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If you happened to watch any of Trump with Anderson Cooper last night you can see the great advantage his "phone it in" interviews afford him. He was rude, erratic, and nonsensical throughout. When he has been allowed to simply call in for interviews (often doing several a day) there is no body language and demeanor information for the viewer. Last night he tried to work around that by rarely letting Cooper finish a question or even a sentence. This wasn't "going on the attack" it was him flooding his time with himself. He looked more crazed and like a "5 year old" as Cooper said.
Nukes for everyone. The focus today is on his defending of his campaign manager and Trump's "I didn't start it" response to Cooper's question about the fight with Cruz about their wives. This is where Cooper laughed and said he "sounds like a 5 year old". The most frightening point was Trump claiming that everyone needs nuclear weapons to "defend themselves". South Korea, Japan, everyone.
Last point - the document Trump pulled out of his jacket, which he used to mock the reporter his campaign manager grabbed, was a type so large it stood out. I've worked with low vision people and I have never seen any of them use print THAT large. Again, this is about the unfortunate situation for him to have to actually appear in public and not at a staged speech. He clearly wears glasses but he is either so self conscious of it or, more likely, he feels it would show weakness to have to wear them on TV in order to read a statement.
It was a horrible and telling performance.
CNN Fact Check

(29,169 posts)Javaman
(63,315 posts)he appeals to the lowest common denominator of today's society. basically, the boiled down sludge of today's right wing.
(29,169 posts)Of course, my apologies to reptiles.
marble falls
(62,959 posts)Bernardo de La Paz
(52,324 posts)Hair DrumpFürher is an empty suit.
He's winging it. That's why he whinges so much. He doesn't have a foreign policy. Policy is foreign to him. That's why he changes his position on issues so much: abortion, immigration, public health care, etc.
He spews stuff and when some of it sticks to his supporters he repeats it the next time.
(188,356 posts)Well said
(2,062 posts)And yet they are still up his ass, both him and Mika. NBC is really a major trump ass kisser. He calls in to the Matt Laurer comedy show just about every morning.
(22,629 posts)underpants
(188,356 posts)
(12,803 posts)
(10,345 posts)I'd wait, but I have a life to live.
she didn't. lol
(12,803 posts)
(10,345 posts)I just looked that up. haha you're proving that you're not really interested in real conversation and you just like asking people to prove something over and over again. XD
get a hobby.
(280,526 posts)seriously
(188,356 posts)Last edited Wed Mar 30, 2016, 10:56 AM - Edit history (1)
And sick yes. That was quite a spectacle. The faces in the crowd behind him said it all. They could have been supporters of the other 2 but they were literally laughing at him.
(5,798 posts)Hillary will tell him that he's acting like her granddaughter. Both of them would talk about issues he's never heard of. Trump doesn't do stuff for himself, so they both need to think of some examples everyone but him would understand. Maybe about filing taxes, or the ACA website.
(188,356 posts)He will go full Bernie* if he gets the nomination but at that point it will look even more strange to both his supporters and the other 90% of the voting public.
*everyone is copying Bernie because they know it makes sense AND sells - which is rare these days.
(685 posts)The press coverage was non-stop: everyone, all day long on cable news, the morning shows, online, in print. The press fueled it and we, who can't help but slow down to see a car wreck, came in droves to witness.
Trump's campaign feels woefully similar to the saga of Charlie Sheen. Has he started ranting about his Tiger's blood yet? I think Trump's having a broadcasted breakdown.
(188,356 posts)The only difference was that Trump was in a suit last night. It was truly bizarre but I see no really criticism of his actual performance only, as I stated, his campaign manager story.
(12,900 posts)bullwinkle428
(20,647 posts)feet to the fire the way Cooper at least tried to do.
(188,356 posts)I wouldn't hold my breath for Mathews to do anything. We had the Ooops moment from an MSNBC reporter on O'Donnell's show that they toss Trump softballs so he doesn't get mad and cut off their access.
(37,406 posts)Or the most Trumpian
Is when he said he didn't want Cruz's support
He rambled, talked in circles, repeating that he didn't want his support and then, after repeating it over and over he ends with "if he decides to support me that would be wonderful"
(188,356 posts)Well of course there were Cruz people there. As I mentioned elsewhere there was actual laughter at him. No planned are staged it was people actually laughing at him and this unreal performance.