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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsLittle Johnnie Kasich’s JobsOhio Scam is Finally Getting Scrutiny media and a few attorneys are trying to clean this mess up.

(73,157 posts).... by borrowing money against the back end of the deal. This scam would make Bernie Madoff
(13,986 posts)The stinking thief.
(73,157 posts)Kasich took the guaranteed money stream that comes into the state from liquor sales
and ran it into his made up "Jobs Ohio" company but what else would you expect from
a man who sold $400 million (I think that is the #) worth of useless Lehmann Brothers'
paper to the state public employee's accounts and refuses to say how much money he
made on the deal.
(13,986 posts)Like the inauguration, resumes, etc.
(73,157 posts)..... i haven't talked to him for @ least 7 years although he has always been nice to
me but he really is a scam artist ..... did you know his dad was a union mail carrier
in McKee's Rocks, PA and that he and an other GOP buddy @ OSU were big supporters
of the Vietnam War but would not sign up for duty?
Hell, he talks about Ohio's budget but he will not live in the State owned Governor's
Mansion and stays in his own house that is 25 miles from his office in downtoen Cols,
OH @ huge cost to the people of OH.
(20,863 posts)in Ohio ask if I ever miss the state where I was born, raised (with the exception of a few childhood years in South Dakota) and lived until my forties before moving to South Dakota, I simply point to the capitol, the state legislature and state agencies and give a resounding NO. The ONLY thing I miss about the state are the family and friends I left behind. And whenever I return for visits, I'm damn glad that I don't have to stay there for very long. They seem to think I traded down by moving to the "sticks", i.e., the prairie, but I'll take the "hicks in the sticks", the republicans and the politics of this state, as annoyingly red as it is, over that of Ohio any day. Ohio is now such a cesspool shit hole thanks to these fucks that I don't know if it will ever fully recover. And to be fair, the milquetoast, lily-livered Dem party didn't stand up to things the way they should have and also allowed corruption in their ranks in the Northern part of the state, where I'm from, to fester and go on for too long before even attempting to clean it up.
My parents are retired teachers who worked damn hard all of their careers, and my stepdad is now in a nursing home with most of their pensions being taken each month to pay for it so that mom barely has anything to live on; Medicaid pays the rest and hardly allows her any allowance at all. I was physically ill when I heard KaSUCK had gotten in over Strickland, not just because of all the horrors it meant for the state but because he was, and remains, determined to stick it to public employees and their pensions, that they worked very hard for and paid into all those years (I know, because I grew up with teachers and saw what they went through), and he hated Medicaid.
(13,986 posts)"Memo to all Ohioans: when you elect someone who made his millions from the Bush Economic Crash, you shouldnt be surprised when he continues to try to make money for himself and his millionaire buddies on the sly after hes in office. Kasich and his Korrupt Kronies are doing what they know how to do: line their own pockets at our expense, and never mind those silly regulations and laws."