General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsCoke, a GIANT corporation that sells teeth rotting, nutrition robbing, GMO sugar crap...
...does a commercial that is premeditated manipulation and they get praise? Come on people, this is an Atlanta based, US company that really is a primary contributor to global obesity and malnutrition.
They do a Super Bowl $6 million dollar + commercial that was a focus group tested creation from the masters of manipulation on Madison Ave.. So, they get a pass & praise because it was multilingual and had a possible gay couple in it?
I fell for it until I thought about it.
We are suckers of the corporate media tit. Enjoy the empty calories.
(12,081 posts)Just because we recognize the positive message about multiculturalism in their commercial does not mean we are over looking their business practices.
(24,853 posts)And what the message says isn't what you think...
What the message SAYS is... The COCA-COLA Corporation loves you, no matter what language you speak.
(2,083 posts)No matter what form it's in!
(24,853 posts)Even though I may only drink three or four a year.
Haven't had the other kind in years... would probably make my heart explode but was once a big fan!
(25,699 posts)I can't stand "standard" coke, it has too much of a thin, acid taste. Pepsi's my standard cola - but flavored pepsi is universally awful, like drinking a bottle of pancake syrup or something.
'course, I prefer Fentiman's Curiosity Cola for my cola needs... but a four-pack costs eight bucks at the store, and I just can't foot that anymore
(12,608 posts)This is what the right wing extremist are going to use to so call boycott Cocoa Cola. They wont admit that its because they are racist . So they will use their business practices or ingredients to boycott. Hypocrites are always exposed. Then I read some comments where the extremist are switching to Pepsi which I found funny cause soda is soda if you over indulge you will gain weight, doesn't matter what company makes it.All soda is high in sugar.
(14,554 posts)idiot conservatives had to it, which was not related to the fact that Coke is a giant corporation that sells teeth rotting, nutrition robbing, GMO sugar crap. Instead, they reacted from their deep-seated racism to a commercial that dared to hint that maybe American isn't just made up of English speaking white people. That's why people are discussing it.
(924 posts)I said to my wife that the Budweiser "Puppy ad" was emotionally manipulative and that is why I did not like it. She said "They are all manipulative, it's ADVERTISING." OK, it's an ad, it is meant to appeal to young people to "connect" and get them to drink Coke. It is is being discussed, blogged about, flags raised for it like it was a Rosa Parks moment.
My point it that it is bullshit. Good, manipulative, highly paid, highly researched, highly vetted BULLSHIT, but BULLSHIT non the less.
And, many people bought the crap.
(21,506 posts)Never ever drink coke not going to start now. Was still a good commercial.
What did I buy?
(25,699 posts)i haven't seen anyone running around cheering for coke's business practices, its environmental record, its marketing to the third world, or the health of the malted battery acid it calls a product.
Discussion is instead revolving around the xenophobic, panicmongering twits who heard Spanish spoken on their television and set their own underwear on fire over it. And increasingly, people like you who seemingly would rather we not talk about the insanity of right-wing dickwounds getting themselves in a fluff over the notion of multilingualism.
Yes, it's advertising. Yes, it's manipulation to sell a product. And frankly I wish more people on the left would start taking notes on how to advertise.
Vinnie From Indy
(10,820 posts)eom
Egalitarian Thug
(12,448 posts)not pure poison sold to us at an exorbitant mark-up? Or is it that you want to credit them for being bright enough to push your button?
(5,317 posts)ProudToBeBlueInRhody
(16,399 posts)It is time that multiculturalism AND same sex families become a regular part of those ads.
(31,493 posts)Response to L0oniX (Reply #49)
ProudToBeBlueInRhody This message was self-deleted by its author.
Walk away
(9,494 posts)MyUncle
(924 posts)EOM
(18,402 posts)Here at DU one of the most popular things to do is ridicule the president's speeches or other verbal proclamations because "they're just words" or "he gives pretty speeches, so what."
So it seems rather funny that an ad that is "just words" and "pretty images" gets such praise and homage. It wasn't a particularly brave or even forward-thinking thing to do; it doesn't change anything: it was done to sell Coke to a dwindling market, and that's all.
