Republican excuses for rejecting Ketanji Brown Jackson are absurd
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Bidens Supreme Court nominee, seems to be getting rave reviews from Republicans. Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.) said that she is a person of exceptionally good character, respected by her peers and someone who has worked hard to achieve her current position. Sen. Ben Sasse (Neb.) declared that she has impeccable credentials and a deep knowledge of the law. Obviously, Judge Jackson exceeds the standard that should apply to Supreme Court nominees: that they be well-qualified, possess an even temperament and sit within the judicial mainstream. Yet Mr. Graham, Mr. Sasse and other Judiciary Committee Republicans are vowing to oppose advancing her nomination when the panel meets on Monday.
The reasons they have concocted are not credible. Mr. Graham voted to confirm Judge Jackson to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the second-most powerful court in the country, less than a year ago. Yet Mr. Graham has suddenly concluded that she has a record of judicial activism.
Mr. Sasse complained that Judge Jackson refused to claim originalism as her judicial philosophy. In fact, the extent to which she embraced originalism made many liberals uncomfortable. I believe that the Constitution is fixed in its meaning, Judge Jackson said in her confirmation hearings. I believe that its appropriate to look at the original intent, original public meaning, of the words when one is trying to assess because, again, thats a limitation on my authority to import my own policy. If that is not good enough for Mr. Sasse, he is committing to reject any Supreme Court nominee selected by a Democratic president. Perhaps that is the point.
Senators should not impose an originalism test or a living constitutionalism test or any other crude philosophical standard on judicial nominees. The correct way to interpret the Constitution is open to legitimate debate, each judge even each originalist judge is different, and presidents should generally get high-quality picks confirmed. Otherwise the federal judiciary would become more political and less effective.
Chipper Chat
(10,122 posts)She is a black woman
(160,740 posts)it's not like they can just say, BECAUSE SHE IS A BLACK naturally their excuses will sound RIDICULOUS
Mr. Evil
(3,001 posts)it is amazing how adept they are at twisting and warping themselves into a knot of hyper verbal word vomit.
Mr. Evil
(3,001 posts)what life is like waking up every day with 2 strikes against you. She's quite possibly one of the most qualified justices ever nominated to the SCOTUS and must have a fortitude of titanium platinum alloy and a backbone of cold blue steel. Another reason they don't like her is because they know she's intellectually several levels above them. And namby pamby men like them just cannot stand that.
In other words, she rocks!
(138 posts)Ray Bruns
(4,798 posts)Martin68
(24,817 posts)I'm sure I don't need to remind anyone on DU what I'm talking about.
(47,315 posts)they want judges to be as qualified as Amy Coney-Barrett and of the character of Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh.
(2,638 posts)..simply not being conservative? Or just vote NO because it's what Biden wants?