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When you're flipping channels for something to watch, what actor or actress do you see in a program that makes you keep on flippin'?
I'll go first.
Steven Seagal
Chuck Norris

(7,934 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,967 posts)and are among my all-time favorites. Mel jumped the rails later and I don't care for his later movies after he got religion, but those two are excellent.
(7,934 posts)Galipoli is on my list to see. I dont know why he thinks he can do comedy. He is not funny.
(14,984 posts)curlyred
(1,879 posts)Clark Gable
(107,835 posts)really?
(37,648 posts)To each his own, I guess. But I love Clark Gable.
(107,835 posts)curlyred
(1,879 posts)Something about his facial hair and voice has always put me off. Smarmy. No one I want to spend a couple of hours looking at or listening to.
(24,643 posts)For a smarmy guy reformed, try San Francisco.
(25,025 posts)SummerSnow
(12,608 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)I don't like Julia Roberts, but the whole world seems to love her. I can't explain it why I don't. I think she's insincere, maybe? And not that great an actress. (But I do like the movie Pretty Woman, so I guess I wouldn't always keep flippin'. She wasn't the big star, yet, so maybe that's the difference w/that movie.)
(9,967 posts)smirkymonkey
(63,221 posts)Something about her irritates me, and when she screams or laughs it is really high-pitched which is like nails across a chalkboard to me.
(19,320 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)htuttle
(23,738 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)spooky3
(36,947 posts)On Married with Children.
(5,240 posts)htuttle
(23,738 posts)When he shows up in the cast, it's all downhill from there.
In television circles, McGinley is known as the "patron saint of shark-jumping" by Jump The Shark founder Jon Hein, due to his historical tendency to join shows after their first and strongest period of production was past (most notably, he appeared in the later phases of The Love Boat, Happy Days, Dynasty, Married... with Children, and The John Larroquette Show).
Though to be fair, it's never actually his fault. It's all kind of a joke -- which he is in on:
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)Off the top of my head.
(5,835 posts)can anyone recommend a good tom cruise movie? didn't think so.
ben stiller is more like the other 2, but less funny.
(36,947 posts)rampartc
(5,835 posts)lunamagica
(9,967 posts)empedocles
(15,751 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,840 posts)But I thought Tom was a decent actor when he was younger. He was good in Risky Business and Born on the 4th of July.
(15,751 posts)mahatmakanejeeves
(62,929 posts)dewsgirl
(14,964 posts)Also Adam Sandler was great in Spanglish.
Ron Obvious
(6,261 posts)That and Spotless have terrific concepts that could have made for great, intelligent movies, but I was very disappointed how little they did with them, opting instead for very conventional treatments that were probably audience-tested in advance. Could have been great, ultimately very forgettable and disappointing.
(11,177 posts)Lochloosa
(16,488 posts)Beringia
(4,863 posts)Laffy Kat
(16,557 posts)I don't get it either. He has that silly voice he uses, which isn't funny, and nothing else.
(348 posts)Every one of his movies is the same...I've never understood his popularity. He was surrounded by superior talent at SNL
(10,035 posts)turned me off the moment I first saw him on SNL. The Christmas Hannukah schtick he did is absolutely awful, IMO.
50 Shades Of Blue
(11,062 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)empedocles
(15,751 posts)get the red out
(13,683 posts)He just freaks me out too much in real life.
(4,230 posts)smirkymonkey
(63,221 posts)I just saw the Rainmaker the other night, which was a really good movie, but he played this smarmy southern lawyer defending a corrupt health insurance company and I just wanted to rip his throat out. I have seen him in other things too and I can't stand him. He's just so creepy. No surprise that he's a hardcore republican.
(531 posts)John Voight
Clint Eastwood
All 3 because of their political views and the first 2 aren't good actors.
(17,287 posts)not even a good actor!
(15,226 posts)His films, which I used to like, are now unwatchable. Hes in the Woody Zone.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,967 posts)Great, twisty movie.
(18,124 posts)Seven is one of my favorite movies. I also think he has been the best Lex Luthor on film.
(14,964 posts)Cards. I try to separate the person from his acting. He is a vile human being, but a highly talented actor.
(151 posts)Susan Sarandon!
(36,376 posts)of my favorites. Now, I can't stomach them because of her.
(3,865 posts)Thelma and Louise
radical noodle
(9,346 posts)Yes. She and the others mentioned here, but she is the top of my do-not-watch list at the moment.
