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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI want to thank the Ku Klux Klan...
For being both stupid enough and unabashedly bigoted enough to secure permission to have a pro-confederate flag rally in front of the S.C. Statehouse just one month and one day after nine black people were murdered by the white supremacist, Dylann Roof.
Not only will this counter the utter bullshit by the "Heritage, not hate" motherfuckers, but it will also serve all of the other pro-flag assholes notice when there's a massive counter-demonstration by people of good will from all races, creeds and ethnicities, standing together against the Klan and in solidarity with both justice and the slain.
Not just that, but it will sure identify any legislator who votes to keep that treasonous rag flying on the statehouse grounds as siding with a small gaggle of racist assholes, against the wishes of both the masses and common sense and decency. A vote for the flag is also a vote for the ideals of the man who killed their own colleague. Make that point abundantly clear, I hope.
I love free speech in America. It allows us to fully understand and see who the assholes are. If I could afford it, I'd be standing on the front line on the day of the rally, telling the Klan to go fuck themselves.
I'm absolutely positive that there will be many others there to take my place instead.
Fuck the Klan, everybody.

(11,833 posts)rbrnmw
(7,160 posts)I lived close enough to the Statehouse that I could have walked there. I would have been right there with the counter protesters. I hate the Klan. Fuck those racist pigs!
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)
(85,158 posts)
(14,356 posts)I promise you I will be there. First prediction is at least a 1-200:1 ratio of counter-demonstrators to racist terrorists.
(14,356 posts)Let's outnumber them about 500 to 1 and see how ridiculous they look. I guarantee you with the environment in SC today there will be a hell of a crowd to meet these brave oppressed white Christian warriors.
(1,754 posts)calimary
(85,158 posts)Glad you're here! You made a pun! Ahh, the hoods. Worn with such amazing impressive wow-y "pride" - so proud and courageous and gutsy that they march around in public but still feel the need to keep their faces hidden. They're really not that much different than ISIS.
I'm so impressed. NOT!!!!
(1,950 posts)its ok for them to protest , not us , even if we have permits . bunch of jerks who have to hide behind hoods . bah humbug.
(10,519 posts)"The flag is our heritage!" Yep, and here comes your heritage now being waived around by the people in white robes!
The KKK should make the flag even more radioactive than it already is!
R. P. McMurphy
(851 posts)demonstrate what imbecilic, vile, pathetic and useless wastes of human skin they are.
A bit more than 25 years ago I was in a circuit-riding town manager program in Southwest Virginia. The local Klan chapter decided to march through several of the communities in the area and I witnessed the event.
My skin still crawls at how PROUDLY they displayed their hatred and ignorance.
It boggles my mind how such a beautiful place that gave us Washington and Jefferson can also produce such despicable excuses for human beings.
(147,043 posts)And the Rude Pundit would be proud!
Omaha Steve
(104,359 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)
(280,721 posts)haven't been dead for two weeks. They were killed on Wednesday June 16.
(17,091 posts)I was thinking damn, that month went by fast! Time does fly like that sometimes, so I didn't think about it too much.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,916 posts)"For being both stupid enough and unabashedly bigoted enough to secure permission to have a pro-confederate flag rally in front of the S.C. Statehouse just one month and one day after nine black people were murdered by the white supremacist, Dylann Roof."
(280,721 posts)Thanks
(138,139 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)spanone
(138,139 posts)
(12,504 posts)than idiots trying to find a noble sounding word to mask the reality of their bigotry. They are being told one thing and are simply digging in their heels....because for some reason they think this is one argument they can win and this surely proves that they are winners.
These hate drive, knuckle dragging, mouthbreathing, bible thumping, gun totin', toothless, cruel, vindictive, bigoted, asswiped hooded idiots are about to de-rail and destroy the word "heritage" just like they did the word "patriot"
(85,158 posts)Sunlei
(22,651 posts)even a TV station, upgraded websites, and traveling singing group for their overseas hate campaigns.
(43,203 posts)That is something they both have in common and it's in the GOP's interest to keep the Klan in the headlines. But they don't want to go as far as giving them open public support or donations. So any financial support they get from RWers is usually under the table to prevent any backlash.
(9,904 posts)rurallib
(63,417 posts)"They are not only ignorant, they are proud of it!"
(82,383 posts)Fuck the Klan!
(95,337 posts)How can a flag be racist? It's a piece of cloth, it is inanimate, it does not have feelings.
It is the people who use the flag as a symbol that make that flag a racist symbol. Rarely do I see the Confederate flag flown at peace rallies, anti-war protests, civil rights rally (well at least on the sides where people are demanding equal rights for everyone one) or any other group that is promoting peace, love and tolerance for everyone. When I see the flag, usually it is someone who is preaching hate of some form either very vocally or even in silent protest. When I see a Confederate flag it brings up visions of KKK rallies, lynchings of African-Americans who just wanted the equal rights and now of a young white man who walked into a peaceful church and shot-up 9 innocent African-American citizens.
The flag itself cannot feel hate but those who carry it sure have enough of it to spread around.
(2,586 posts)I thought they would have something better to do, like each other.
(17,997 posts)K&R!
The Charleston community should not have to put up with this crap. It puts me in mind of the neo-Nazi march in Skokie. A march that never happened. Something that needs to happen in Charleston. The KKK needs to be pushed back. But I am sure whatever the people of Charleston do, it will be beautiful.
