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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsGOP ticket will be Bush/Walker
with Jebbie perhaps hinting that he will be a one-termer... Walker is young-ish and will be seen a a lock for 8 more years after Jebbie steps down to spend-more-time-with-his-family..
Walker will then run with Mia Love...who is very young/attractive and black... Love will have had some DC experience by then..

(152,898 posts)SoCalDem
(103,856 posts)and he can buy the nomination..
and Walker is from a swing state and is a current darling..
Jebbie is a bit older than most of the "others", so he will be the "set-up".. Repubs are long-term thinkers...and they LOVE the idea of being the first to "check two boxes" (black/female)
(8,159 posts)

(30,058 posts)busterbrown
(8,515 posts)Hes fucking up all over the place. Wisc. economic numbers are just plain awful.. He has legal problems which seem to follow him around..And watch how that idiotic statement concerning Isis and Unions comes back in his ass.. Not to mention what hes doing to the States Ed System...
This guy is too stupid to realize how dumb he is....
Take a look...
(103,856 posts)some in Wisconsin's supreme court has ties to the same "scandal", so they will probably decline to take the cases..
Brother Buzz
(38,188 posts)and will be gone before long before Bush gets around to making a VP tap.
Faryn Balyncd
(5,125 posts)The Overton Window scam is what the RW excels in.
(or you could call it "Good Cop/Bad Cop"

(11,856 posts)misterhighwasted
(9,148 posts)Covers it all.
Corporate, Woman, Hispanic, Fossil Fuels, & he's a Bush from a war family, & he's a Republican
(7,596 posts)He's only 62. That's hardly ancient, especially by Republican standards. With the exception of his idiot brother (who was 54 and 58 in his two elections), that actually makes him YOUNGER than every Republican presidential nominee since 1980.
He only looks older because there's a bizarre number of fortysomethings running for the nomination this time.
(103,856 posts)"saving" America;s freedom..and is not all that interested in it for himself.. The Bushies excel at false altruism..
once IN, he would undoubtedly run for a second term if things went well enough...and there was still some money to steal in the treasury..
(9,148 posts)
Frank Cannon
(7,570 posts)There's a reason those two guys got together earlier this year, and it wasn't to exchange recipes for Jell-O salad.