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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTranslating Paul Ryan's Remarks Into Plain English.
Paul Ryan: "We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, and so there is a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with"
TRANSLATION: "I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro. They didnt have nothing to do. They didnt have nothing for their kids to do. They didnt have nothing for their young girls to do. And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do? They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And Ive often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didnt get no more freedom. They got less freedom."
Forget GOOGLE TRANSLATOR. Use the BUNDY TRANSLATION App. It's not sophisticated enough to translate things through the obfuscation filter of members of the chattering class, like George Will, Newt Gingrich or Rush Limbaugh. It just repeats what it hears in plain english.
The SUIT may be different, but what's underneath it is the same old dog-whistle racism.

The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)Cold truth.
Like they used to say about the Klan and Citizens Councils at the south, the only difference is that one has shined shoes....
(6,043 posts)
(16,286 posts)In all my years on the net you might have just made the most perfect message board post in history.
Do you listen to Mark Thompson or Matsimela Mapfumo on Sirius by any chance?
(6,043 posts)
ms liberty
(9,955 posts)lamp_shade
(15,122 posts)
(6,043 posts)
(25,704 posts)The preferred protocol is Ryan to goblin, then to orc, then to german then, at last, to english.
You lose nuance.
(6,043 posts)It just repeats what it hears in plain english. It's not translated into a dozen other languages by members of the chattering class, like Newt Gingrich, Charles Krauthammer, or George Will.

