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My words: Ok, folks, here it is. Trump isn't worthy of a TIME cover for either the greatest anything or the worst anything. He's just a goddamn grifter who has conned millions of Americans who are dumb, or mean, or both, and in my opinion that doesn't qualify him.
We can differ on his 'worthiness' for the cover, but I personally object to the blatantly rude and condescending assumption that I was unaware of that fact.
Civility on this site is quickly eroding. Take care. And, Fuck Time.

Fiendish Thingy
(19,023 posts)Its not an honor.
(17,119 posts)Polybius
(19,049 posts)Who would you pick for Person of the Year?
(6,880 posts)Polybius
(19,049 posts)But by Time's standard, he wasn't in the news enough after July. I'm also a huge Biden fan and wanted him to run.
(6,880 posts)Ring he would hang in there, but I guess it wasnt meant to be. I dont know, people say that the polling was so bad that he had no chance to win but who knows. * I just noticed that this was my 6000 post 🎉
(23,690 posts)helpful contribution to society. Evil deserves no reward and a time cover is a reward. Biden, for his beneficial record, deserved the publicity.
(4,437 posts)That might have been nice.
Wiz Imp
(3,439 posts)Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with the criteria TIME has used for a century (or however long they've been doing it).
(23,690 posts)kelly1mm
(5,566 posts)electric_blue68
(19,832 posts) drumphf 😔
(779 posts)Time's Person of the Year isn't the Best, Nicest, most Awesome. It's simply who had the most impact.
Vladimir Putin (2007)
Yasser Arafat (1993)
Ruhollah Khomeini (1979)
Deng Xiaoping (1978, 1985)
Adolf Hitler (1938
Joseph Stalin (1939, 1942)
So he joins an appropriate list.
(97,284 posts)bin laden on the cover that they changed it to Giuliani, "america's mayor my ass"
Since then they have cowed to their perceived view of those with positive connotations.
It is all BS anyway.
(260 posts)If the criteria for being chosen as Times Person Of The Year is to be a lying POS hell bent on eliminating the democratic ideals established in the Constitution then they got the right person.
Wild blueberry
(7,361 posts)Also, RIP.
(103,377 posts)
Dave Bowman
(4,460 posts)SocialDemocrat61
(3,408 posts)DinahMoeHum
(22,629 posts)is the only criteria Time magazine uses
a person, group, idea, or object that "for better or for worse ... has done the most to influence the events of the year"
(2,679 posts)this AM was particularly nauseating.
(97,284 posts)didn't bother to vote, demonstrate again, as they did in 2016, just how screwed up they are.
(2,679 posts)In general, I'm watching far less telly, but that image caught me by surprise and not in a good way.
(38,707 posts)Jimmy Cramer licked trump's ass.
(148,421 posts)It never has.
Silent Type
(8,117 posts)themaguffin
(4,337 posts)who paid hundreds of billions for trump.
Dave Bowman
(4,460 posts)As Trump
(2,111 posts)where 'Time' avoided putting him on the cover. They used artwork, drawings, subtly or not so subtly implying it was him, but not an actual photo. Just to deny him the cover he so wanted to be able to frame and display at his shitty golf resort.
Now they put a photo of him on the cover, like some great statesman, looking off like he's got his work cut out for him saving the country.The hell didn't they use a more realistic pic?
Or, since his boy fElon Musk has welcomed himself into the federal government and apparently just assumed the role, maybe something like this
(32,178 posts)kimbutgar
(24,014 posts)They should have made President Biden person of the year.
(17,119 posts)sarisataka
(21,485 posts)to a tie with Stalin
What Time said about his fellows:
TIME explained what was perhaps the most controversial of its choices thus: "Hitler became in 1938 the greatest threatening force that the democratic, freedom-loving world faces today" (1/2/39)
TIME described this public worship: "Joseph Stalin has gone a long way toward deifying himself while alive. No flattery is too transparent, no compliment too broad for him. He became the fountain of all Socialist wisdom" (1/1/40)
Threat to democracy- check, cult of personality- check, narcissist- check
(83,439 posts)have less stature than they already possess.
Hitler was "Man of the Year" back in 1938, the only thing that can be said about that is that he certainly had an impact on the world.
In 1939, it was Stalin.
While neither of them would gain my respect, neither will DJT.
FWIW, Putin and some other notorious people have been on the cover
"Person of the Year" seems a bit of a misnomer, considering that "person" implies someone with a semblance of being human,
something I do not see in the current "honoree".
(48,692 posts)Or maybe it was always that way, and I just figured it out in my early 20s lol.
(19,832 posts)Sure it'd be lovely if they'd highlighted someone(s) doing great work... but unfortunately drumphf coming back into the pResidency is scarely impactful!!!
(48,692 posts)
That cracked me up bigly.
(51,526 posts)I turned the magazine around and said, rather loudly, "I can't look at that."