(18,876 posts)But I love most of her movies and will watch them. Hard core lefties who might tick me off dont bother me as much as right wing whack jobs, racists, wife beaters, misogynists, sex traffickers, sexual predators or pedophiles. Most of the more toxic conservatives cant act anyway (Seagall, Norris, Lowe, Chachi, etc.) I think the exception is James Woods, who used to be considered a decent actor but is so nauseatingly right wing that I will channel surf right over his stuff (except Casino where DeNiro cancels him out.) I used to enjoy Woody Allen movies but cant bring myself to watch them anymore. Spacey too. Right wingers who have 1 or 2 movies I will watch: Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson.
I cant watch Angelina Jolie after seeing The Tourist. Her performance was just awful in a way that really annoyed me due to her affectation. There are also actors I dont like (Cruise, DiCaprio) but am pleasantly surprised whenever I watch their movies. I watch Charelton Heston for the camp. Another bad right wing actor.
(36,376 posts)Chris Farley. Just. Not. Funny.
(95,316 posts)Shrek
(4,231 posts)radical noodle
(9,346 posts)NRaleighLiberal
(60,827 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,967 posts)And if politics is an issue, she's a devout lefty who spoke for Hillary at the DNC and more recently scorched Trump at the Cecil B. DeMille Awards ceremony. She's done a lot for feminist causes, too.
(107,835 posts)Ohiogal
(35,921 posts)Tom Cruise
John Wayne
Steven Seagal
Chuck Norris
Adam Sandler
(60,827 posts)Clint Eastwood, Matthew McConaughey, Bradley Cooper, Woody Harrelson, Colin Farrell, Owen Wilson, Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, Nicholas Cage, Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughan, Vin Diesel, Ahnold S, Adam Sandler, David Spade, John Travolta, James Woods, Rob Schneider
to name a few!
(35,921 posts)How could I forget about Sylvester Stallone in particular!
(5,835 posts)ither than that i can't watch it
(23,193 posts)I really liked The Knick.
(60,827 posts)One of those reaction things
My movie tastes are very fringe/esoteric anyway.
(14,984 posts)NRaleighLiberal
(60,827 posts)We don't do action and adventure, any of the recent superhero stuff - we stick independent, foreign, etc.
Haven't liked pretty much any new releases over the past few years - the big box office stuff.
(14,984 posts)... I used to characterize myself as someone who would watch any movie. I enjoyed an action hero every few years, etc. But this year there seemed to be nothing but action hero and animation. Obviously there were some things, but nothing I was interested in.
(60,827 posts)Fargo - seems like the series can do more fringey stuff because they are not trying to put people in seats to watch ads and buy overpriced food.
But we've noticed that since Hulu, Netflix, Amazon are grinding out the series, the quality is starting to do down a bit on them as well.
(14,984 posts)... in the big dark room with someone else's popcorn, away from it all.
(53,978 posts)
(36,947 posts)in that.
(53,978 posts)Cousin Dupree
(1,866 posts)lunamagica
(9,967 posts)Squinch
(53,978 posts)whenever he was on.
(18,124 posts)Not the bees. Not the bees.
Pure cinematic gold. How the hell do a remake for one of the best horror movies of all time.
(53,978 posts)exboyfil
(18,124 posts)Rewatch the original instead. Some things can't be unseen. This and the remake of Rollerball are my two biggest video watching mistakes in my life.
(53,978 posts)it even more awesome.
(7,719 posts)jberryhill
(62,444 posts)Seedersandleechers
(3,044 posts)GP6971
(34,050 posts)Garey Busey is another one who makes me.
we can do it
(12,821 posts)ret5hd
(21,320 posts)House of Roberts
(5,844 posts)I can't even stand to watch promos for Death Valley Days if he's on them. He also used to host the show for a couple of seasons.
(7,856 posts)with him narrating. True story. It was on the inside of my left wrist.
(15,751 posts)imavoter
(661 posts)I just can't stand to watch her, and her voice drives me crazy.
Never could watch that Raymond show.
Or her newer show.
That's a Hard Pass, for me.
I'm sure I could think of others, but she's my number one.
(2,396 posts)They've just been too offensive and delusional in their political attacks against liberals and President Obama.
(661 posts)Tim Allan is ok for me in small doses.
I never could stand to watch or listen to Trump, long before the current bull sh$%.
So I guess I could add him, but I try not to think about him.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)The Figment
(494 posts)58Sunliner
(5,186 posts)nevergiveup
(4,815 posts)still_one
(97,455 posts)Ill add Eastwood to my list also
Polly Hennessey
(7,675 posts)Julia Roberts. She twirls, she smiles, she struts, she is annoying. Dont get her acting chops, either. Mediocre at best.
