American Corruption, in real time. Guess who stood in the way of higher flood insurance rates and
who wanted Senator Cochran out of the way?
Why is this never discussed in The mainstream media? Why are left wing theories, far more reasonable and evidence based than Republican unhinged theories, so much more palatable to the media?
The Kochs have committed, so far, to spending more than 300,000,000 dollars on the 2014 election through their publicly disclosable "public welfare" groups and many millions more in secret donations to political organizations and direct contributions, more than the RNC and DNC combined. They meet in secret rooms in luxury hotels to conspire with the leaders of the GOP and bag loads of money and no one reports on this except on blogs and MSNBC only during certain hours.
Two fucking people. Two fucking people corrupting America with floods of money and influence peddling enriching themselves along the way.
And do not hold your breath that the conflicted media that will be showered with all this money will be unbiased.
By Markos Moulitsas
The Hill
"But those two trends responsiveness to broad public sentiment and to the Democratic base are compatible. Liberal base priorities are popular with the American public, whereas conservative hot buttons, from Cliven Bundy to Benghazi to Bowe Bergdahl, are fringe and ephemeral. So its probably best that Republicans are less beholden to their base than Democrats. The last thing the GOP needs are more Chris McDaniels and Dave Brats."
"Then again, Koch-aligned groups have sided with McDaniel in the Mississippi GOP Senate primary. Why? Because Koch insurance companies would stand to directly benefit from higher flood insurance rates in Mississippi, and incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran stood in their way.
One party is becoming increasingly responsive to a popular majority, while the other is becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries. Its not hard to see which is destined for broader popular appeal."
Are the right wing sack jobs ever upset with this piece at The Hill, the comments are hilarious, there are a couple of brave liberals commenting and being ruthlessly attacked by the majority wing nut infested The Hill.