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Sigh. Dealing with *rump is going to be a nightmare for everyone involved.
Canada Threatens to Cut Power to U.S. Over Trump Tariffs
Canadas most populous province powered 1.5 million homes in the U.S. last year.
Janna Brancolini
Updated Dec. 12 2024 6:28AM EST /
Published Dec. 12 2024 5:58AM EST
Canadas most populous province has no plans to go gentle into that good night if Donald Trump follows through on his threat to impose massive tariffs on Canadian goods.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford said his province was putting together a list of retaliatory measures and would go so far as to cut off energy exports to the U.S. if President-elect Trump slaps Canadian products with a 25 percent tax as promised, the AP reported.
As a major exporter of electricity to Michigan, Minnesota and New York, Ontario powered 1.5 million U.S. homes last year, a spokeswoman for Ford told the AP. Trumps transition team didnt respond to the news agencys request for comment.

(7,160 posts)Of course, it will be horrible for those affected, but again, we are talking about the rich idiots in D.C. who are not going to have to deal with this. Which is why talking the battle to them is the only option.
allegorical oracle
(4,029 posts)a pissin' contest.
(10,246 posts)(as long as it isn't him personally)
(3,165 posts)arthritisR_US
(7,732 posts)NoRethugFriends
(3,165 posts)Response to NoRethugFriends (Reply #85)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(1,841 posts)I really dislike this tsf guy.
(7,732 posts)Bullshit
(1,631 posts)If they turn off any power, maybe Michigan should return their garbage in air drops.
(11,978 posts)From the US? None of this is going to be good for either country but we will not roll over to your bully pres, even if your politicians and media alike are.
(14,283 posts)It will be economically painful. But maybe it will be a good object lesson on the results of conservatism for both sides of the border?
(7,732 posts)is something that should not be in this world
(38,817 posts)He's a bully and bullies are inherently cowards.
Justice matters.
(7,866 posts)Those plugged on the Ontario grid in the middle of winter...
Sad thing is, Democratic voters plugged in will suffer too...
(7,732 posts)Stargazer99
(3,142 posts)Granny Blue
(39 posts)and I will cheerfully freeze in the dark to support Canadian sovereignty and humiliate the Tangerine Toddler! Go Canada!
(7,160 posts)And, being from the South, I am not sanguine to the cold. But, I will figure something out. That orange gibbon needs to be slapped down hard by every other nation. Maybe once we see that we have no friends and how that affects us we will stop flipping the world off just because we are 'By Gawd 'Muricans'!
8F this morning! Balmy after yesterday!
(97,428 posts)Magoo48
(5,870 posts)This is the proper response to his assholeishness: be a fascist dick, this is your reward. Now, the response from the individuals impacted must be to create a ruckus which will put a dent in some oligarchs plunder flow.
(5,096 posts)on the huge list of people they irrationally hate.
(7,732 posts)what his cabinet does they may have a realignment in their thinking. That is my hope but the damage done to you all and the rest of us in this world is frightening.
(35,509 posts)Oh, goody.
(97,428 posts)Davis to be recalled, and Schwarzenegger to replace him.
As you said, "oh goody"
(35,509 posts)Every cold snap or heat dome.
But, its okay because the rich folks can catch a plane to Cancun.
(4,759 posts)Down the pike than just rolling blackouts. I'm trying my hand again at hydrofarming at least herbs and small veggies. Can't grow anything out back... sun can't shine on my yard due to all the trees. But I have done a bit of hydro successfully b4. Cilantro is getting hard to find already here and its a main herb for me. Stores just don't have it. There have been several things I've gone to buy that are no longer available. Told hubby to expect more once T is in office with his tariffs and no immigrants to work the farms here. All prices are going to go higher than those of us on SS will be able to afford. It has me very worried, and still hoping for a democratic white knight to ride in, stand up and save us from doom b4 we have to bow to mother russia.
(989 posts)But more likely a deep blue area because, ya know, why not?
(4,759 posts)Wars between T and California. He hates it so much, and they grow so much of our food and have the guts to stand up to him.
(11,249 posts)VGNonly
(7,934 posts)This Ohioan approves!
(6,797 posts)markie
(23,123 posts)
(24,533 posts)Every bad thing that happens to them is deserved.
Horribly bad that regular Americans will suffer so much because half of our country are purely haters and willing idiots.
allegorical oracle
(4,029 posts)and ignorance imposes on all of us. If his actions affected only MAGAts, it would be sufferable.