(14,049 posts)This century includes Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Greta Thunberg, Taylor Swift, Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin, Mark Zuckerberg, Rudy Guliani, Pope Francis, Angela Merkel, Zalenskyy, and others
(10,701 posts) 2020: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
2016: Donald Trump
2012: Barack Obama
2008: Barack Obama
2004: George W. Bush
2000: George W. Bush
1996: David Ho (AIDS researcher, unrelated to the election)
1992: Bill Clinton
Blue Owl
(55,200 posts)
(20,691 posts)You don't want to encourage or promote an oppressive wannabe tyrant who will interpret it as a full-blown endorsement and be emboldened to double down.
(840 posts)after all, Hitler and Stalin were also POTY.
(48,692 posts)Or have you been saying Fuck Time since the 1930s?
(17,119 posts)Iggo
(48,692 posts)
(157,543 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,119 posts)when the concentration camps were in full operation, but the death camps were yet to come in 1942, I believe. Maybe Trump will make the cover again once he institutes the detention camps. Just a guess, folks.
Wicked Blue
(7,241 posts)in case we run low on toilet paper
a kennedy
(32,701 posts)TommieMommy
(1,420 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(157,543 posts)trump lied in the time interview. Here are some of the fact checks
Link to tweet
For the 2024 Person of the Year issue, former and future President Donald Trump sat down for a lengthy interview with TIME on Nov. 25 at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla.
What Trump Said: "I won it in 2016 on the border, and I fixed the border, and it was really fixed, and they came in, and they just dislodged everything that I did, and it became far worse than it was in 2016."
I had the most secure border we've ever had, and I never had to go to Congress for that.
The Facts: Trump has often asserted that he fixed the border during his first term, at times pointing to his expansion of the border wall. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there were 450 miles of new primary and secondary border miles constructed on the Southwest border between January 2017 and January 2021. Much of that construction was built to replace dilapidated and outdated designs. About 80 miles of primary and secondary barriers were built where no previous barrier existed.
Apprehension numbers at the border provide another metric, but theres disagreement over whether an effective border strategy should translate to a high apprehension rate or a low one. ICE arrests increased during Trumps previous term, but they did not reach the levels seen under Obama. Southwest border encounters hit a record high last year, but dropped 77% by August 2024. The spike in migrants seen early in Bidens term began in the spring of 2020, during Trumps final year, according to Politifact.
Trump also did appeal to Congress for help with border enforcement. In his first year in office, he addressed the nation about the immigration crisis, calling on Congress to secure the border, and later asked Congress for $4.5 billion in emergency border funding......
What Trump Said: They don't want to see all of this transgender, which is, it's just taken over. And then you take a look, and not very many years after the person who, you know, went through this process is saying, Who did this to me? As you know, it's a very high percentage.
The Facts: A 2021 review of 27 studies involving nearly 8,000 transgender teens and adults who underwent any kind of gender-affirmation surgeries found that an average of 1% expressed regret. In October, a study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that the majority of transgender youths who received gender-affirming medical care such as puberty blockers or hormones are satisfied with their care. Of the 220 youths surveyed, only 4% expressed regret.
Dave Bowman
(4,460 posts)Emile
(32,178 posts)ThePartyThatListens
(340 posts)He won against all odds.
He's now the new Republican God, above Reagan.
For now at least, let's see what he does in the next 2 and 4 years.
(7,451 posts)more of respect for Time if Time had photoshopped a blonde, Hitler moustache on his scowling face. That would have said a great deal. That's who he admires and wants to be.
Or, if they had used that awful, extremely overweight photo shown on this thread, where he looks like Lil Kim and his weight problem.
But, nah, I can't stand to see tRump's scowling face, so this cover means nothing to me. I wouldn't buy it, wouldn't save it--except, as stated upthread, if it came as toilet paper.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)It would be nice if they would just go ahead and make that distinction.
(138,092 posts)Zuckerberg gave a mil to his inauguration. fuck him too.
Blues Heron
(6,322 posts)Let them know why. Dont reward that scum with any publicity good or bad (like he wont treat it as an honor
yeah right)
Just fuck. This. Shit.
(13,463 posts)I never understood the annual hoopla about the blah blah of the year. It just seems like marketing for Time more than anything about the person or amorphous concept chosen. Considering how absolutely pathetic the formerly illustrious Time/Life empire has been in my lifetime... who gives a shit really?
Mike Nelson
(10,454 posts)... in includes all the good people and all the bad people. The bad person won. I understand the TIME reasoning.
They could have altered the headline this time... just to make it clear: "[BAD] Person of the Year"
(6,880 posts)If they are picking someone who is a psycho etc. they should be required to state that in their article, which I am pretty sure they have not done- correct me if I am wrong. Choosing evil people simply has the effect of elevating and reinforces people like this imo to their followers and anyone who can be swayed by it.
(6,880 posts)is doing time.