Gross Domestic Misery Is Rising
The recovery is bypassing those who need it most.
By Paul Krugman
Are you better off now than you were in July?
On the face of it, that shouldnt even be a question. After all, stocks are up; the economy added more than a million jobs in August (Ill explain the scare quotes in a minute); preliminary estimates suggest that G.D.P. is growing rapidly in the third quarter, which ends this month.
But the stock market isnt the economy: more than half of all stocks are owned by only 1 percent of Americans, while the bottom half of the population owns only 0.7 percent of the market.
Jobs and G.D.P., by contrast, sort of are the economy. But they arent the economys point. What some economists and many politicians often forget is that economics isnt fundamentally about data, its about people. I like data as much as, or probably more than, the next guy. But an economys success should be judged not by impersonal statistics, but by whether peoples lives are getting better.
And the simple fact is that over the past few weeks the lives of many Americans have gotten much worse.