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34 votes, 0 passes | Time left: Unlimited | |
Great president! | |
2 (6%) |
Good president. | |
9 (26%) |
Okay president... | |
2 (6%) |
Crushingly disappointing president. | |
17 (50%) |
I'm not disappointed because my expectations started out low. | |
4 (12%) |
0 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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(90,973 posts)
(14,400 posts)I've been noticing a real lack of action at the Obama-16 locations. I wonder if he'll get primaried?
(10,777 posts)I'm extremely disappointed, but my disappointment isn't just with Obama. It lies with a huge faction of Democrats, many of whom would have made the same choices as Obama or worse.
(116,464 posts)which President:
(92,380 posts)...or those fact crap isn't going to work
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)He was a Trojan Horse filled with epic failure.
(92,380 posts)Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)That is not equal.
But Obama is still an epic failure, no less.
(92,380 posts)...winger sites
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Maybe if wasn't such an epic failure, and by that I mean by Democratic Principals (If your are the Elite then you love you some Obama), he wouldn't be bush's brother from another mother.
Obama = bush's fourth term.
(92,380 posts)...and Obama who didn't REGARDLESS Of whether you think what was done was right.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)I can't help it he is a failure. He did to himself.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)doesn't know shit about policy.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)One day your affliction may heal and you can see the truth clearly.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)But I think it is clouding your vision with too much "team spirit" and not letting you see the truth. Sorry about that.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)of the President.
Labor, environmental, immigration, Latino, African-American groups all say he's a big upgrade over Bush.
As opposed to some crazy ass white guy from Sarah Palin's Alaska.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)More people have been deported under Obama then bush.
Learn something about immigration before you come back please.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)being exactly the same as Bush.
That's a sign of a childishly simple mind.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Just someone who is more in line with Democratic Principals then currying favor from the 1%.
Response to Arctic Dave (Reply #58)
Post removed
(12,723 posts)if you think President Obama is merely another iteration of that shit stain GWB.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Are you a Socialist?
(12,723 posts)In my state we register as R,D or I. I am an I. Independent. I would never support any party. I choose from the men and women available. I have also never voted for a R as they are an anathema to my sensibilities.
How about YOU explain why you believe what you believe. I can only state that just as the sky is blue ANYONE who directly equates BHO to GWB is nuts.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)The second time only to vote against Romney, not that Alaska matters at the national level.
Obama has been a disappoint for numerous reasons. Drones, Wall Street, expanded militarism, marijuana/drug policy, spying, complicity on coups, oil drilling in sensitive areas to name just a few.
(1,494 posts)but in some areas, it's damn close.
(23,671 posts)Obama = Bullshit
(14,400 posts)as the fail in this reply.
I love the Obama = Bush bullshit, it sweeps away any unnecessary subtlety in the poster and reveals them clearly right away.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Stand by most post.
Not my fault Obama is such a disappointment, it's his.
(14,400 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Either that, or a racist.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)I can't help it he and bush are failures. At least they only failed the 99%, the other 1% are making due nicely.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)to appreciate the very real differences in policy.
Obama=Bush is something said by fringe kook haters too lazy to look at actual policies.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Even the blind see that.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)WASHINGTON - For eight years, environmentalists cried foul as President George W. Bush used his executive power to weaken clean air and water regulations, open public lands to increased oil and gas drilling and block action to fight climate change.
Now, President Barack Obama is exercising that same authority to reverse course, and business groups are the ones yelling.
Obama has moved to improve the fuel efficiency of cars, halt uranium mines near the Grand Canyon, strengthen anti-smog rules, protect endangered species and regulate global warming emissions from power plants, factories and cars.
That litany of pro-environment actions was interrupted on March 31 when the president, in a rare split with conservation groups, opened to offshore oil drilling areas of the East Coast from Delaware to Florida, the Gulf of Mexico and the north coast of Alaska. But he also disappointed industry groups and congressional Republicans by blocking any drilling along the West Coast, the Northeast and Alaska's environmentally sensitive Bristol Bay.
