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(25,380 posts)If he really believed in eugenics, he's sterilize himself.
(28,270 posts)True Dough
(21,659 posts)and the lack of compunction shown here is further to the point that he holds dear to a feeling of superiority:
(46,151 posts)No wonder his aryan fan club loves him so
(14,578 posts)You do have to wonder about the people who cheer him on. Do they believe he considers them his equal?
(11,686 posts)All of his followers would cheer hearing him say that but the sad thing is they do not understand that he is talking about them ALSO not just his opponents. Do they think that Trump values them as highly as he does himself just because they worship him? This man is very scary. I keep looking at Trump and his human values and I just keep seeing Hitler.
The Wielding Truth
(11,427 posts)elected I thought that must be a mistake and that could never happen esp. here. But when I see how Trump can twist anything and brag on it, I am afraid that it is happening here.
The minds of so many have been cultured by Fox News and the radical Right Wing. They have been fed dangerous propaganda demonizing anyone but the Rich, Christian and white male.
I have seen a movement from a civil inclusive society considered "melting pot", to a dog eat dog survival uncontrolled fearsome search for scapegoats.
What happened on the conservative side with "home of the brave"? They are afraid to use our laws to control and make right the injustices of our country. The banks, the environment, rapid fire guns in the hands of maniacs, systemic racism, immigration, the economy and the Guantanamo detainees have been stymied by fear on the the right. They don't have the courage to explore the truth and mediate the solutions. They don't have the strength of character to toss out the money lenders ( I say lenders because the large donors consider it an investment and they want a return.) and fight for a better union according to our Preamble.
Stupidity and greed and fear are not traits I wish represent the moral character of our country.
Bernie had it all right and Hillary can carry that mantle to the White House and she knows how to work hard to make it work. I fear that a world under all RW Republican rule will result in unfathomable unraveling and destruction of a decent America.
(8,819 posts)but want to make one small correction.
Hitler wasn't elected. Germany had a parliamentary system where the Chancellor was appointed by the President (who was elected) to form a government. Generally speaking, the Chancellor was the leader of the party that got the largest number of seats in the Reichstag, which in early 1933 was the Nazi Party. However, the President, Hindenburg, could have refused to appoint Hitler and turned to other more liberal parties to form a majority coalition. The irony is the Nazis were beginning to lose support when Hindenburg--against his own better judgment--was persuaded by the conservative leaders to go with Hitler. They got less votes in 1932 than they did in 1930.
And though the Nazi Party got the largest number of votes, they never won a clear majority against the other parties, not until Hitler outlawed all opposition. He was able to do this by using the German equivalent of the Patriot Act, which was passed in a rush after the Reichstag building was burned.
The conservatives in Germany thought they could control Hitler. They thought if they appointed him head of government he would suddenly become responsible and work within the system--in support of conservative values (support for the military, patriotism and pride in country, anti-Semitism, capitalism, etc.). What happened instead was that he was able to dupe them and assume absolute power.
But your general point is correct: Hitler came to power "legally" and under a democratic system by duping millions of German voters. He then worked quickly to destroy that democracy, plunging Germany and then the whole world into a nightmare.
My family lived through this, and I grew up hearing about how it happened. I've always believed something like that could well happen here, which is why Trump scares the living hell out of me.
Best wishes.
(8,652 posts)In it, they speak of the Trump family's belief in the "race horse theory of human development," whereby they believe that two parents with "superior" genes will produce "superior" offspring. Immediately, I found myself asking why they weren't calling this what it is: eugenics!
(3,766 posts)That made him.
(43,159 posts)ごまん な ひとが きらだ I hate arrogance. And Donald Trump is the most self centered Egotistical Maniacal, arrogant person ever.
dawn frenzy adams
(429 posts)
(15,121 posts)Shun him.
(8,819 posts)In eugenics, people with disabilities are genetically inferior and "pollute" the gene pool.
Before exterminating Jews, Hitler and the Nazis began murdering people with disabilities. They used them as experimental subjects to develop the technologies of mass murder--gas vans, and eventually gas chambers. The first victims were people, including children, in German institutions.
So Trump's feelings about people with disabilities might go beyond simple disdain. He, like the Nazis, might actually see them as a threat to society. "The poisoned seed" to use the name of a Nazi film about disability.
The man is truly, truly frightening.