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Open Letter to the GOP
Subject: Donald Trump
Query: What the fuck were you thinking?
Explanation sought: Again, what the fuck were you thinking?
There is nothing to recommend this man nothing.
He has demonstrated not only a complete lack of knowledge of every facet of the workings of government, but has made it abundantly clear that he has no intention whatsoever of educating himself. He refuses to attend daily security briefings, and instead spends his time on Twitter, sending messages that are indicative of an immaturity one would find appalling in any adult, no less a president-elect.
Mr. Trumps paucity of knowledge does not end there. His grasp of foreign affairs is equally non-existent, and his demeanour clearly proves that he has neither the personal skills, nor the attitude required to deal effectively with our allies or our enemies in the global community.
When Mr. Trump presented himself as a candidate for the Republican nomination, he did not come as a stranger. His reputation as a less-than-upstanding businessman was widely known, along with his refusal to pay his debts to honest tradesmen, the many, many lawsuits he is currently embroiled in, and his practice of sending US jobs to low-wage countries where his own merchandise is manufactured.
As for his personal life, Mr. Trump has repeatedly shown himself to be an immoral bigot, whose utter disdain for his fellow citizens is amply displayed at every turn. He has made his racism abundantly clear, and has used that racism to incite violence among those of his ilk across the country.
All of the above being said, one can only wonder why you ever permitted his candidacy on your partys ticket, no less supported it. I doubt that even given your best efforts, you could have found anyone in these United States who was less qualified to govern, less prepared for the responsibilities of the presidency, or less suitable to represent our nation on the world stage.
For decades, I have watched your party do everything in its power to surpress the votes of
the citizens who are most likely to vote against you. You have initiated laws that prevent the full participation of voters across the board, particularly minorities who tend to vote Democratic. That is a matter of public record, and cannot be denied. Your party has made it abundantly clear on many occasions that your only chance to win elections is by preventing those who oppose your ideology from exercising their right to cast a ballot.
While such tactics are despicable and, many would say, border on the treasonous they have always been viewed as a certain desperation to win at all costs. But the present situation begs the question: Is Donald Trump the man you are willing to literally lie, cheat, and steal for? Is this the manner of man who causes you to abandon any semblance of integrity in order to install him in an office you know he is unfit for? Is this ignorant, mentally unstable idiot really worth jeopardizing the security of the nation, our standing in the world, and the well-being of our citizenry, all for the sake of chalking-up a win in the GOP column?
Well, if so, here are the facts. Your partys brand is about to become worthless. It will come to represent incompetence, abject stupidity, and a complete dismissal of the wants and needs of the populace. It will stand as a stunning example of the dire consequences of putting a win over the welfare of an entire nation indeed, the welfare of the entire world.
When Americans start seeing the unemployment rate going up, when they see their neighbours dying for lack of affordable healthcare, when they see children going hungry because safety nets like food stamps have been gutted, when they see their Social Security benefits being reduced or eliminated, when they see local businesses being shut down while tax-breaks for wealthy individuals and corporations are increased, when they see international tensions rise because of a president who thinks having the nuclear codes is akin to playing a video game guess what? Theyre not going to blame the black guy who turned the economy around on his watch; they are going to blame you for having sold them on a snake-oil salesman who managed to destroy every gain made for the betterment of the hard-working middle-class.
I realize that Republicans both elected politicians and voters are not the brightest people on the planet. But we now live in a world where news travels in an instant, where the records of presidents are accessible with the click of a mouse, where comparisons are easily made between the successes of one administration and the failures of the next.
Your betrayal of the American people will not go unnoticed, especially by young, up-and-coming voters whose support you cant win future elections without.
By supporting the presidency of Donald Trump, your partys days are numbered. Even the dumbest, most politically ignorant citizen will eventually come to see that the change your boy has promised is a change for the worse.
While I place little faith in the intelligence of the average voter this election being a prime example of the widespread lack thereof I am nevertheless confident that when all is said and done, the Republican party will be recognized for what it is: a cancerous parasite bent on destroying the democracy it claims to represent.
So enjoy your win while it lasts. Rejoice in having led your fellow citizens down the garden path until they realize that the garden is actually the swamp your boy vowed to drain. Slap yourselves on the back for a job well done before the masses realize that your boy has cost them their job, their savings, their health, and their rights.
Your elation will be short-lived. And I, for one, will be more than happy to see your party drown in the deluge that will inevitably come.
Remember that you can't fool all of the people all of the time. And your days of fooling anyone - thanks to saddling all of us with a low-life, bloviating buffoon - are about to come to a crashing end. We who oppose you will NOT be moved, and those who put their faith in you will not be amused by their own downfall.
(9,047 posts)A real bunch of scum who think they know about running a country but have no idea.
(27,835 posts)But the Trump voter who sees his own life being impacted will eventually put two-and-two together.
Republicans, as we know, are slow on the uptake. But when the shit hits their own house, even they - slowly but surely - will begin to recognize where the shit-storm came from.