(37,648 posts)I felt like I was floating out in the sky, the only one in the world who didn't care for Julia Roberts or think she's a great actress. Now I know there are at least several of us.
(4,553 posts)mitch96
(14,962 posts)And don't get me started on TV actors....
(27,172 posts)He seemed luck such a sweet person. I'm still heartbroken that he died so young.
Only the Lonely was a wonderful film, just to name one of his.
Kurt V.
(5,624 posts)but seeing voight mentioned above is surprising to me.
(18,302 posts)Tom Green; I can't stand Russell Brand, even though he has his acolytes around here. I even find Adam Sandler's name annoying. Rosanne Barr is poison.
I'm going to buck the trend here, because I can plug into the worlds of Chuck Norris, Stephen Seagal, Nicolas Cage, Arnold, and Sylvester Stallone, and experience them as an alternate universe they live in. Even James Woods and Jon Voight are watchable because they revel in their own ooze. Just watch Jon Voight in "Anaconda" and prove me wrong. But I'll draw the line at Norm McDonald.
(37,648 posts)It's because they are reeeeeaaaaaallly bad actors. I did better than they can, when I was a kid putting on plays with my sisters. How someone gets rich & famous doing a bad job at something is mind boggling, when there are so many good actors around.
They consistently star in the same movie over and over, with different names and costumes. That's why I pass them up.
I don't like Russell Brand personally, but I think he's actually very good at acting the types of characters he does. I recently saw an Eric Idle stand-up play (the kind where the actors stand behind microphones on stage). It was wonderful! Eric Idle wrote most of it, I think. Brand played one of the characters....he takes his acting seriously. He doesn't kid around. He shows up and does his job. He was great in his character, and his lines were funny.
Voight is a pretty good actor. Terrible person, but good actor.
I don't think I've ever seen an Adam Sandler movie. I guess I don't like the kinds of movies he's in.
For the most part, I don't refuse to watch Republican actors. It's more if they have said or done something particularly offensive to me. I'd put Mel GIbson in that category. Maybe Woody Allen.
(18,302 posts)Something Bad had been done by one of the Bad Guys. Chuck got into his truck and went off to settle the score. There was a close-up of Chuck in the driver's seat, looking mad, determined, and noble. I had to laugh, because that one close-up was the entire Walker Texas Ranger series- I didn't even have to watch another episode, because the entire show was encapsulated was distilled down into that one shot.
(37,648 posts)cannabis_flower
(3,865 posts)Jean Claude Van Damme
Gilbert Gottleib
(4,863 posts)Which there seem to be oh so many.
(2,451 posts)Mathew McConaughey. He seems SO conceited. .
(3,479 posts)
(19,417 posts)CTyankee
(65,630 posts)MissMillie
(39,079 posts)He was stellar in Million Dollar Baby.
But he's better behind the camera than in front of it.
(24,643 posts)exboyfil
(18,124 posts)World's worst casting for the DCEU.
No. I am not going to give up watching Zombieland, Road Warrior or Rocky Horror.
True Dough
(21,747 posts)because these two make some swoon, but George Clooney and Ashton Kutcher. Find them both smug and I never see them in character, no matter role.
And politics isn't the issue, obviously.
(37,648 posts)When it came out, a friend had recommended it to me. I said "no, thanks. I don't like Clooney." She wouldn't tell me what it was about, but said, "It's not what you think. Watch it." So I did. He was wonderful in that role and movie. His character was a spoof on narcissistic, self-involved country bumpkins who think they are more than they what they are.
Technically speaking, he is an excellent actor. At least he has earned his accolades, unlike some others (like Chuck Norris, who can't act at all; he just says lines in a wooden manner). I don't find Clooney particularly handsome or sexy, though, unlike most women.
Ashton Kutcher is also a good actor. In some roles, yu can't see the Kutcher behind the character, even. He's not a great actor. But good. He's also drop dead gorgeous, IMO.
For another drop dead gorgeous actor/entertainer, I'd have to go with Hugh Jackman. He's my idea of perhaps the perfect man. Likeable, multi-talented, friendly to people, devoted to his wife and a family man, handsome, doesn't rely on his good looks to carry him through. (be still my heart )
Kurt V.
(5,624 posts)moveis but I've seen oh brother like 15 times.
(37,648 posts)True Dough
(21,747 posts)is not my style of film (and it starred Clooney).