(16,485 posts)oldandhappy
(6,719 posts)Scuba
(53,475 posts)mindwalker_i
(4,407 posts)"There's people out there who want stuff for their work. Not ONLY do they want money, they want at least minimum wage. In a lot of cases, they want MORE than minimum wage! What's wrong with these people?! They should value working for the job creators in an of itself, without worrying about "compensation" and things like that, which weren't given to them by God."
Every time a Republican talks about work ethic, they talk about the value of work and how great it is. yet they do everything possible to devalue that work. What they want and are, in fact, arguing for is that people should be happy to be slaves to businesses, mostly corporations. Work is for the little people. Those who don't do work - who are living off fividends, but even more importantly, those who inherited wealth - are catered to without limit. Work by them isn't required, and they are not held at all to the same standards.
(17,690 posts)The goal of every repub is to not work, to sit and count their assets, and to order others to do their biddings.
(50,983 posts)canuckledragger
(1,992 posts)...but what you said sums up my feelings on vermin like Paul Ryan and his ilk.
Born wealthy, catered to, etc.
What the fuck does HE know about working for a living? He's never had any employment/whatever that DIDN'T involve some form of government assistance! (And yes, that includes his family's business government contracts.)
(3,919 posts)they love to sling that one, too. however, they are "entitled" to own guns, pay no taxes, have slave labor, etc, etc
(4,407 posts)hopemountain
(3,919 posts)
(57,936 posts)Here's another puzzle.
Conservatives argue that you have to pay CEOs and top management a lot of money as an incentive to keep them in their jobs and to improve their performance.
But then when it comes to other jobs that are less well paid, they never talk about how more money would be an incentive to keep people working or improve performance.
Do the conservatives think that only the already-rich respond to a financial incentive?
I just can't figure that out.
Would a person earning $10 an hour perform better if they earned $15?
If not, then why would a person earning $1000 per hour perform better if they earned $10000 per hour?
(4,407 posts)> I just can't figure that out.
I think Republicans just kind of spew crap out to justify whatever position they want to support but don't actually believe the reasons they give. For example, they want to give tax breaks to the rich because some of that comes back as campaign contributions. So they say something like, "If you give money to the rich, they'll create jobs and everyone will benefit." That isn't true, and more importantly, they know it isn't true. That doesn't matter. People carry on with the conversation arguing about whether trickle-down works or not, but never end up addressing the real issue: should the rich get to keep more money. That's not an reason that would be widely accepted, so Republicans don't put it forth. Instead, they divert people to a different argument that Republicans don't care about.
So trying to figure out what Republicans mean, like with the CEO bonuses, is not only futile but diverts us from the real issue. It's hard to constantly have to get by these bogus arguments, but it's essential that we do.
dem in texas
(2,681 posts)I am reading a book about the Irish potato famine in the 1840's. The conservative British parliament had the same attitude toward the poorest level of Irish people, just in slightly different words. The book is a heart breaking story, the lesson I see is that attitudes have not changed in all these years. So many people who are comfortable in their lives and are doing well do not want to help people who are in need. Here in the US, they prance around and spout Christian values, but they are selfish bigots.
(2,737 posts)used to tell us kids............."Never ever forget the potato famine".
Same verse - same as the first. Nothing ever changes, we just keep doing the same ol' same ol' over and over again. One of these days maybe we will get it right.
(50,983 posts)We wouldn't want to feed those starving Irish lest they grow dependent on the government dole. Instead they just died of starvation. As least they didn't grow dependent.
Same attitude, different time.
Response to dem in texas (Reply #13)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(148,450 posts)Really. Please don't call poor people lazy.
Response to MineralMan (Reply #31)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(148,450 posts)Any time someone quotes that verse from Thessalonians, we're looking at a right wing meme. Please stop doing that.
(31,849 posts)when I read Bundy's "Let me tell you one other thing ..." face-plant, I thought immediately of ryan's face-plant ... but got distracted and didn't post the similarity.
Thank you for doing so ... Now, send it to the Rachel or Melissa Show(s).
(17,199 posts)
(7,358 posts)to the under-educated who need training .. or better yet, where are the jobs? Their buddies have all but packed up and moved to China. They don't want to raise the minimum wage so that people can actually buy 'things' or keep a roof over their heads. So tell me, what are the solutions Mr. Ryan. What species of human being are you? I think if I saw him out in public .. I'd have to take a swing at him .. hypothetically of course, don't want the FBI showing up at Starbucks where I happen to be writing this. Got that NSA?
(2,518 posts)Final Solutions!
They just can't come right out and say it out loud.
"What species of human being..." is he?
He's a white, "christian" dominionist, and he wants us all to die off.
That's one reason why they hate "Obamacare" so much.
It's going to save the lives of many of the "useless eaters" that they despise.
In my fantasy, which I want to make clear I would never actually follow up on, it would be a big, green goober right in his plank-filled eye.
(53,661 posts)The Senate budget proposal upends the state Department of Health and Human Services by moving to take away its biggest responsibility, Medicaid. At the same time it would cut thousands of elderly and disabled people, and other beneficiaries with high medical bills, from the government insurance plan.
This appears to be a first step Senate Republicans are proposing to cut Medicaid services and shrink the number of beneficiaries.
The budget includes a provision that would have the state health agency develop proposals by next year for cutting optional Medicaid services for elderly and disabled beneficiaries, limiting coverage to only that required by federal regulations or laws.
North Carolinas Medicaid program is considered rich because it goes far beyond the basics. Optional services under Medicaid include prescription drugs, mental health and dental care.
Read more:
They know that will kill people. Folks need to quit kidding themselves about the GOP agenda. The party of Pro-life? Really?
(6,934 posts)Good post.
(13,365 posts)tk2kewl
(18,133 posts)
(6,891 posts)exponentially more dangerous, and he'll never pull a trigger or use a vulgar word being what he is.
(50,983 posts)I thought that was universally understood.
Ryan said it in a way he hoped would avoid criticism.
Ryan should have been criticized as much as Bundy because he meant exactly the same damned thing.
(50,983 posts)

(66,184 posts)myrna minx
(22,772 posts)
(2,518 posts)I don't know why, it's just not my thing I suppose.
Someone on the thread said this should have a hundred recs, and it had 98.
Kicked, rec'd and agreed.
(20,166 posts)The hammer hitting the nail and driving it in with one swing.
(1,628 posts)cer7711
(541 posts)Brilliant. Dead-on.
(4,542 posts)Wow, when someone points out something so obvious that you were missing it, it's like a kick in the head. So a big K&R!
(4,542 posts)ChisolmTrailDem
(9,463 posts)
(4,542 posts)TrollBuster9090
(6,043 posts)
(9,463 posts)
(12,151 posts)Adrahil
(13,340 posts)BobbyBoring
(1,965 posts)On one hand, they hate abortion. On the other, they piss and moan when our tax dollars have to support the un aborted non white children. Go figure~
(3,933 posts)TNNurse
(7,222 posts)He should lose either because of his inability to speak grammatically. Then we can address his racism and general heartlessness.