I don't get it.
Wasn't particularly brave?
People are calling for a boycott of coke and you claim the commercial wasn't particularly brave?
What a pile o dookie!
(16,399 posts)....are the same people who trash Coke as a big multi-national corporate monster and pooh pooh the ad. So that critique doesn't hold much water (or Cola) for me.
(31,493 posts)ProudToBeBlueInRhody
(16,399 posts)Genius that you are.
(31,493 posts)frazzled
(18,402 posts)and it has nothing to do with conservatives vs liberals, or even capitalistic suckers.
For some time we've known that Coke has been penetrating foreign markets, especially emerging and developing ones, where the company is getting more than 60% of its business. Let's be clear: Coke is not the beverage of choice anymore for health conscious middle and upper middle class Americans. For a domestic market, they're keen to speak to those who reflect their foreign successes: newer immigrants.
(31,493 posts)nadinbrzezinski
(154,021 posts)Fizzy drinks in this
You could try that too.
Budweiser, really cute brand reinforcement, beers in this house...just as sodas, none.
Oh and to Witt, talk of boycott, focus group failed there.
(924 posts)This was an advertisement, created to manipulate emotions, loyalty and PURCHASING DECISIONS!!! The fact that people are attaching some sort of noble intentions to this ad is disturbingly naive.
Coke's, target is young people. So if you are creating a purchasing decision video, do you manipulate their emotions? HELL YES and quite well done.
(53,661 posts)At one time, we could have decent discussions based less on the crass commericalized content we now are fed in our desire to learn how to survive and thrive in the world.
The days are long gone or being able to get that quality of information, as all has been leveled to make the profit of the sponsor, not educate. But many have of us not come to realize that it is not longer the media they may have grown up with that they trusted.
They take every faux outrage and issue the media now sells, with the same belief that they heard of the assassination of MLK or the WTC attack.
We are media consumers, we do not analyze, we react, and our attention spans are short, just as commercial television has conditioned people to think in short time blocks.
We use social media (most of us, not I as this is the website I visit with interactive features now and don't watch TV, etc) that narrows communication to a few buzzwords that don't allow for reflection, but the imparting of memes that have been learned from television, movies, games and radio.
In my opinion, we are experts of nothing more than the tide of information that is floating by us in an increasingly fast moving stream, and most of it directed to the right. And the American people at large, but more intensefly with the conservatives, do not have a true culutural identity. So they look to media to find one. Or they look to a combination of church and media and retail culture to define who they are, if they are powerful, smart or attractive by whatever symbols are being put out at any given time and they don't know themselves anymore.
And I'm really getting tired so that is all I can say now.
(7,179 posts)You're SPECIAL!
(15,888 posts)The entire blogersphere is discussing Coke products and the only people claiming to only drink Pepsi, their competitor, for now on are the racists that hate America the Beautiful being sung in another language! Well played Coke, well played.
(924 posts)I am trying to wake up the "messangee" and point out how they have been played. Coke's ad agency did a great job, but it was a "JOB". They sold, we bought, hook, line and sinker...
(64,708 posts)(facepalm)
(4,950 posts)...
(924 posts)...if you could come close to even beginning to guess why I have that icon and what means to me and my identity with DU, I'll give you for free, with shipping my entire CD collection of bootleg CDs of live concerts (FYI, heavy representation of String Cheese Incident, Grateful Dead, Jack Johnson and Umphreys McGee) go ahead and have a shot at it. If you don't like the music I'll donate the equivalent $ value to the charity of your choice.
Don't judge.
(45,319 posts)that was created in the 20's but gained popularity around the Berlin Games of 36. The Olympic Committee has litigated against many groups for using interlocked ring logos, including their suit against the Gay Olympics, now called the 'Gay Games'. The rings are the symbol of Sochi, an event I am personally boycotting due to the homophobia of the committee and the host country.
The Olympic logos are protected by some of the world's most restrictive legal protections. So yeah, to whine about an ad being an ad while touting a Product Logo is in fact ironic. And it is you who are judging others for liking a commercial, you are being a commercial, promoting the Games
About the London Games and Logos....