As for Hugh Jackman, I'm not bothered by him but there's not any movie of his that I can think of that I've really enjoyed, although I have seen very few.
(27,172 posts)in Up In the Air. I had loved the book, and the movie is quite different, but equally excellent. And what I liked best about his performance in it is all of his scenes with Anna Kendrick. It would have been too easy to hit a wrong note, or to come on to her, however subtly, but he never does. That movie alone made me respect him immensely as an actor.
(53,978 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)Clooney's been in some really good movies. He's A list, so he gets offered the cream of the crop.
(48,704 posts)Once I knew he was a goof.
(37,648 posts)and not always look good. And the character sort of spoofed how handsome actors are self-consumed, which I thought was cool, since he's considered a handsome actor.
I've also know a person or two like his character. He was spot on, and the Cohen's were, too, in the writing of that sort of character. Loved the film.
(7,277 posts)
Nicole Kidman
(14,984 posts)crazytown
(7,277 posts)If someone told me shes an amnatronic mannequin from the future, Id ask, where did you park the DeLorean?
(37,648 posts)She can play almost any sort of character totally believably.
Sometimes pretty women get short shrift for their acting chops. A person can dislike her, but there's no doubt that she's one of the best actors around.
Marilyn Monroe was also a pretty good actress, but that was overshadowed by her sex symbol status.
If you see Kidman in The Paperboy (offensive movie) and To Die For, she plays two very different characters (the latter is a real person), and she does both practically perfectly and totally believably. Not many actors can do that.
By contrast, actors like Kevin Costner reached the highs of fame and glory on mediocre acting skills. It's so easy for white males in the acting business. Most roles are for males.
I understand you think differently, and I don't mean to argue, but as a movie buff, I feel passionately about the subject, so I just had to hit one for the gipper, so to speak! (Someone actually said to me once that she didn't think Meryl Streep could act very well, and did bad accents. Really! She was probably a Chuck Norris lover.)
(7,277 posts)Im allergic to Kidman. Shes good enough in To Die For, but set against that is Dogville, the worst acting Ive ever seen from a major star.
At best, my friends describe my views on Kidman, eccentric. Ive heard of people who loathe Streep, so I understand where thetre coming from. I remember when I first heard Moulin Rouge be starring Kidman, I remember walking into the theater apprehensive, and walking out afterwards shaking my head. Its visceral - I cant stand her.
I wish I hadnt mentioned it.
EDIT- While I thought she was terrible in Dogville, Princess Grace was rock bottom. I thought, well, for once she looks the part and how hard can it be to put a human face on the Ice Queen? I literally walked out.
(65,630 posts)He slapped Meryl Streep hard by surprise in Kramer v. Kramer. She can't stand him. She had nothing but wonderful things to say about her other leading men, even Clint Eastwood altho she noted their distinctly different political views. And Clint adored her.
(782 posts)set my teeth on edge and I hasten to remove from sight are from political shit they say. They may be good actors, but
the misogyny and or RW crap they spew causes me to get the hook.
James Woods
Mel Gibson
Kevin Spacey
Susan Sarandon
Wood Allen
Clint Eastwood
Adam Sandler is just obnoxious like a lot of others, or bad actors, like The Rock, Stallone, or Segal are not fun to watch yet doable. But the sexual/political shit bothers me the most and I would rather watch paint dry.
(24,254 posts)I can separate a movie from an actor's politics. I guess action/adventure movies are one of my many character flaws.
There's a few things of Tom Cruise's I've liked, but mostly not. Can't do Sandler or Seagal. Chuck Norris looks too much like my ex, but shorter.
(622 posts)Submariner
(12,854 posts)Lousy acting skills.
(12,508 posts)happybird
(5,352 posts)are my top two offenders. Also, John Claude Van Damme. All are just horrible actors.
Russell Brand annoys the crap out of me.
Johnny Depp- used to love him, but something obviously went wrong at some point in the last decade or so.
Hassin Bin Sober
(26,884 posts)ProudLib72
(17,984 posts)Maybe because I have the feeling he doesn't play up his macho toughness like the others? Or he does so with humor?
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)Who I find, thanks to her need to almost pathological need to expose herself, both figuratively and literally, to be revolting.
Right behind her is:
Adam Sandler
David Spade
(5,077 posts)Iggo
(48,704 posts)Ever since Alias.
(37,648 posts)empedocles
(15,751 posts)
[Even Cooper winces at that one]
(5,760 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)and think she's a really good actress.
