Russians struggle to understand Ukraine war: 'We didn't choose this'
Updated 6:47 AM EST, Thu March 3, 2022
[article begins with descriptions of young people protesting, but ensuring that they remain in crowds]
"Meanwhile, members of Russias intelligentsia academics, writers, journalists and others have issued public appeals decrying the war, including a rare open letter to Putin signed by 1,200 students, faculty and staff of MGIMO University, the prestigious Moscow State Institute of International Relations, affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which produces most of Russias government and foreign service elite."
"But many Russians, in fact, do not fully know what is happening in Ukraine. State-controlled television shows almost no reports of Russian bombing and shelling in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities, instead it focuses on so-called Ukrainian nationalists and neo-fascists.
[article states news stations did not prepare Russians for going to war, many are surprised]
But Russian young people like 25-year-old Arina, who lives in Moscow, is not watching TV she says she hasnt watched it in seven years. Shes on the internet, reading blogs and listening to vloggers. She hasnt taken part in protests yet, but she has seen young people on the street taking part in silent protests, sticking No to War signs on their backpacks or bags.
Arina says she and her mother had a very fierce argument.
She just doesnt accept my position and thinks Im a pro-Westerner, that I dont understand anything. She doesnt believe what I say, I dont believe what she says
We have very different sources of information: I learn everything from the independent media, which have mostly long been blocked in Russia, and she watches TV. ...
Much more at the article. When people only believe TV for their worldview, especially TV focused on one perspective-- one that is controlled by one source, in this case the Russian state, then propaganda works. There are people in this country who live in such information bubbles voluntary-- like those who watch TV only and Fox News in particular (or one of their copycats). The danger is clear.