"Britain already has a range of legal protections for brands and copyright holders, but the Olympic Games demand their own rules. Since the Sydney Games in 2000, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has required bidding governments to commit to introducing bespoke legislation to offer a further layer of legal sanction.
In 2006, accordingly, parliament passed the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act, which, together with the Olympic Symbol (Protection) Act of 1995, offers a special level of protection to the Games and their sponsors over and above that already promised by existing copyright or contract law. A breach of these acts will not only give rise to a civil grievance, but is a criminal offence.
"It is certainly very tough legislation," says Paul Jordan, a partner and marketing specialist at law firm Bristows, which is advising both official sponsors and non-sponsoring businesses on the new laws. "Every major brand in the world would give their eye teeth to have [a piece of legislation] like this. One can imagine something like a Google or a Microsoft would be delighted to have some very special recognition of their brand in the way that clearly the IOC has."
To 'misuse' the logo you promote is a criminal offense in some places. The ultimate protected brand. Your avatar.
(24,853 posts)The ad said, fucking EXPLICITLY...
"No matter what language you speak, The Coca-Cola Corporation loves you. Buy Coke!"
Hook. Line. And... sinker. Both teams ate it up.
(26,467 posts)so what's the point?
(16,399 posts)I'll take the real sugar please.
(8,812 posts)Large corporations love customers with money. They don't care what color they are, what language they speak, or what sexual orientation they are. Money is money.
But they hate workers who actually ask to be paid what they deserve.
And some of them won't hesitate to kill people if it gets in the way of their profit motive, especially when it's in a country that most Americans couldn't even find on a map.
Besides, the city of San Francisco is pushing for a new soda tax.
Awwwww. Why would anyone tax a company that makes us feel so warm and fuzzy?
Vashta Nerada
(3,922 posts)People will fall for anything.
Response to MyUncle (Original post)
Post removed
(16,184 posts)A HERETIC I AM
(24,666 posts)Sheesh.
Did you find fault with them when they did this, too?
Or was that before your time?
(24,135 posts)was different than America 2014 - Si?
Not the angry hateful America of today.
(27,137 posts)I was wondering if anyone would make it. Thank you.
- You've restored my faith in humanity for at least the rest of the week.
(14,755 posts)Blue_Adept
(6,439 posts)Therefore I shall crap all over it and anyone else that likes it.
Another example of why we can't have nice things.
(37,468 posts)I think we can all applaud the inclusiveness of the spot.
Two separate thoughts. Yes, we leftists would be delighted if they sold a nutritious product with ethical business practices. I'll take the inclusive message and leave the evilness to be dealt with separately.
Oh, and I'm not buying any Coke products because of the ad. I see ads for many products all the time, which I have no intent on buying.
(1,115 posts)People are saying the commercial was great, not that coca cola is the epitome of ethical businesses. The commercial was great and so is coca cola, classic. But the company sucks. So I drink less coke than I used to.
(12,723 posts)Next year they will have an ad featuring Toby Keith and a parade of shit kickers. They have no scruples or they would go out of business. Their products are poison. Never fell for it for a second.
(34,845 posts)'s also another sign of the times that corporations are using their cynical marketing ploys in favor of Progressive principles. There is a silver lining, you just have to hunt for it.
[hr][font color="blue"][center]"If you're bored then you're boring." -Harvey Danger[/center][/font][hr]
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)people can like the ad and not like the product. Really, it isn't a difficult concept.
(45,319 posts)"Olympic organizers have reportedly brought in an army of 300 enforcement officers to make sure that shops and advertisers across the country do not illegally associating themselves with the Olympic Games, and irk official sponsors like Coca-Cola, Adidas, McDonalds and BP.
These uniformed officers, dressed in purple caps and shirts, will make sure that British shops, food stores and eateries dont exploit a list of key words in their advertising, including Gold, sponsors, 2012? and London, according to The Independent newspaper. If they see a business flouting the rules by associating themselves too closely with the Olympics, the boys in purple can issue a fine of up to £20,000."
(96,882 posts)...or stop being holier than thou.
(31,493 posts)clarice
(5,504 posts)in any advertisement. money money money money.....MONEY!