(24,533 posts)
(21,517 posts)but I guess I can put up with it because magats deserve it
(23,070 posts)Make the Northeast Texas.
live love laugh
(14,891 posts)MadLinguist
(858 posts)So yeah he'd sacrifice MI for spiting NY and MN. But more to the point, he's lame duck upon arrival so there's no populace he's beholden to. Everything will be about revenge. The only asses he needs to sniff are Elon's and Vlad's.
live love laugh
(14,891 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,247 posts)to the Founding Fathers spinning in their graves? I would think that that would more than make up the difference.
(35,509 posts)By spinning in his grave is Ben Franklin.
(Yes, this is BS.)
KS Toronado
(20,709 posts)
(2,247 posts)shocking!
(35,509 posts)

(1,690 posts)Founding Father turbines.
(18 posts)Way to go!! No more nice country! I totally agree, esp after how disgracefully tfg (that freaking guy) has already treated them.
Historic NY
(38,436 posts)Yup the Greenie win means more green from our pockets.
(20,899 posts)JI7
(91,311 posts)pfitz59
(11,313 posts)Lots of thieving while real folks are distracted.
Dave Id
(71 posts)Will Trump change his Don Quixote mind about windmills and promote them to make up for the loss of electricity imported from Canada, of just ignore their problem like he chose to do about the Covid pandemic?
(10,246 posts)It's gonna be worse than anything I've imagined... all unnecessarily.
(34,604 posts)is already on 1000. Why did people reject peace and calm? 🤬 😡
allegorical oracle
(4,029 posts)Justice matters.
(7,866 posts)But Black Friday sales numbers were the highest in History...
(769 posts)Autumn
(47,251 posts)Last edited Thu Dec 12, 2024, 10:33 AM - Edit history (1)
Turn the power off.
Response to babylonsister (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
Linda ladeewolf
(652 posts)That owns Liberty utilities in Missouri is Canadian and Im in that deep red state, I wonder what affect it will have on us here? I guess Id better think about alternatives.
Response to Linda ladeewolf (Reply #30)
Post removed
Deep State Witch
(11,616 posts)Was a Trump acolyte?
(11,978 posts)He is a bully with a large ego. He has an election coming up and most Canadians hate Trump so he has to make a show of force.
(4,044 posts)Brilliant move! How stupid are those 49.5% of the electorate anyway?
(7,934 posts)Russia and North Korea these days.
RW voters are useful idiots.
(21,517 posts)no electricity means no heat. At this moment we are at -7F and not all of those 1.5 million homes are populated by Trump voters.
(103,556 posts)Nothing will end particularly well for him when he and DOGE leave this country in ruins.
(4,759 posts)republianmushroom
(18,708 posts)Renew Deal
(83,525 posts)
Justice matters.
(7,866 posts)to his base of stupid assholes.
(5,345 posts)If Quebec. Manitoba and BC do the same, the impact will be much greater still.
(7,934 posts)Last edited Thu Dec 12, 2024, 06:54 PM - Edit history (1)
receives or in the process of receiving vast amounts of electricity from Quebec-Hydro.
(2,434 posts)Sweet and kind, but try to fuck with them and they will bite back.
Orange idiot can't leave people well enough alone.
allegorical oracle
(4,029 posts)feels that he's king of the world. Mebbe that's why he's inviting a foreign leader to his inauguration. Deeper this entre to power goes, the more he resembles Germany's SF.
(4,759 posts)Megalomaniacs have to have it all you know. Putin is his Master... Putin and Satan.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,536 posts)Hekate
(96,108 posts)RainCaster
(12,185 posts)bdamomma
(67,329 posts)Canada, that felon bullying Trudeau, calling him Governor of the 51st state, WTF!!! The felon is going to learn quickly not to fuck around with other countries. He's going to have more enemies than friends.
(12,237 posts)ForgedCrank
(2,528 posts)the hell are we relying on Canada for electricity anyway?
That needs to be addressed and corrected regardless of what happens.
Think. Again.
(21,382 posts)Maybe someday the fossil fuel industry will allow us to work on that.
(53,942 posts)Trump hates New York and would allow it to go on as long as possible. But I am afraid only maximum pain to maximum numbers will get this country's head out of its ass.
I get that each of us will be caught in that.
(668 posts)concrap prime minister.