General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIf a Senator or Rep changes party
and crosses the aisle after the party has paid big bucks and the donors have paid big bucks to get him elected, I say no fucking way. If you choose to change parties then you are OUT. You have to return all the money people spent to put you in office. This really has to have some kind of penalty. I am sick and tired of Democrats crossing over to the Repuke party, and if you notice it never is the other way around.

Think. Again.
(21,382 posts) hold the people we elect responsible for the position we have granted to them.
(18,091 posts)these people will never be fully accepted by their new compatriots.
If E. Loon Musk announced tomorrow that he's seen the error of his ways, and is now a committed Democrat, I'd say "Great! We can use you!".
But would I trust him with my political life? No way.
I forgive. I do not forget.
Response to Buns_of_Fire (Reply #2)
Skittles This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,411 posts)Money to the people (and their friends and family) who brought us greatest hits like neocon foreign policy that resulted in the Iraq War and Sam Alito.
So people do forget. Just say the script people want to hear, and money shall be yours. People will quote you approvingly. All can be forgiven and forgotten. Rick Wilson and Steve Schmidt are staples here now.
It takes very little to pull off the trick.
(9,859 posts)Its fraud. If not legally, morally.
Response to montanacowboy (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
marble falls
(63,221 posts)Almost as many switched GOP to Democrat,
(4,228 posts)There are others.
It's not a single-party phenomenon.
(18,934 posts)and both changed from Republican to Democrat, with major implications for the Senates balance of power.
Response to tritsofme (Reply #8)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(57,191 posts)dweller
(25,636 posts)A state elects a Democratic administration and the repugs pass a law to rob them of power and give the reins of power to a repug ?
See NC :
There needs to be a class action lawsuit brought by the citizens to change or eliminate the new law .
(19,147 posts)That part isn't true. Jim Jeffords flipping to an Independent and caucusing with the Democrats even caused the Senate to flip. There have been others as well.
(10,094 posts)and caucus with the Democrats.