Despite their anger at the oil drilling announcement, environmentalists were praising Obama again just a day later as the EPA finalized a rule reducing greenhouse gas emissions for cars and some trucks by 30 percent and requiring new vehicles to average 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016.
"Under the Bush administration, it was good news for polluters, bad news for the public," said Anna Aurilio, director of the Washington, D.C., office of Environment America. "Under the Obama administration, it is good news for people who breathe the air, drink the water, and want America's treasures preserved for future generations."
Business groups say the Obama administration's stronger environmental protections could also be bad news for the economy by imposing costly regulations on industry. The National Association of Manufacturers, the American Petroleum Institute and other industry groups have filed a court challenge to try to stop the EPA from going ahead with regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
But, i guess you don't give a shit about the environment
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Obama also opened up the eastern shelf for drilling.
Learn something about oil development before you come back please.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Oh wait, that's because they actually care about the environment instead of caring only about finding an excuse to hate on Obama.
You don't care about issues. Just hate.
Arctic Dave
(13,812 posts)Which environmental group thinks that is a good idea?
(5,504 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)is judging him based on something other than policy.
(5,504 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)is just profoundly stupid.
(5,504 posts)forestpath
(3,102 posts)upaloopa
(11,417 posts)I really hoped would come to pass. It doesn't look like it will. Not all Obama's fault for sure. The stuff I didn't expect to happen like the NSA and trade deals and assaults on safety net issues to get a deal that bends toward right wing ideology really is negetive I think.
Adding it all up, Obama's term in office will note make great history. History will record the first African American President and leave it at that.
(36,454 posts)Cali_Democrat
(30,439 posts)You should have used the term "Soul crushingly disappointing to the nth degree."
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)Democratic party, but rather more representative of the Green and Libertarian parties.
Approval amongst Democrats: 80%
Approval amongst all liberals: 75%
Approval amongst liberal Democrats: 86%
(1,980 posts)What if DU is representative of the 14% of liberal Democrats who do not approve of the job the president is doing?
I really hate this appeal to polls because it's lazy and dishonest. It's lazy because it's a poll of surface emotions with no depth. It's dishonest because appeals to poll are almost always an example of cherrypicking when it comes to claiming their authority. You want Gallup to be the authoritative word? Fine. Bush was polling 48% among Democrats and 71% overall within 3 days of invading Iraq. Was that sentiment a reflection on the job he was actually doing?
Note: I dislike dishonest arguments. I am not going after you for defending Obama, I'm attacking the method you used.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)74% approve, 24% disapprove (Democrats)
79% approval amongst Democrats, 80% amongst liberals
Sorry, citing actual data is not dishonest just because you personally don't like what the data says.
(1,980 posts)Using your logic that polls reflect the reality of performance, then Bush's numbers in March 21-22, 2003 show that the invasion of Iraq was the right move. Bravo.
I'm sure you will claim you didn't say that but you heavily implied that the polling was reality in your claim that Gallup polls show that most of DU aren't really Democrats, but are evil Greens/Libertarians in sheep's clothing. It's a cute connect-the-dots strategy, but you have to live with the reality that if your data is going to be authoritative, you have to take all the consequences of it. So, thanks for showing us that Bush was right to invade Iraq. It's good we finally cleared that up.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)or liberal Democrats when it comes to Obama job approval.
the data all shows this.
That is not a judgment as to whether those opinions are valid or correct.
Just that DU represents a non-mainstream portion of the electorate.
(1,980 posts)DU is full of people who will defend their team against outsiders, however they define outsiders. Some view outsiders as outside the amorphous left, some view it as outside the Democratic party, some as outside their point of view, and some as anyone who questions the team at all. That is as mainstream as it gets.
