Young Conservatives bake sale at UT sparks racism furor
The Young Conservations of Texas chapter at the University of Texas at Austin sparked a protest with an affirmative action bake sale on campus Wednesday afternoon. The club encouraged students to to buy a cookie from us and talk about the disastrous policy that is affirmative action.
The Young Conservatives UT chapter, or YCT-UT, priced cookies on a tiered pricing model to illustrate this disastrous policy that demeans minorities on our campus by placing labels of race and gender on their accomplishments, according to the event description posted on the YCT-UT Facebook page.
Related: Young Americans for Freedom starts up amid rocky waters at Univ. of Kansas
These items and prices were listed on the bake sale sign:
Asian male $1.50
Asian female $1.25
White male $1.00
White female $.75
African American male $.50
African American female $.25
Hispanic male $.50
Hispanic female $.25
Native American FREE
YCT is a truly colorblind organization, the Facebook event reads, and believes that all government institutions are constitutionally prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race in all circumstances, including affirmative action. As news of the bake sale spread around the UT campus, some outraged students began protesting. And as news of the event spread, many shared reactions on Twitter.
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Their parents from the KKK would be so proud.

(15,234 posts)There's a saying, that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. This kind of fits that criteria.
(27,787 posts)... to see if any one has every tried this before ... and how it worked out.
Oh wait ... "Conservative" students ... never mind.
(3,114 posts)mdbl
(5,605 posts)unless you aren't talking about Utah
(873 posts)Ah, the sensitive Mormons of the new millennium
What would Jesus charge ?
(34,582 posts)not Utah.
(47,402 posts)to be fair, there are Dems who also question the race-based affirmative action and would argue in favor of an income-based version instead to help out poor Appalachian-Americans for example.
It's very interesting they put Asians on top. We are blatantly blocked out from many opportunities in some sectors based on the "Make America Great Again" belief that we are somehow "less American" than those with European heritage and should not be trusted with matters of national security.
(5,605 posts)for 3 years. Then we can hear what they have to say. Affirmative action policies were created to overcome those things. In many cases it worked.
(63,402 posts)but a finish based on some criteria of having learned a specific lesson after a minimum time.
ETA - doubt anything would ever actually work.
(42,862 posts)FSogol
(47,126 posts)Just ignore the fuckers.
(501 posts)women, African Americans and Hispanics are paid far less than white men for the same job. And, that doesn't even take into account the fact that white men hold almost all of the executive and senior leadership positions at companies around the country. Thus, the statistics cited (77% gender gap, 55% to 75% minority gap) don't even contemplate the wage gap created by the lack of opportunity faced by women and minorities as compared to white men. If we saw the true number including the glass ceiling effect, who knows what the gap would really be.
Adding insult to injury, women are charged more for all kinds of consumer items. So it's opposite day once again with these liars.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)...but it's a great start.
Jopin Klobe
(779 posts)... and truly brain-dead ...
(34,582 posts)to them means black and white- there are whites, then there is everyone else.
(36,558 posts)They're not "colorblind" at all if they can't answer that.
(24,900 posts)My favorite kind.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)It gets even more complicated, legally, for people not cookies
"In one corner of the law, minorities and women are often valued less"
"In one case, when a 6-year-old girl and a male fetus were killed in the same car crash, the settlement for the fetus was calculated to be up to 84 percent higher than the girls, according to court records. "
(I'm not trying to defend their cookie sale)
(6,082 posts)I suspect they're self-described Christians as well.
(50,932 posts)I can't imagine the thoughts going through the AA person in the foreground.