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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsMississippi Burning; A lesson in evil sent packing when good people do something simple. Voting.
Reject the fascist annihilates determined to end the democracy in America they so hate. Send them all packing back to their boardrooms and pews clutching their crosses and flags and bundles of cash to corrupt the media and buy elections.
Just do it. Just a few thousand good people, a few thousand good black folk voting for the first time in an election has reshaped American politics, just a few thousand voting for the first time....lesson learned?
Want to send evil packing forever in America? Want to get rid of the creeping Maria law, the billionaire influence, the cult of corruption, the corrupt politicians and corrupt corporations, the corrupt and co-dependent media, want to fight back against the tea bagged teabaggers who are driven to the polls as zombie voters, all critical thinking surgically removed by relentless propaganda spewed by hate radio and hate TV, juiced up on hate and fear?
Want to bring back income equality, prosperity for all, not the chosen few? Want to stop endless war, endless policing of the world?
Religious zealots and cloistered billionaires do not make for good stewards of nations. Never have.
Just do it.
Vote or STFU about your problems, you created them. If you refuse to undo them by not voting, then really, STFU.

(71,755 posts)People sent the fascist packing who plan ned to oppose everything. Now, we're stuck with the country club bigot who filibusters everything. Democrat Travis Childers has a fighting chance against McDaniel, but now MS is stuck with one of their plantation owners.
(26,549 posts)It's going to take more ground work before Democrats are viable candidates in MS. (Demonstrating how dumb the DLC-types are for abandoning the state)
Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)Shows it would be enough to elect Democratics.
(25,477 posts)MoonRiver
(36,974 posts)sadly
Kelvin Mace
(17,469 posts)It was all about he lesser of evils, which was, last time I checked, still evil.
Your choices were between a religiously insane neo-fascist and an folksy fascist. Now it is between the folksy fascist and a Dixiecrat. Even if Childers were to win, he would use his "leverage" to get plumb committee assignments, then vote against the Dems, ala Landrieu, Cuomo, etc. to please the loonies back home.
So, to use a different metaphor, the Corpus Mississippi decided not to die of Ebola, and now must chose between dying of Necrotizing Fasciitis (no pun intended) and stage 4 colon cancer.
(27,275 posts)It is increasingly more difficult to pretend otherwise.
(91,298 posts)people.
it would have hurt people to have that teabagger instead of Cochran who also mostly sucks.
but it shows there are differences and they do matter.
that's what politics is usually about.
Kelvin Mace
(17,469 posts)will drive Cochrane further to the right, so it will be the same as McDaniels winning. If Cochrane loses in the general to McDaniels as a 3rd party, or the Dem, MS still suffers since the state will lose the various committees that funneled money into the state. If Cochrane holds he will start slashing and burning the state to appease his critics on the right.
Pretty much a zero sum game.
(91,298 posts)what IS.
cochran is very conservative, he can't get that much mroe right wing. but he does bring home the bacon and that's why he got the support he did. if he doesn't do this he isn't going to get any teabag support .
and it's unlikely he will run for re-election anyways. he almost didn't run this time around from what i hear. but he will be in his mid 80s next time around.