General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsDo you even bother trying to persuade the other side anymore? DO YOU EVEN TRY???
Other online discussion boards or forums?
Friends, family, co-workers in person or via social media?
If they're on the right, do you even take a serious stab at trying to help them see the merits of being more tolerant, fairer and less bigoted?
So many discussions quickly deteriorate into name calling and insults. It just seems futile.
I get dragged into it at times (okay, I allow myself to type away inconsequently), but I can't help myself. It's like I believe that if I finally stumble upon those key words, that one touching incident, that overwhelming statistic, I might finally break through. But it never seems to happen.
Have you won anyone over? Ever?

(34,604 posts)98% of the time it's a waste of time.
(13,934 posts)Sucha NastyWoman
(2,972 posts)Can't stand to be around them. Which is tough when you live in Texas. And three of my close family members are rabid wingers.
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)And only if they appear ready to learn.
I won't waste my time on any others.
(9,498 posts)Only have one right wing person I communicate with.
Last week I sent him a link from a neutral site. He is a retired cop. The story was about cops fucking over some pizzeria owner.
The link had a bunch of links to verify the story.
He just emailed me back that it was fake news.
I give up. It was a neutral site with a bunch of valid proofs. He only believes Fox and Breitbart.
I can't fight anymore.
(6,916 posts)that line of argument is surprisingly effective
(2,120 posts)... because they're intellectually lazy and brainwashed. It used to be if you debated them they'd post links to their opinion-based, wishful thinking sites to try to "refute" your facts.
Now they just sneer "fake news" at anything they don't like. No attempt to discredit the source. No effort to explain why. No facts to justify their position.
These peopel are beyond recovery or redemption.
(8,859 posts)that I knew of. Had a friend that I debated on Facebook before the presidential election, was anti Clinton and pro Stein, finally got through to him and he ended up voting for Clinton. At least he said so,,,,
(6,916 posts)Independent. Not even close to a Democrat.
(6,916 posts)Sorry, most non-republicans. GOPers are always so damn sure of themselves.
(13,399 posts)then they truly don't care enough to pay attention.
(4,982 posts)is the same as giving resuscitation to a dead man. It's pointless.
(19,512 posts)Like the meme says... When someone shows you who they are, believe them...or something like that.
I don't care if they're family.
I have a life to live. I'm not going to spend my time trying to convince people not to be a fucking asshole.
(620 posts)not live and breathe politics 24/7. I cant imagine how horrific a life that would be, while also allowing partisan bullshit (most of which is hysterical nonsense created for TV ratings) to come between friends and family members.
(19,512 posts)but rather, it has to do with family members and friends finally letting out their previously hidden disdain for people who are different from them. Has nothing at all to do with politics.
(7,749 posts)I don't care. They stepped in dog shit. It was pointed out it was dog shit. They knew it was dog shit, and they stepped in it anyway--on purpose.
(60,536 posts)I ended a thirty years long relationship with my best friend and his husband over Trumpty Dumpty.
(22,976 posts)He was all into tRump, and I just couldn't figure it out. We haven't talked in over a year now. Sad.
(1,180 posts)Not worth the effort. The Right Wing propaganda machine has squashed the intellectual curiosity of its believers.
(12,344 posts)I had my father-in-law convinced to vote for Clinton. He kind of a centrist, but he does watch a lot of Fox News. I thought I was done, so I didn't talk to him again about politics until after the election. He ended up voted for Trump.
(8,480 posts)and after defending him for months, is finally voicing some misgivings. My husband fought back the urge to say, "I told you so" or "how could you have voted for that monster?" Instead, he said, "Fool me once, shame on you..." and his colleague nodded.
(12,344 posts)NRaleighLiberal
(60,815 posts)powerful.
The last 250 days have been too painful to me - I've actually not been in a position to change minds, since I can't be around people who support makes me physically ill.
Arkansas Granny
(31,917 posts)talk politics. Anyone who still supports him won't be swayed by anything I could say.
(14,964 posts)...long Republican. She was unhappy about the ACA because she thought it would increase the number of welfare cheats. She was not going to vote for Obama on these grounds. This came out at a lunch with friends. Afterwards I wrote her an e-mail where I acknowledged that some people cheat, but made the case that medical care has become so technically complicated and therefore expensive that no one of ordinary means can be expected to go without insurance, and insurance can't be expected to pay unless the pool includes lots of healthy people. She e-mailed me that she was persuaded and would vote for Obama.
I sure wish I could say this happened more than once in my life. But I do see it as evidence that sometimes showing that you listened is better than the approach of others at the lunch who just privately sighed and dismissed e=her.
(6,504 posts)Come to find out that people had just shut up about their segregationist-era views because they thought they were unpopular, but when Trump told them it was cool to let their prejudice flag fly, they did.
