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Related: About this forumPROPHECY: "Trump Will Win Predicted By Bible Codes"
Uh oh! We're in trouble!

(9,498 posts)stopbush
(24,643 posts)
(4,066 posts)Thank you. I'm so mad at myself for never putting that together.
(113,131 posts)Sure, bring 'em on. This is the most positive sign I've seen of a Clinton win so far.
(27,341 posts)I could really use the money lol
(1,905 posts)Conservanut bu$hit.
I'll bet their bible codes say the Earth is flat.
(1,173 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,522 posts)Will he show his face on Wednesday?
(43,166 posts)THEY WANT A KING!!! They want him to be KING Donald of the America's. Its gag worthy
(20,885 posts)
(27,461 posts)
(26,113 posts) the bible? Really? Which translation might that be?
(2,322 posts)The passage is from Exodus and it goes:
"Oy, Moses, you are such a "big thing" [President]. If God hadn't already chosen you, we'd have chosen you."
Thus, the Bible clearly indicates that the Hebrews would have voted Moses president if he hadn't already been installed.
(35 posts)Horseman of the apocalypse do you think the Donald is?
mountain grammy
(27,513 posts)and is just as stupid.
rusty quoin
(6,133 posts)Nothing as always. People like you are false...always. And you never pay a price, because reality never had anything to do with it.
(35 posts)I didn't even think about it. You are totally right. He might come back with another prediction in a few years but there will be others to take his place regardless.
world wide wally
(21,835 posts)mdbl
(5,612 posts)Whichever one can make them the most money from stupid people who listen to them.
(24,920 posts)Red Knight
(704 posts)Jeeeesh. Now if he can tell me what I'm having for lunch, that'd be great. Can't make up my mind. Does God want me to have a chicken salad sandwich or tacos?
(31 posts)Trumpty Dumpty, built a big wall,
Trumpty Dumpty, will show them all!
And neither endorsers nor congressmen,
know they'd better get behind him just as fast as they can!
Trumpty Dumpty, high on his wall,
Trumpty Dumpty, will make the call!
And all his enforcers, Open Carrying Men,
know its their turn to make America Great Again!
Trumpty Dumpty, behind his wall,
Trumpty Dumpty's lies spin out of control!
And all for the worse his past just caught up again:
accusers lie big league believe me, we all know i'm innocent!
Trumpty Dumpty, jumps the crumblin wall,
Trumpty DumpTV will start come this fall!
And all the remorsers, they know by then,
that America was great before their shit hit the fan!
(9,676 posts)Although my belief in American exceptionalism died when the right-wingers on the Supreme Court handed the White House to Dubya.