Trump's Psychologist Niece Says 'Donald Is Dementing'
Source: Daily Beast
Donald Trumps niece says her uncles mental condition is declining and that he is now demonstrably untethered from reality.
Mary Trump, the psychologist and writer who is now an outspoken critic of her fathers younger brother, addressed the former presidents cognition after his rambling, incoherent answer to a question about childcare last week. Asked at the Economic Club of New York about what legislation he would advance to make childcare more affordable if he wins back the White House, Trump blathered on for almost two minutes in a response that left media pundits at a loss to explain what he was trying to say.
Its deeply disturbing that somebody as unhinged and incoherent as Donald is allowed to run for the presidency in the first place (and that leaves aside all of the other disqualifying things about him), Mary Trump wrote, lamenting a lack of urgency from the media in the face of Donalds increasingly bizarre behavior.
On any given day, he is demonstrably untethered from realityand it often seems that the reason the warning lights arent constantly flashing red is because nobody covering him expects otherwise, she continued. Surely a political press corps that spent months arguing that President Bidens age rendered him mentally unfit, wouldnt look the other way when the Republican candidate, the oldest person to run for president in American history, is not only old but decompensating before our very eyes. The difference of course is that Biden is aging while Donald is dementing.
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(17,963 posts)ailsagirl
(23,993 posts)Bad as he was before, he's unbearably cuckoo now-- they must notice it. And, if not, they're as crazy as he is.
liberal N proud
(61,025 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,223 posts)watch no news. Really, most of the country watches very little news. And in that red bubble the people who do watch "the news" watch Fox. Most people probably get their information from social media, church, and their friends and family. They never see or hear bad things about Trump. Even if they did, any facts that are contrary to their belief system bounce off their brains. When you live in such a strong bubble with virtually everyone else you know it can be very difficult to break free, even if you see a need to break free, and most do not.
(54,492 posts)Should it be the lengths they go to are too "big"? Or too "long"?
Can lengths be big? Is long lengths redundant?
Anyway, yeah, the bias is staggering. Relentlesly slamming Hillary for all kinds of scandals, Donnie far outdoes anything she was ever accused of, he now has actual felony convictions and more trials looming but it's all pretty ho-hum won't change the polls as far as the media is concerned.
Donnie's a mental mess and that's fine but Biden had a senior moment so he needs to go.
The crowds and the donations and endorsements are going massively for Kamala but hey look we found a poll saying it's within the margin of error. Bad news for Kamala! Warning flares!
I've seen stories about how this debate is a major test for her, what she needs to do, say, accomplish,... they're setting it up for a narrative where she didn't do whatever it is they think she needs to do so it's bad news even if everything thinks she won.... meanwhile absolutely no requirements for Donnie. He doesn't need to accomplish anything, there's no narrative setting him up for failure because they will never cover it like he failed. No matter what.
The bias is obvious and massive.
(15,630 posts)
He has passed Caligula on the dementia scale.
(3,296 posts)Nickname for him: Cantaloupe Caligula the Corpulent.
(15,630 posts)Or the Goodwill.

Why would science want two neurons, one by each ear, that just sit there sparking?😂
(15,630 posts)Who don't need a good laugh after a day of quantum mechanical theorizing?
(3,296 posts)Caligula can tell you all about it. Cause, you know, he had an uncle who was at MIT. All that knowledge just osmosed to the Apricot Antichrist.
(15,630 posts)💩
Dont insult Sagan like that! 😂
(2,109 posts)After all, with his dementia, its going to have enough holes in it to have the surface area for scrubbing. Either that, or be confused with Swiss cheese but with the smell of Limburger🤢🤮😂
(12,198 posts)Trump is not well either mentally or physically. Hes had a few times when he has just frozen for many seconds and been unable to speak. A commenter on a WaPo article describes these as mini strokes.
(36,493 posts)If that's true, then both of Donald's parents suffered from it. Not looking good genetically.
(19,291 posts)From what I've read, she had a lot of physical health problems as she grew older, but she didn't lose her grip on reaity.
Just having one parent with Alzheimer's is a genetic red flag, though. It really does sound like he's taking after his dad.
(3,376 posts)tanyev
(45,254 posts)Maybe, but that didnt stop a lot of them from trying!
Blue Owl
(55,195 posts)jmowreader
(51,804 posts)He's not mentally qualified to run for dogcatcher.
Quick question: The Constitution gives the requirements to be president - at least 35 years old, a natural-born citizen or a citizen of the United States at the time of adoption of the Constitution, and residency in the US for at least eight years prior to the election. Is it unconstitutional to add more? I note that the Constitution doesn't say "thou shalt not add on to this."
And so, I suggest these as minima:
1. Passage of a US Department of Defense single-scope background investigation, which is conducted on people applying for Top Secret security clearances. Presidents are required to handle extremely classified documents; they should be investigated at least as well as an 18-year-old who enlists for a Military Intelligence job.
2. Having won at least two elections to either the US Senate, US House or governor. President should not be your first political office. I don't care if you lost eight elections before you started winning them, you need to have won some elections and gained some political experience before you get this job.
3. Passing an Army enlistment physical and mental health screening.
4. Either going to "all cash" on all your securities investments or placing them in a blind trust before taking office. You must also place people who are not members of your family in charge of all your companies; these individuals will be charged with running your companies on an even keel so you'll still have them after your term in office is over.
(433 posts)FDR would not have passed an Army physical, nor Taft, nor Biden, nor many others. I see no reason to limit anyone with a physical disability or chronic medical condition from running for that office.
I would like to see government employee ethical standards apply to the presidency. And a battery of mental capacity tests should be taken and made public, but I think ultimately it is up to the voters to judge who should be president. And up to the VP, Cabinet and Congress to act as a constant check for continued capacity while in office, per the 25th Amendment.
Just my opinion.
(137,900 posts)Sad to say 'sickness' prevails.
(4,704 posts)are in today's world, where there's hardly a family NOT impacted, you have to wonder if these magas are living with it 24/7/365 to the point where it seems "normal" to watch and promote someone who obviously has it. You and I would be looking for the best memory home we could find and afford for our parents. Donny's kids obviously don't care enough about him to do what the lowliest of us do for our own parents.
(27,325 posts)Kid Berwyn
(19,011 posts)A mans character is his fate. Heraclitus