Give it time - the dawn inevitably comes even to those who choose to live in the dark.
(28,270 posts)5 minutes ago.
Then its subject to change every 5 minutes after that.
Wolf Frankula
(3,673 posts)Then when he commits sexual assault, they will impeach and convict him, making Pence Preznit.
(5,593 posts)There are truly dark days ahead. Watching the repubs implode and/or be hoisted with their own petard may be the only consolation. Unfortunately, we will all suffer immensely.
(63,221 posts)NoMoreRepugs
(10,558 posts)ProudProgressiveNow
(6,165 posts)mcar
(43,528 posts)bdamomma
(66,527 posts)greytdemocrat
(3,300 posts)That sting won't be forgotten!
The Wizard
(12,882 posts)picked the most immoral Machiavellian out of all its candidates. That's the deal breaker, and that's what humanity faces. Normal people did not vote for Trump, angry unwitting dupes did. Immoral bigots voted for him and some I assume are good people.
(14,840 posts)Perhaps your best piece, ever. BRAVA!!!
Hunter Rose
(8 posts)Than they do about what is good for the nation. They perceive everything as a zero sum game. They are more like clueless sports fans than conscientious citizens.
(3,869 posts)You so nailed it, as you usually do.
Thank you for once again saying what is not so easy to say.
And saying it so eloquently
(15,092 posts)Mr. Ected
(9,688 posts)The Trump voter will be fed a daily diet of lies, obfuscations and deflections as to the cause of their demise.
They will point to the Democrats in Congress, who have so little power, and imbue them with the strength of the majority party to explain why Trump's policies have failed them.
They will point to other faraway and exotic countries around the world, and hang the blame on them.
The Trump voter will gobble up this propaganda, just like they did before the election.
They will suffer under a Trump presidency. There's not a doubt about it.
But they will blame their suffering on someone else, as they always do, and clutch to that lie until Election Day 2020.
(2,120 posts)... these are people that will never accept responsibility for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Always. If they were capable of intellectual considerations and realizing they screwed up by backing Trump, they never would have backed him in the first place.
Throughout the Obama years we were told by breathless, smug Republicans that anything bad that happened was automatically his fault. The 2008 bailouts, terror attacks, social riots, you name it. And yet of course anything GOOD that happened was never because of Obama, oh, of course not. He didn't really "get Bin Laden," they shrieked. The economy really ISN'T doing that great, they whined. Unemployment is really way worse than all those nasty facts debunking their shit, they moaned. Crime really IS up, they insisted.
And so as Trump's broken promises and failures continue to mount, it will always be someone else's fault. I'm quite sure the right-wing propaganda machine has already laid out who to point the finger at when everything goes to shit. Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, you name it. Never Trump.
Oh, and if all else fails expect to hear a lot of bellowing about how "Well America would be WAY worse off if Hillary had won!"
(237 posts)As the great Ron White has said.
Stupid and taken advantage of now, and into the future.
(19,460 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,464 posts)And while I get all the "blaming" that's going around--I participate freely--ultimately it's actually Republicans fault for nominating him. I think he started his run when he started appealing to the birther, tea-party types who nearly took the party down. He had enough showmanship along with no probabls out and out lying-- to attract a lot of people. He reminds me of several Stephan King books, but "Needful Things" is the one that comes to mind the most.
Still, We are going to have to work to counter his appeal, and the mobilization has already started. I look forward to him back to reality TV, or whatever his next deal is
(53,410 posts)The GOP have been caving to them since Sara Palin let them out of the closet. She called them forth by saying they're the "true Americans" and they're mean. As mean as she is. Trump just happened to understand how to herd them into an army of discontents to follow his bidding. They'll go rabidly after the GOP members, individually or as a group at the drop of a Trump tweet.
Trump is vindictive and I doubt he'll forget the snubbing he received from the GOP. They're going to pay. All their present behavior of playing nice with him will just make it sweeter for him when he hurts them.
(15,500 posts)because there were actually some GOPers who voted for Hillary. This should be to ALL Trump voters ... and to ALL those who enabled Trump's "win" because they did not vote for Hillary, whatever their twisted and selfish logic.
I despise EVERY SINGLE ONE of them and always will. May every single one receive the karma they so richly deserve!
(3,424 posts)They ALL knew exactly what trump is and the HATE he spewed. Trump voters come from all walk of life and there are no excuses.
They decided to get in bed with evil, selfishly thinking only others would get hurt and they would benefit. I don't believe in Hell, but GO TO WHATEVER EQUALS HELL TRUMP VOTERS!
(15,500 posts)niyad
(120,195 posts)MarvinGardens
(781 posts)I am new here, and I had voted for Republicans in previous elections. But I could not believe they let this man be at the top of their ticket. So I voted for Hillary this year, and did not vote for a single one of them down ballot. And now that they have allowed this abominatiin into the presidency, I never will vote for any of them again. Never, ever, ever. That is my retribution to them. The Republican party is dead to me.