I rarely don't watch people because of politics, but she is an exception. I just don't see her the same way, ever since she pulled her third party stunt garbage.
Maybe this will pass in time. I don't know.
Fla Dem
(26,270 posts)John Travolta. I'm sure thee's others but these are the ones that come to mind.
(37,648 posts)They're all first rate actors, IMO. Full of themselves, arrogant as hell (except Arkin), but first rate actors.
You think they're bad actors, or you just don't like them? Like I dislike Chuck Norris and Julia Roberts. I think they're not good actors AND I just don't like them.
Response to Honeycombe8 (Original post)
geralmar This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to Honeycombe8 (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(5,865 posts)IADEMO2004
(6,037 posts)Leith
(7,856 posts)And I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one. Just what do his fans see in him?!
Adam Sandler, too. The weird, goofy character he did on SNL keeps coming through.
(10,506 posts)He is one of the most talented guys in Hollywood.
(25 posts)She's never been a favourite of mine but I tried watching her in "Monster In Law" the other day and...gah! was too awful to stand Time has not mellowed my impression of her
(73,748 posts)samnsara
(18,387 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)Granted, he's made a couple of duds. But even Groundhog Day? That's a pretty good movie. You just don't like him?
What's cool about Murray (to the extent that any successful actor is cool), is that he doesn't have an agent and takes calls directly. He isn't "handled," as they say. That's pretty cool and down to earth, as well as saves him a lot of money.
But he made a movie where he looks up a lot of past girlfriends, because he thinks one of them had his kid. He rarely speaks in the movie. It's pretty odd...and kinda hard to believe that he'd had that many girlfriends. Lost in Translation was boring.
The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)The very sight of his face ruins my day. I cant think of a single thing he has done that I personally consider watchable.
(188,662 posts)Wont change the channel but I just dont care for either of them as actors
(41,626 posts)Matthew Mcconaughey
Mel Gibson
Gwyneth Paltrow
(14,984 posts)madaboutharry
(41,626 posts)elitist. It caters to wealthy women who can spend a lot of money on new age bullshit. There are better things one can choose to do with the privilege of celebrity.
(21,026 posts)Although I did enjoy a couple of his earlier screwball comedies with Diane Keaton (Sleeper, Bananas), just about everything after that devolved into self-referential angsty NY nebbish shtick to the extent of making it irrelevant to me.
The child molestation stuff just put the cherry on top.
(3,876 posts)Chuck Norris
Tom Cruise
Steven Seagal
Gary Busey
Van Damme
Pauly Shore
Julia Roberts
Kristen Stewart
John Voight
Mel Gibson
Gilbert Gottlieb
Randy Quaid
Clint Eastwood
Ronald Reagan
Stephen Baldwin
James Woods
Adam Sandler
Lindsay Lohan
Rosie ODonnell
Susan Sarandon
Joey Lawrence
Shannen Doherty
Lowry Twins
Any Kardashian or Jenner
Beau Bridges
I'm sure there are more.
Guess I am just unforgiving and hard to please.
(23,960 posts)Honeycombe8
(37,648 posts)Bradley Cooper is one of those super arrogant actors I don't like to see, now.
But Andrew Dice Clay was pretty good in Blue Jasmine, a Woody Allen movie.
(15,573 posts)Cameron Diaz
Adam Sandler
I could, of course, go on...
(39,079 posts)Then again, I don't like a lot of those kinds of movies. (Someone gets shot, there's a fist-fight, a car gets blown up.... blah blah blah)
(16,332 posts)Every movie Eastwood's in he has the same monotone voice and facial expressions. I have never understood what anyone saw in his movies.
Adam Sandler is just not an actor as far as I'm concerned.
Woody Allen has always creeped me out and I don't find him funny at all.
Response to Honeycombe8 (Original post)
geralmar This message was self-deleted by its author.
(37,648 posts)Happiness was really good. So was...I think it was called Legend? (He and his dog were the last ones on earth left.) Then he started getting all full of himself. Like Julia Roberts.
(18,615 posts)The third and most recent movie made from the Richard Matheson story. The prior two starred Vincent Price and Charleton Heston.
I kind of liked him in Enemy of the State but it doesn't get much worse than After Earth.
(2,252 posts)avebury
(11,099 posts)James Woods, any Kardashian, Kirk Cameron and probably a whole lot more.
(26 posts)Tim Allen
Steven Seagal
Chuck Norris
Owen Wilson
James Woods
Patricia Heaton
(17,984 posts)