(13,340 posts)Expose the true meaning of that flag!!!!
stage left
(3,040 posts)Fuck the Confederate flag and fuck Roof
(21,646 posts)rights movement it wasn't being flown every where like statehouse grounds in the south for southern heritage. Just mostly used by groups like KKK etc 1867 to 1960 and at civil war monuments . Also not on shirts belt buckles and truck bumpers
What say southerners old enough to remember or with a history background on the flag?
then from snopes is this..............
t is true that for several decades after the Civil War, the Confederate battle flag was not widely perceived as a negative symbol. Its use was largely limited to historical ceremonies associated with veterans events and war memorials; the flag did not become the symbol most prominently associated with the Confederacy until several decades after the Civil War ended, and it was not widely perceived as a politically polarizing symbol until it was appropriated by segregationist politicians and groups in the middle of the twentieth century.
However, the fact remains that the Confederate battle flag has long since become the pre-eminent symbol of the Confederacy and what it stood for, and across the span of several decades it has been co-opted by segregationist and white supremacist groups such as the Dixiecrats, the KKK, and the Aryan Nation. Certainly one can be a racist or a white supremacist without associating himself with Southern Pride or a Confederate battle flag, but for better or worse, no one group is any more authorized to use the Confederate battle flag as their symbol than another: the Confederate government and its military forces ceased to exist 150 years ago and therefore have no say or control over the usage of the Southern Cross.
I am up north and here it is used as a white persons flag without the heritage. Identifies sundown towns filled with haters etc
You will see Gadsen flag and Confederate flag together with nasty sayings about Obama on a pickup truck yes those kind of people but not on state grounds
So when did all this pride in the confederacy my heritage stuff start ? Never stopped after the civil war?or started up with civil rights and has progressed since then?
Was the flag always flown and used by Southern state governments as a symbol or did that start mid 20th century too?
Not looking for an argument just info. As for KKK true colors hate is their heritage
(66,184 posts)sewing the very first one to represent a bunch of people who decided to secede and start a war in order to protect their ability to own black slaves. THAT is the heritage it embodies.
(15,547 posts)Looking up the definition of "heritage" on I get this:
"1. something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth; an inherited lot or portion:
a heritage of poverty and suffering; a national heritage of honor, pride, and courage."
I take it that heritage can include many things by reason of birth. To accept your heritage and in the same breath deny the obvious negatives is deterministic nonsense. By that reason maybe those who accept their "heritage" can accept the full measure and consequences of their ancestors actions. How about checking to see if the same ancestor took the loyalty oath to rejoin the the Union? Generally subsequent generations are not held accountable for the actions of their ancestors but go ahead and tout that Heritage let people know what you really represent.
(38,613 posts)I remind them that the KKK has been waving that flag since 1865
(6 posts)I hope their pathetic rally is heavily picketed. It's what they thoroughly deserve for being such bigoted, backwards a-holes. It's simply appalling that in the 21st century, such a group still has support from a vocal minority in this country.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Gothmog
(158,024 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)It's so much easier to hate someone you've condemned as a racist or bigot than actually get to know them.
(96,080 posts)I hope the counter protest is overwhelming in numbers.
amuse bouche
(3,670 posts)I love that the morons brand themselves with that vile symbol of hate and treason.
It gives me time to apply a clothespin to my nose
(32,268 posts)jwirr
(39,215 posts)WWII? There is a flag that flew over these US ancestors also - the US flag. One stood for slavery (CSA) the other stood for freedom (USA). Are they not proud of their ancestors who fought in WWII? You cannot have it both ways. Put your civil war battle flag away. It has nothing to do with government today.
Addressed to all haters!
(39,564 posts)It's not just a bunch of assholes against a good-will crowd. These people could well be armed, and this become much more than some mutual rightness drama.
Race war talk has been going on since Obama first took office, from gun ranges to survivalist camps to KKK meetings.
I'm expecting the worst, hoping for the best. Here's a list of groups who'll likely show up -- Southern Poverty Law Center officially designate nineteen hate groups in that state, not to mention any from nearby states who show up.
(70 posts)Nothing needed to cover their brains. They already show they don't have any. Less relevant fucks.
(15,882 posts)TheCount_
(70 posts)These groups have gotten very shrewd and sometimes sophisticated. David Duke tried to use that Brian Adams song Everything I Do in his campaign. Adams told him to knock it off.
(15,882 posts)or any one of millions of people who wouldn't be caught dead in any association in any way with the people you describe.
Yet they are the very ones that not only make it possible, they are in many cases the ones who carry out the policies without ever questioning what they are doing.
And that is tens of millions, hundreds of millions of our neighbors.
Doubt it will ever change before demographics do, and that will bring a whole new set of problems. And it will make this seem trivial.
Solly Mack
(93,864 posts)Skittles
(161,718 posts)you cannot burn crosses but you can wave your racist flag - fuck them all
(60,158 posts)3catwoman3
(26,125 posts)...your face while doing it is an activity that should be an embarrassment to any adults participating in it. Show your cowardly faces, you chicken shits.
myrna minx
(22,772 posts)brett_jv
(1,245 posts)"You just watch, the Lamestream Media's gonna give it WALL TA WALL COVERAGE!!!1!!
Really it'll just be a buncha Liberals in White Sheets ... trying to make the rest of us Good Americans look bad!!!
I mean, how would we even KNOW, on accounta they gonna be in sheets, right?!?
An' after all, like every Patriot knows, Abe Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN, and it was mostly the DEMOCRAT Party that voted against the Civil Rights Act anyways, am I RIGHT?!?"
Yeah, I knew you could ...