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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsTrump is showing signs of being an amazingly effective President
at transforming his agenda into reality. The thing is that many of his changes are destructive and will be irreversible. It's much more difficult to construct new legislation than it is to take it apart: the ACA comes to mind as well as Trump selling off public lands, or removing federal funding from PBS. Once they are gone, it will be difficult to recreate them, because legislation that creates something new usually requires 60 votes in the Senate-- the great wall of Trump being the exception that proves the rule.

(113,131 posts)I think you're going to see little coming from his temper tantrums but a lot of work for lawyers as his attempts to govern by fiat are overturned. We have checks on power in this country because Madison et al. knew Trump or someone like him would be along eventually.
The GOP was all for repealing the ACA while a black man was in office. Now they're starting to realize it would be a clusterfuck that would throw most of them out of office. They know full well they'll be blamed for it.
So give this some time before you praise Trump's effectiveness as a president.
(4,518 posts)Very effective at sowing chaos.
(20,034 posts)So is a good laxative....
(60,796 posts)Last edited Sun Jan 29, 2017, 03:24 PM - Edit history (1)
This will all come crashing down in a hurry, I predict. Not sure how or when...but this can't hold.
(348 posts)The more this archaic agenda goes, the lower the US sinks. There logically is a point of no return somewhere in the future. Probably around 18 months or so if things continued on this course. After that, other places in the world will realize the void left and quickly work to fill it up. The scientific, creative and productive barycenter of the world will have shifted. And it will take at least a generation to alter. Nations on a similar course (e.g. Russia, Turkey, possibly UK) will sink as well. None of them will become the new XIXth century's Vienna, or the XVIth century's Nederlands. None of them will get the human kind any closer to meaningful progress and reap the profits. All of them will become the new third world. Intelligence, restraint and communication put humans on top of the food-chain for a reason.
(5,885 posts)The Republicans will begin eating him alive.
(103,856 posts)but many of his "edicts" are nothing without congressional input later on..
I suspect that he will be impeached/removed before many of them ever take effect..
Then, we will have a new flurry of "fetus-y" edicts from Pence
(18,402 posts)Especially when the orders are (a) outside the president's legal capacity to act; and/or (b) unconstitutional.
When President Obama signed executive orders, they were carefully thought out and within the realm of his jurisdiction. (Though he was crossed by the courts on a couple.) His were also done because the majority Republican Congress refused to even take up any of his initiatives.
Trump, by contrast, has the majority, and yet he's signing orders--like "build a wall" or "take away federal funds from sanctuary cities" over which he has no fiscal or legal authority.
So no. Not effective ... yet. God help us if they are.
(22,308 posts)All he has done is sign EOs that will be challenged in court. They do not have the same authority as a law passed through Congress. If he starts signing laws you can then call him effective.
For example, Pres. Obama signed an EO closing Gitmo early on in his administration. It is still open.
I applaud him for trying, but somethings need to acutally be passed by Congress to happen.
(67,237 posts)at wrecking everything he touches. He is not well mentally.
Dave Starsky
(5,914 posts)It doesn't take any energy, talent, courage, strength, creativity, or patience to just go around wrecking stuff that other people have worked so hard on, which is why so many unexceptional people are so driven to do it as much as possible.
(2,573 posts)Trumbannon. They are constantly having to issue statements & getting asked questions that they'd rather not have to deal with. Any why all this turmoil and upheaval.....Trumbannon. Most of them despise this man....he is making their lives miserable.
(67,237 posts)He doesn't qualify for that title.