The Refugee Trail of Tears; Murder and Crime In Central America - Region Tops Murder Rate List
Seeing as how no one is actually telling Americans anything more about the refugees other than " they are escaping violence"' if the lazy, crazy media even mentions that, I thought the natural question was to ask, how bad is it?
Really, really bad. so bad I would get out of there, too, and if I had children, I would run.
And as bad as these stats are, all evidence indicates it has only gotten worse.
"In the Americas, homicide rates have been five to eight times higher than those of Europe and Asia since the mid-1950s, the study says, describing the phenomenon as "the legacy of decades of political and crime-related violence."
Honduras: 90.4 (per 100,000)
Venezuela: 53.7
Belize: 44.7
El Salvador: 41.2
Guatemala: 39.9
The report also provides a look at what kinds of weapons were used in homicides around the world.
Firearms: 41%
Sharp objects: 24%
Other: 35%
Source: Global Study on Homicide 2013, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
"A number of factors intervene in the process that leads to the commission of homicide. For example, the availability of a weapon: with their high level of lethality, firearms are the most widely used weapons, accounting for 4 out of every 10 homicides at the global level. The use of psychoactive substances may act as homicide "enablers": the consumption of alcohol and/or illicit drugs increases one's risk of becoming a victim or perpetrator of violence. As well as violence associated with the consumption of illicit drugs, violence associated with the functioning of illicit drug markets can also drive homicide levels, often due to competition between involved parties. Such elements can shape patterns and levels of homicide, and when they are targeted by prevention policies, homicide can be reduced."