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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsIf we are to start telling people what to wear, maybe we should ban suits.
Letter to the editor found in The Guardian:

Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)should be universal.
I also prefer appeals to conscience over dictates of law.
Fritz Walter
(4,349 posts)If that includes
>Cargo shorts
>White after Labor Day
>Hats indoors
>Ballcaps (backwards)
And even pants half-way to one's knees. (I've always wanted to poke one of these guys and run away just to watch him run like a penguin).
Oh, and it's "...what to wear..."
(5,103 posts)If you choose to bake wearing dark colors in So. Cal. where it will be in the hundreds until October, feel free.
I also like my cargo shorts.
I agree with the rest.
(23,296 posts)flamin lib
(14,559 posts)ananda
(31,214 posts)I had the feeling all they wanted to do was inhibit me
or cheat me out of something.
(35,768 posts)the stupid French law was blatantly discriminatory, and it is no more. So why behave as if there's any possibility that such a foolish thing would occur in England or America? it won't, and you're not enlightening anyone who's enlightenable with your clever analogies.
all mandated/coercive religious garb for lay people is ridiculous. FLDS, Hutterite, Amish, Orthodox, Muslim, I don't care. ridiculous. the blatant misogyny embodied in the burqa/niqab is anachronistic and offensive.
I have to tolerate it; I don't have to like it.
(20,838 posts)
(65,616 posts)The guy running through the airport, yeah that could be you too! Busy busy, no time to chat too successful and late for a flight home to see the perfect kids in the perfect house. Now go buy the same deodorant Mr. Suit is wearing and you too can be this successful, important, in demand.
How can you take away one of commercialism's most recognizable uniforms?
(122,056 posts)The2ndWheel
(7,947 posts)about him? That seems typical.
The burkini issue is not about you, good sir. Mr. Henry Stewart. It's about the clothed oppression of Muslim women by Muslim men for religious purposes. In France, you take your damn skin covering beach attire off, or we'll force you to do it, because that's how not religious some places are.
It always has to be about men. Men, men, men. Men in suits. Henry here. His lost poundage. He probably looks great in a suit now.
(1,232 posts)Although to make a correction, the burka isn't about islam at all, it's a cultural appropriation to suppress and dominate women within a particular religion.
(15,882 posts)like you think you know better than they do as well...
The most monstrous monster is the monster with noble feelings
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky,
(1,232 posts)revoking any rights they ever had.
And this is harsh, but the reality is that you won't find any overly intelligent people allowing themselves to be enslaved by ridiculous ideals based on regressive notions and painted with the broad brush of religion. It's a sheep/herd crowd mentality. Not the best and brightest of humanity.
(15,882 posts)paternalistic attitude is what is harsh.
Frankly, I could hear this crap at a rally for the real estate swindler, so I'll let you use your words on someone else.
(1,232 posts)and I assume that any woman that does, isn't particularly intelligent.
Sometimes people don't know they have options until someone else tells them they do; then it's called education.
(13,665 posts)... or lack of self-esteem are not the same thing as unintelligent.
(4,912 posts)If someone doesn't know they have options until someone else tells them they do, then they are not unintelligent. They are ignorant. You are obviously privileged enough to have had opportunities that many women around the world have not. Having contempt for them for their lack of power seems to me to be cruel, narrow-minded, and the antithesis of feminism.
(58,724 posts)And that his supporters are racists or idiots or dupes.
Is that not condescending and paternalistic?
(4,912 posts)People are generally most comfortable with what they're raised with. There are literally millions of people for whom the "ridiculous ideals" and "regressive notions" are their only experiences and are therefore their norms. Given that there are millions, there are probably a hell of a lot of them who are more intelligent than either of us and live their lives in a fashion that make them better and brighter than either of us. I think people who automatically assume that their viewpoint is inherently superior are rigid, inflexible, and... well... not overly intelligent.
(1,276 posts)The burkini issue is not about Mr. Henry Stuart, but neither is his writing. The issue is about men telling women what they can or cannot wear on a beach. I'm an elderly somewhat fat woman and I don't want to expose to much of my body. So, will the French force me to get out of my t-shirt and long skirt when I visit their beaches? Will they force orthodox jewish women to get rid of their beachwear wich has also long sleeves and trousers under a skirt and sort of a scarf (because the wigs they usually wear are not practical with salt water)?
Funny, how they never want to force the male islamists to get rid of their beards and traditional outfit. Saudi women shall not wear their traditional outfit, when visiting Germany. But the men are allowed to keep theirs. Why? I tell you: Some European men think that they can easily win some voters when they bully muslim women, but they refrain from bullying the men because those have power and oil and money and they are boys, you know.
(82,383 posts)He was not making it about him but about clothing and who wears what and what causes harm. And why banning types of clothing is silly.
(26,355 posts)He was pointing out that he had more harm done to him by some jackass in a suit and tie, than by anyone wearing a burqa, hijab, or burqini, thus driving home the point that telling grown women what they are and aren't allowed to wear is idiotic.
It's insane to ban burqinis. It's equally insane to require them.
(4,558 posts)Perfectly put.
(34,845 posts)Do you really think it's that simple?
[hr][font color="blue"][center]There is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it.
(113,131 posts)Those guys in suits have robbed me of well over seven figures in paychecks and stock market crashes over my lifetime. I barely fear the Jonesing addict who needs money for his daily supply of whatever he's addicted to, I understand him and although I'd prefer to be asked, I don't usually begrudge him the few dollars in my pocket.
That guy in the suit who keeps wages down, prices high, and the banks teetering on the edge of disaster is something else. He doesn't want my few dollars of spending money. He won't be happy until he gets everything.
Besides, they keep the AC in the courthouse set so that they're comfy in those damned suits. I have to wear a heavy cardigan to go to jury duty. In August. In the desert.
(5,103 posts)Taking America back to the late 19th and early 20th century.
I just have a problem with the beekeeper suit.
Angry Dragon
(36,693 posts)iscooterliberally
(3,049 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)No, some people live to ban shit they don't like.
(3,049 posts)How does the saying go? Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening?
(1,917 posts)especially banning shit that helps deal with the
life the guys in suits have foisted upon us.
(5,644 posts)...even with swimming trunks. That should make them feel....comfortable.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,431 posts)Calculating
(2,998 posts)Hell yeah. No reason at all to waste money and time on some antiquated and unnecessary cultural formalities.
(10,519 posts)Its the most ridiculous clothing ever! What's up with ties, they are like a mid-evil torture device.
(26,355 posts)...thus creating the behavior you see from those wearing suits and ties, especially in middle management and the executive caste.
(10,519 posts)awoke_in_2003
(34,582 posts)on the silly trend in suit pants these days- super tight and hemmed way too high. Along with the man bun, it is the most ridiculous look ever (even more than bell bottoms)
(3,813 posts)Never trust a suit.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Unfortunately some of the same people freaking out over the burkini ban don't think women should be allowed to wear bathing suits on the cover of Sports Illustrated, etc.
(6,335 posts)They are stupid and disgusting. 30 years ago in Iraq the women wore regular Western clothes as their preference. Now after Homini they all have to wear burkas. Fundamentalism is evil.
(6,342 posts)
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Watch an old episode of Bewitched and realize there is very little difference between a suit then and now.
Why are we keeping this look going in the 21st century?