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His dad is in his 80s and just had a 2 week stay in the ICU. A week after he got out, son and I arrived to take care of him. Two days later, winter storm hit.
Some people froze to death this week here in Texas. We didnt. But the night nurse didnt show up all week because of icing road conditions.
Dear Son in 1 week:
*Learned to give insulin shots
*Learned ritual of recording blood pressure, blood sugar and oxygen and treatments, precisely
*Taught me to give insulin shots and vitals ritual and treatments, precisely
*Loved on his dad giving him reasons to live
*on the 1st night the power and heat went out, rigged up 2 car batteries and converter to run small electric heaters for the 1 room we all stayed in stayed in the 60s+
*on the 2nd night the power was out, suffered for 30 minutes in subzero windchills to set up a new generator we borrowed and kept it running for 3 days
*ran extension cables to 2nd floor to make room cozy with heat, light, charging as well as fridge
*pressured me (the disorganized one) to make sure we got replacement insulin on time
*healthy foods for dad and intervened to stop midnight sugar raids
*ran comms and made peace with other family members, despite complications
Never complained.
After 3 days of caregiving in freezing weather, gas lines to get fuel to keep generator running, grocery shopping in dark stores with log lines to get food and precious drinking water, and cooking without any running water or electricity, we collapsed exhausted. And then, Son:
*went through the shock of being the one to find dad on floor with a midnight fall and sheer terror of watching EMTS taking him away
*stood by his dad all night in the hallway of crowded ER, checking him in and holding his hand, surrounded by screaming or bloody people, as the sole visitor
Son has left tonight, dad is coming home tomorrow mostly unscathed, and really grateful / proud of Son.
Staring down a winter storm, facing possible mortality, showing compassion and ingenuity and patience and sensitivity. All in 1 week.

(16,197 posts)Thats a lot for a young man to deal with and it sounds like your son did fabulous.
(1,242 posts)Good job!
(2,552 posts)ms liberty
(9,945 posts)Congratulations, my dear lostnfound - you raised an compassionate, caring and responsible young man. Well done!
(157,737 posts)gademocrat7
(11,292 posts)Kudos to you and his dad for raising a compassionate selfless young man.
(25,183 posts)You and your husband can take pride in yourselves for having raised a good human being. And you can take pride in your son for the man that he is.
(2,964 posts)
(23,291 posts)Thanks for sharing your story, lostnfound. It was a heart-warming way to begin a new week, which I hope will be good for you and your family.
brer cat
(26,748 posts)Kind and compassionate as well as very smart. You have many reasons to be proud of him.
(28,946 posts)He seems kind and dependable (not to mention competent), which is a wonderful way to go through life.
I hope this extrapolates to a long and full life,.well loved and well lived.
(41,588 posts)I have one like this too. What a relief when you know that they are going to be ok in the world.
Hugs to this fine young man. You have alll the reason to be proud of him.
(34,195 posts)Did I read that correctly?
(38,601 posts)Now the kids 20, dads 80. Its a thing.
(11,034 posts)Be proud.
(46,990 posts)NT
(16,831 posts)I was also the child of an older man. Mine was 76 when I was 19. There are some wonderful things about it. A longer sense of time, a little more patience maybe. Some downsides too.
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,169 posts)Not to diminish in any way the actions taken by your son but the parents build the foundation kids morals and ethics are built upon. Great job raising your son you should be proud.
(9,605 posts)VERY proud of this fine young man. And I bet he is also feeling pretty proud and accomplished to have given so much back to his father. Good job to all of you.
(57,138 posts)Not every parent can say they raised a kid like that!
(12,202 posts)Thanks for sharingand Im so glad you all survived the storm with lots of caring and ingenuity.
(14,384 posts)have that the rest of his life.
Sometime we don't let our children know how impressed and proud we are of who they are and what they are capable of...and we really should.
Now, I'm going to call my son and remind him of that.
He lives near Dallas, and though he certainly has not had to go thru what you have had to endure, he has helped out people around him who were out of supplies, frozen out of flooded apartments, taken in one person to stay him him for the week, etc.
Glad you are through the worst of this tragic mess.
(4,527 posts)You must be wonderful parents. All of you are blessed.
(440 posts)more stories like this. Youve raised a wonderful son, and it is evident. This made my morning😊
(25,816 posts)Or is it his grandfather?
(16,831 posts)He always seemed younger than he is.
(14,284 posts)I would love to say my 19 year old daughter could do the same, but probably not as well. Kudos!
(280,603 posts)
(3,268 posts)I was in the army at that age and my brother turned 21 in combat in Vietnam. I have no idea where that concept was lost but your son is exactly that ideal. JFK was 25 when a Japanese destroyer cut his PT boat in half...Seems to me liberals and democrats mature into adults much sooner than say George W who swore cocaine was just youthful hijinks and he never touched it after he turned 40.
Strange rant right? But it does reflect on your story-21 years before a past president got serious your son rose to a horrendous occasion. That pride that you feel is well deserved. It's a shame so many public figures fail to rise to your son's standard.
(32,261 posts)I hope when dad comes home tomorrow he will be home for good. No more falls and returns to the hospital. I also hope you all get some well deserved rest after the ordeal of the last week.
(23,827 posts)read it.
(6,675 posts)you should be so proud.
(29,537 posts)Very happy for all of you!
(9,298 posts)thanks for sharing. Lovely young man.