The difference here is that in what's supposed to be a safe place for Democrats and the like-minded to chat is that you get in-house fighting precisely because it's a safe place. Part of the problem with a safe place is that it closes off other points of view and tends to create and reinforce circular thinking. It often leads to ideas being defended past a reasonable point and repeated denials based not on policy but personality. It also reveals the shallowness of thinking in American politics because every boring political manta is trotted out at some point. "You don't understand politics", "you're not a true xyz," "the enemy of the good is the perfect," and every other boring political aphorism you can name. There's a lot of the typical superficial thought that is typical of mainstream politics like name calling. I see the word neo thrown around quite a bit, but I highly doubt more than a handful of people were familiar with the terms neo-conservative or neo-liberal prior to the Bush regime. Neo has become a perjorative that really doesn't mean anything specific, sort of like calling someone un-American.* It's a bit tiring and reminiscent of high school, though I've come to realize that high school is a preview of life.
It's not representative because politics is a passing interest for most people. They think voting is the extent of citizenship. That kind of boggles the mind, but that's another story.
*I personally think the only un-American thing someone can do is accuse someone else of being un-American. There's a paradox in there that I've never bothered to think out, but it's just a saying to shut up idiots so I haven't bothered with it.
(50,414 posts)Puzzledtraveller
(5,937 posts)Yo_Mama
(8,303 posts)I'm struggling with several things.
(8,217 posts)That has always been how I stand ever since he won the primaries.
Didn't see the big deal about him, still don't.
I used to be more upset about it during his first term, but I eased up and just said que sera sera.
a kennedy
(32,763 posts)and I would vote for him again, if it was possible.
(116,464 posts)MineralMan
(148,450 posts)DU Transparency Features are good!
(20,317 posts)I can't believe how far to the right the party has slid. DLCers are just Reagan Democrats.
(30,439 posts)He's accomplished much more than I had imagined.
I'm very happy he was elected, twice.
If he keeps moving in this direction, I will consider him a great president.
(20,317 posts)Cali_Democrat
(30,439 posts)He also drives certain folks crazy, which I absolutely love.
The teeth gnashing from them is a plus.
(6,960 posts)I could vote multiple times for the multiple times and ways that BHO has disappointed
Also, disappointed is putting it mildly... so many good D words: dastardly, deceptive, deceitful, deficient, deleterious, delinquent, deplorable, depressing, destabilizing, destructive, detestable, devastating, diddling, disastrous, disdaining, disgusting, dismal, dismaying, dismissive, displeasing, disquieting, disruptive, dissembling, distressing, disturbing, divisive, doodling, double-crossing, double-faced, double-talking, duplicitous
(20,600 posts)If there is not another war started, and the police state-ism, which seems to be in retreat a bit, which means probably there won't be forward movement on that front either, and the economy doesn't crash, if all this is the case before Obama leaves office in what is rapidly coming up to 2016, then I will be pleased.
(39,961 posts)He's done some good stuff, he's done some bad stuff.
Faygo Kid
(21,484 posts)Wasted too many years trying to actually govern with them instead of using the bully pulpit.
(10,362 posts)When all is said and done, I doubt he'll crack the top 30 presidents. His legacy will be corporatism and surveillance.
His only major accomplishment will be the bait-and-switch insurance scheme instead of universal healthcare. I think he's done for black presidential candidates what Margaret Thatcher did for the prospects of another female prime minister in the UK.
(20,600 posts)The other thing he will be known for, of course, is being the first black president.
(41,692 posts)Liberal_in_LA
(44,397 posts)one_voice
(20,043 posts)disappointed with other...
I didn't/don't think he's a dictator/king. I know there are limits to what he can do. I also know he should have done a little more when had the chance.
I wish, for example, with healthcare, he started with single payer, and pushed till he turned blue, maybe we would have ended up with a public option.
I wish he would, in not so many words, would tell the republicans to fuck off once in a while.
I also wish the bankers who fucked everything up were punished.
A lot of other stuff has more do with other dems and the pukes.
I strongly disagree with that this is the fourth term of Bush.