.
My physical health can't handle the stress he creates for me. He is literally killing me by causing me ongoing emotional and mental distress on top of taking away my ACA subsidies so that I will not be able to afford health insur.
If I went to Notre Dame I would've taken my two "poison pill" rings. Easy...I would just sit next to him and when he is distracted by talking about himself I would pour the contents of my rings into his Diet Coke. Ooops. That's slipping a very deadly mickey. I watch too many movies.
(65,568 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,555 posts)from Santa last year I exclaimed out loud to my family. "WOO HOO, now I just need to get next to tRump to complete the picture". They knew I was serious. That is one reason I love Murphy Brown reruns, her character has money and connections and always finds a way to get revenge on those who deserve it. She is my hero.
(2,504 posts)his image won't be hung everywhere... if he succeeds in his goal of becoming a dictator, you won't be able to get away from it.
(527 posts)in federal buildings. Same goes for governors pics in state buildings.
When I was in China and Uzbekistan. Same thing for their leaders. I understandy why they do it there. Its just weird in a democracy.
Clouds Passing
(3,522 posts)Six117
(257 posts)Can it be blurred out 🤢

(24,859 posts)Wow, TSF really is the worst.
(1,831 posts)
(14,957 posts)liberalla
(10,239 posts)or he has TP trailing behind him from his shoe, etc. You know - the embarassing pics. I enjoy those.
Otherwise, I think I do a decent job of ignoring the regular pics.
Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)As unpleasant as it is to see his ugly mug, Its part of the real world- to avoid seeing his face, just turn off your device that you use for the internet.
(44,922 posts)Cha
(306,926 posts)No thanks For the Insult.
(44,922 posts)Cha
(306,926 posts)onenote
(44,922 posts)Politics is a contact sport, in case you haven't noticed.
(4,759 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,777 posts)Cha
(306,926 posts)the same damn thing.
(1,756 posts)because I hate seeing his bronze face.
(103,414 posts)Fucking asshole.
a kennedy
(32,717 posts)Initech
(103,414 posts)And his base loves him for that.
(11,971 posts)I just could no longer stomach looking at his ugly face or listening to his voice.
(35,194 posts)Karasu
(513 posts)yankee87
(2,480 posts)You win this website today
(2,336 posts)We have rules about posting extremist content and not posting NSFW content without warning, but without a direct statement from a forum moderator it probably wouldn't stick on appeal - although a DU jury might well agree that posting that face rises to the level of a violation
(19,950 posts)I saw someone mention the Trash feature the other day and have thought about trashing anything with traitor's name in the title of the discussion. I'm afraid that might be too extreme. I think that on DU, like anywhere, it is hard to post news that isn't about that pos. For now, I scan the forums and click carefully.
If you want to look at the Trash feature, go to MY DU and click on TRASH CAN There are instructions about the feature.
I sympathize. I hate that no matter what I do on the Internet, it seems like traitor is insinuated into what I'm viewing, even if there is absolutely nothing political about what I'm doing.
(15,674 posts)I have extensions on my browsers to TrumpTrump and Firewall Trump so that some articles and web searches come up with absolutely nothing.
It is pretty good. Only the DU home page ignores my trash and ignore lists (and yours, too)
My main problem is that I do indulge in computer artwork, and it does come up. (Prior to trashing it).
An artist suffers for their craft. What can I say?
Oh, and one or more of them substitute the poopy emoticon for that name. Its kind of cool.
(93 posts)Can we find an image that is not his to represent whatever he is. I had seen enough of him in 2001. Worse than the "smiley face" (or shit-eatin' grin).
(34,997 posts)but you are posting in General Discussion. Perhaps it would be possible to get him banned from the Lounge.
Honestly, I'm thrilled we still have this message board. We'll see if that continues after he's sworn in. Seeing his face is the least of our problems.
(19,950 posts)Most of the time, the mods are on the ball and lock any posts that are inappropriate there.
(34,997 posts)The OP could take a break from GD and enjoy the company of the lounge for a while.
(1,029 posts)The Orangutan.
Nigrum Cattus
(362 posts)We all know what he looks like. I would add just transcripts no audio.
I'm pretty sure we can all read. Also with the corp. media ready to
regurgitate his every action it will soon be just a constant barrage of
(1,830 posts)However some stories need his mug to explain the stories more fully.
See here:
(4,550 posts)or hear that stupid voice ever again.
Faux pas
(15,510 posts)what the EFFER looks like, no need to ruin our precious sight/site with his ugly mug
Jack Valentino
(1,629 posts)but it is still a reasonable question to ask...
I prefer photoshopped and/or very insulting images, if we have do that...