Justice Dept. says 18 people facing federal charges after Portland protests
Source: The Hill
The Department of Justice (DOJ) said Friday that 18 people are facing federal charges after several days of protests in Portland, Ore.
The DOJ said in court filings that the charges, stemming from demonstrations at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse, include assaulting a federal officer, creating a disturbance, trespassing on federal property, failing to comply with a lawful order, damaging government property, arson and more.
All defendants are believed to be local residents and range in age from 18-45. Theyve all made their first appearances in court and were ordered released pending jury trials or other follow-up court proceedings.
The charges come after several consecutive nights of protests have rocked the city. The protests were sparked by the death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died in Minneapolis in May when a white police officer pinned him down by his neck for nearly nine minutes.
Read more: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/508993-justice-dept-says-18-people-facing-federal-charges-after-portland

(53,541 posts)TeamPooka
(25,577 posts)bluestarone
(18,705 posts)If true, i bet they ALL get charges dropped.
(54,770 posts)TomSlick
(12,121 posts)DoJ is taking a risk with these charges.
progressive nobody
(816 posts)
marble falls
(63,002 posts)msongs
(70,570 posts)LiberalFighter
(53,541 posts)Arresting peacekeepers when they are the ones committing crimes is wrong.
(14,061 posts)bluestarone
(18,705 posts)Requested paperwork when they were released, showing who arrested them why were they arrested!
(4,279 posts)groundloop
(12,479 posts)yonder
(10,034 posts)If these federales are not credentialed with uniforms, badges, name tags, etc. as some sort of duly authorized agents of the "law", then there can be no failure to obey such non-entities, IMO. There can be no recognition of what a lawful order is or is not, and therefore no failure, if they remain unidentified as lawful agents.
No more so than if Bubba from down the street kits himself up with camo, firearms, armor and a sticker that says Police and then insists that you obey his commands.
I'm guessing that most of these "police" are not far removed from "Bubba from down the street."
Ferrets are Cool
(22,077 posts)How the hell is anyone supposed to know who the fuck is kidnapping them. It could very well be "Bubba" from down the street dressed up in that fucking garb. We already know they own this crap.
(23,411 posts)Tips for Protecting You from Law Enforcement Impersonators :
Those who impersonate police officers erode the publics trust in law enforcement and may endanger unsuspecting people. There are several tips you can remember to protect yourself during a traffic stop while helping your police officers do their jobs.
Make sure it is a marked police unit. If it is not a marked unit, the emergency lights should be built in and are usually not a temporary light placed on the vehicle.
Try to stop in a well-lit area or a location where there are a lot of people present.
Turn on your emergency flashers but dont turn off your car.
Do not get out of the vehicle to meet the officer. Officers usually dont like this anyway.
Lock your door.
Look for a uniform, official department jacket, and other equipment used by police officers for the performance of their duties.
If the officer is in plainclothes, look for identifying clothing and equipment. If unsure, explain to the officer that you are unsure about the situation and ask them to display official department identification and badge. Ask where they work and if you can contact their dispatch center to confirm their identity. You may also request a marked patrol unit respond.
Pay attention to what they are asking. Most officers will advise you of the reason for the stop and request your drivers license, registration, and proof of insurance.
If they immediately tell you to get out of the car without any preliminary questions, be suspicious.
Trust your instincts. If they dont seem to be a real police officer they are probably not.
from https://www.canbypolice.com/docs/police_impersonators.pdf with my emphasis
Ferrets are Cool
(22,077 posts)CRIMINALS with the backing of a corrupt White House.
(296 posts)Off the street, thrown in to a van with a hood over your face, they haul you to a secret location and try to fish for information. You are detained for hours before being released. You end up back on the street as if nothing happened. Try suing them. You can't if there is no RECORD of your kidnaping. These kidnapers will simply deny they ever picked you up in the first place. No evidence of abusing their authority and no evidence of abuse to you under your CIVIL RIGHTS.

(13,582 posts)Defense attorneys will chew up the mercenaries on the witness stand. In the end - Barr, Trump, and each of these jackboot thugs will be disgraced for treating the constitution like toilet paper.
(14,637 posts)If the protest is against local police and for BLM, wouldn't it make more sense to raise hell at city hall and city police headquarters?
Looks like one way to completely neuter Trump's goons is to totally avoid federal property like the plague.
(146,834 posts)
I can see maybe if early on, it was one stop for protest marches and something happened at that specific location that prompted an OTT response against marchers who briefly rallied there, and it escalated ever since. Or maybe if there was some specific case involving ICE/CBP/TSA/ATF?
But other than that, Portland is only 3.9% black and this thing at this particular courthouse, seems to have devolved into an anti-fed "stand their ground" thing.
(2,022 posts)and not protesting. But they are happy to let the BLM protesters provide cover for them.
If the BLM movement had a national leader and a nationwide team of mature planners, it could be so much different.
(296 posts)Understand this. They usually go home before eleven. Those who are out later are agitators and anarchists who WANT A CONFRONTATION with law enforcement and and government. Young punks looking for trouble.
(7,752 posts)C Moon
(12,684 posts)usajumpedtheshark
(673 posts)Steelrolled
(2,022 posts)He will be using this to claim he had to take care of the anarchists in Portland because the city wouldn't. I noticed he claims that Biden supports defunding the police, which Biden never did.
edit for typo.
(2,022 posts)I don't necessarily expect sympathetic juries. These people are not being charged with participating in a BLM protest. They are being charge with the crap you see on the news every night. If there is video, it won't go well for them.
(296 posts)Most of the charges listed under/for these arrests don't generate jury trials. Most of the charges just require appearance before a Judge who will conduct a trial, consider the merits of the arrest, the merits of the defendant's defense (usually with a lawyer or court appointed lawyer) and then Judge rules on the defendant's guilt or innocent. Most of the charges are minor criminal offenses generating a fine and maybe some minor jail time. A major crime of Arson or assaulting a federal employee or law enforcement might generate a jury trial if the defendant asks for one.
(2,022 posts)What you said makes sense - only major offenses would get jury trials.
My point was I wouldn't count on a jury to be sympathetic.