Forget about trying to win them over. It'll never happen. Instead, reach out to people you can make common cause with, even if you don't agree with them on absolutely everything.
The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)I knew before last year that racism is still rampant, but people kept their ignorance to themselves. Now that Dotard McShitstain has made it cool again, all the bigots are showing their true colors. Disgusting.
The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)If it is someone who seems to otherwise have some common sense, I will engage them, but for the most part no. My Dad's side of my family are fire-breathing wing-nuts who have a very, very narrow view of the world. THEIR specific brand of religion is the only TRUE one. THEIR specific brand of wingnut politics is the only RIGHT one. They're all really smug and self-righteous about it. I learned long ago to avoid engaging them in conversation when possible, though that is no easy feat; politics and religion are all they care about.
(6,916 posts)The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)My father listened to Rush too, from the time he appeared on the air locally, back in the early 90s. I guess I should also say here that my older step brother is one of these constitutional convention nutters. I tried to get through to him, but it was fruitless.
(6,916 posts)Limbaugh scares people for ad money
Fox scares people to advance the agenda of GOP billionaires like Murdoch
They say when you want to get through to a cult member you need to give them new information. Show them some of the Fox videos or articles on Fox out there.
(7,572 posts)I get infuriated at their ignorance and racism. I'm the one who usually blows his cool.
What is it about politics that makes it different from everything else? I can hold a rational discussion over the merits of sports teams or musicians, but not politics.
(12,135 posts)Occasionally, people will find it difficult to justify insanity in person - online, not so much.
True Dough
(21,663 posts)It's almost impossible online. People resort to memes, gifs, YouTube videos, or they resort to personal attacks very quickly.
(52,559 posts)article about "how to broach the subject and go about listening to someone with different views, etc". I laughed out loud since even reading the article would be a waste of my energy and time. I have no desire to make my stress/anxiety any higher than it already has been since Nov 8th.
(11,903 posts)People are who they are, and I concentrate my efforts in other areas.
(10,238 posts)is if someone starts up with the, People on welfare drive their Mercedes to their beach houses while talking on their iPhone Xs and watching car DirectTV. I am a social worker and I know my benefits inside and out. I used to keep my mouth shut, but I got so sick of hearing how Moms with 7 kids get $1500 a month per kid I started my education campaign. People have the nerve to argue with me, But, I have this friend whose sister's neighbor gets disability and he can do backflips off his second story roof... But I just smirk.
(2,799 posts)but they "hate libs". I'm tired, anybody else tired?
(4,128 posts)Why bother?
Once they are rounded up into FEMA trailers and fed cat food, why should we give a fuck?
Just askin'!
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)Nope and Nope.
(6,916 posts)I find that talking about media propaganda is key.
I don't argue politics, I talk about media bias, and how Fox News is lying to push the agenda of GOP billionaires like Murdoch. Fox wants its viewers to vote for destroying the govt so Murdoch and his ilk can have tax cuts.
100% of people tell me I'm wrong.
And 50% of those people in a few weeks have noticeably different views.
(6,504 posts)
But when I do, I regret it.
(38,895 posts)"So many discussions quickly deteriorate into name calling and insults. It just seems futile. "
Most of the juries I serve on have to do with personal attacks and bashing Dem figures.
True Dough
(21,663 posts)It's tough when you get a post that's been reported and you read the previous posts before making a decision and you realize that one or two of the other posts is guilty of violating DU rules as well. Lots of those are Bernie vs. Hillary, you're right!
(38,895 posts)My wife voted for Trump but came to the conclusion on her own a few months ago that was a terrible mistake and she wishes she had voted for Hillary. Had I argued against her decision to vote for Trump, she would have just dug in her heels and it would have caused needless strife in our relationship.
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Glimmer of Hope
(5,823 posts)I have an uncle whose FB page is filled with Trumpisms and Buddhist memes. Oh my.
Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)doc03
(37,379 posts)by Fox News they think anything else is fake news.
(23,272 posts)left-of-center2012
(34,195 posts)
(109,717 posts)telling me about how much she can't stand DT. I know she comes from a conservative family, so that was a big step for her. Also, she mentioned that she and her husband disagree on this.
But she felt safe talking to me because of what I've been posting on FB. Good. That's what I was hoping. I've been careful to distinguish between my loathing of DT and the politicos who are supporting him versus the people who might have voted for him as a Republican and are regretting it.
I welcome those people with open arms.
(12,124 posts)radical noodle
(9,269 posts)that not all liberals are to be hated. That's a start. I talk to them, I don't shout at them. I don't call them names. I patiently explain over and over and over again. I can't imagine what will happen if their beloved trump <gag> turns out to have colluded with Russia and laundered money for them.
Sucha NastyWoman
(2,972 posts)They will just accuse you of thinking
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