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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMitch McConnell Says Trump Win Puts Americans In A 'Very Dangerous World' it is Mitch and we will never forget or forgive your part in this. NEVER and I hope you live with your failing body but your mind aware for another 20 years so you can wallow in the pig sty you made of the republican party.

Ocelot II
(122,689 posts)way back when there was a chance to shut him down.
(1,567 posts)lame54
(37,403 posts)Lead the vote to impeach him making him ineligible to run again
If only
(280,511 posts)He should have impeached the scumbag.
Croak off.
(18,654 posts)IA8IT
(6,015 posts)Sundance1220
(271 posts)who could have done something about it but were too weak and cowardly to do so.
(10,651 posts)I would believe that the Devil has already built a new sub-level in hell for all the RepubliCON politicians and Trump fellow conspirators.
Trump could have never lasted a week in office if it hadn't have been for ALL the U.S. Republican Senators, House members and Red State governors..........
(103,361 posts)
(35,377 posts)That there is irony, Alanis.
(21,485 posts)but party uber alles"
(712 posts)berksdem
(761 posts)Blue Owl
(55,195 posts)The tortoise had many opportunities to thwart the hair and never once followed through too late turtle man.
(19,366 posts)May he face the music when it comes time. For he is RESPONSIBLE for much of that monstrosity called DonOLD tRump.
(61,665 posts)It's the only method of making the world a better place you've got.
(12,632 posts)2Bad2Late
(95,987 posts)
and thereby participating in the crucifixion of your own country. Do not expect any sympathy from those of us who have to live with the bloody results.
(13,843 posts)Cognitive disconnect. His racism and Libertarian Religion is greater than his intellect.
Any time he gets close to reality that doesn't fit the narrative of either of above, he has to go pander to his creed, not with Reality. He'll state a solid truth showing he understands what's at stake, then go ahead and continue pursuing political expedientcy to block even a bi-partisan solution if it might slightly damage his position or money in the long run.
He's a wicked smart coward. He got his, so F*** the rest of us. Typical Randroid model American Conservative.
(2,499 posts)We've seen his schtick time and again.
(3,398 posts)The elections over and were moving on, he told the publication when asked if he regrets not doing more to stop Trump from taking office again. He has an enormous audience, and he just won a national election, so theres no question hes the most influential Republican out there.
(9,783 posts)Trump posed to the world.
(24,012 posts)After January 20th the orange Godfather will get rid of his enemies and those not sufficiently loyal to him. Bye bye Mitch.
(15,620 posts)We should all have the same health care as legislators.
(13,493 posts)he supported Trump's election anyway. He said that he and Trump are on the same team. And he will support Trump all the way when he nominates more right wing extremists to the federal courts. Mitch is a disgusting excuse for a person.
(645 posts)OMGWTF
(4,543 posts)"By rights Mitch McConnell's tombstone should read that he presided over the end of the Senate. And I'd add a second line: He broke America. No man has done more in recent years to undermine the functioning of the US government. He has been the epitome of unprincipled leadership, the triumph of tactics in service of short-term power." -- Dana Milbank
The Unmitigated Gall
(4,708 posts)And history will remember.
You can go die now.
(6,307 posts)Mitch did nothing to stop him. America was in danger when Trump was president. Mitch did nothing to stop him. America was in danger when Trump incited an insurrection in 2021. Mitch did nothing. America was in danger with Trump as a candidate in 2024. Mitch did nothing.
Fact is Mitch benefited from Trump in every case. He expected Dems to take him down and saw a win-win. He and the GOP would blame Dems and ride the wave to more GOP wins.
One has to wonder if Mitchs personal wealth may be at risk. No way on earth he is finally seeing the light.
(22,129 posts)SamKnause
(13,992 posts)You could have stopped him but your selfishness stopped you.
You bear the full responsibility for all the things trump got away with.
You knew he would destroy this country but you chose not to stop him.
Fuck you you worthless evil fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
City Lights
(25,510 posts)flashman13
(919 posts)That is today's reality. Anything McConnell can do to thwart Trump is a positive.
(2,345 posts)Why didn't he, Garland and a few others stop the gasbag at an earlier point?
Now we have a felon at helm. Ridiculous.
(3,858 posts)Itchy Mitchy is way slow on getting a clue.
But republicons did not want a clue. Did not want truth. Wanted only power, and lies have been their tool to get it.
They will rot in hell for their lies to the American people.
(34,599 posts)It doesn't work that way, mitch. You are a HUGE part of why we're in this mess and you can't wash away your own treason in your final weeks in office. This is your legacy. It should be written on your tombstone.
(18,666 posts)tRUMP with MITCH's help put Americans in a VERY Dangerous World.