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Nao sez AWW lots moar kthnxbai :hugs:

(1,442 posts)SheltieLover
(62,113 posts)

(32,261 posts)but Simba did love to hide out under it!
(230 posts)These are such fun -- a totally guilt-free pleasure. I had to go online to figure out the pumpkin pie cartoon. I'm not culturally literate enough to appreciate it without research. It's not true -- what they say about a joke not being funny if you need an explanation. This time it became funny only with an explanation. And it's really funny.
(857 posts)was pieified. Kinda like finding out that The Snark was indeed a boojum.
(18,380 posts)ratchiweenie
(8,027 posts)gademocrat7
(11,292 posts)Thank you for another wonderful edition of Sunday LOLcats. Simply brilliant.🤗👏👏
(95,068 posts)

(280 posts)...wonderful! Ginger stays away from our tree, mostly. She's a 70 lb Blackmouth Cur.
(10,046 posts)MiHale
(11,172 posts)
(8,405 posts)Mr. Evil
(3,042 posts)Almost made me spew my coffee. This edition was awesome (as usual)!
And thanks, SCE, for always making my Sunday morning coffee taste just that much better!
(3,822 posts)Thank you, SCE, for doing the work to bring some happiness to us all. You make the world better.
(13,607 posts)Thank-you! Just what I needed!!
(13,127 posts)"fainted"
"I've caught poetry"
"Cats at 3am"
"crime scene"
Baby Yoda swallowing Shelf Elf
Thanks for another fun roundup, SCE! Have a great week!
(10,096 posts)My favorites are the pair of lions and the black cat Christmas ornament.
Thank you!
(24,688 posts)This gorgeous bird is a Raptor that is very common in Florida during the Spring and Summer;
Clouds Passing
(3,522 posts)evemac
(209 posts)And I really needed that!
Thank you
(24,506 posts)Loved: LOLs
Tree Fainted
Playing victim
Train Delayed
Yule Tide
cat wreath
dog and tree scene
Happy holidays SCE
(35,574 posts)Picaro
(1,867 posts)But the cat dragon is some impressive photo shopping.
Wild blueberry
(7,366 posts)Thank you!
(2,897 posts)Santa Claus and the Green Giant.
Under cooked Chinese. Squee!
Big kittehs layin' on the road.
Kitty Wreath. Want!
Thank you for our Sunday delight 😊.
(47,678 posts)

(4,227 posts)That happened to mine last night.
(18,688 posts)R. P. McMurphy
(851 posts)rogerballard
(3,921 posts)Happy Sunday!
(13,860 posts)Three cats in the house...
My Goblin Cat loves pipe cleaners to the point of stalking and pouncing anything that looks like one up to bottle brushes and fake Christmas trees.
Her first Christmas at about a year old, she sped bouncing through the house like a dog the with a medium sized fake branch she actually pulled up from the center "trunk" piece it hooked onto, dropping small (unbreakable) ornaments behind her.
We had that tree for 10 years, but that 7 lb kitten totally destroyed it by Christmas Eve.
We were left with duct taped and super glued trunk and branches and paper cut-out ornaments falling over the presents because little plastic or styrofoam ornaments made what was left of the tree to lean over like the Charlie Brown tree.
Next year, we got a heavier fake "pre-lit" tree.
She pulled it down the first night it was up; we found her in the happily curled around a tangle of now grotesquely bent branches, stripped of "needles" in huge patches now strewn all over the floor.
We put it up again that afternoon and put balloons and crumpled aluminum foil in the (still bent and partially bared) branches because that's supposed to keep cats out of the tree...
Nope. Next morning, tree on the floor, trunk stalk bent so lower branches wouldn't fit back in, and half the balloons popped.
We went out and bought a real tree at the exchange (cheaper than on the outside, but still - ouch!). She bounced up, took one sniff, and walked off flicking her tail.
So real trees from now on. Now that the grandkids are old enough not to break my great-grandmother's antique glass and tin ornaments, this year looks pretty classy. Only problem is that we don't want to put up the now-traditional pipe cleaner garlands...
(23,119 posts)I was just browsing YouTube yesterday for ideas to make a christmassy decoration for my door. I loved this as soon as I saw it. It's a bit different but same idea. Also if you do a Google lens search quite a few of these show up... all a bit different.
(10,934 posts)and a cat. The cat won; I gave up on the tree.
The cat would tackle the tree like a linebacker.
(8,163 posts)need a caption on the order of "There's just nothing to do while we wait for our wives to finish shopping."
(18,114 posts)
Different Drummer
(8,975 posts)where there's a will, there's very definitely a way! Many thanks for another great Sunday collection, SCE!
(38,728 posts)
(14,384 posts)Thanks for the cheer in this dark season!
(29,169 posts)"Trourists for lunch?"
"Yeah, whatev."
SCE, as always you make Sunday mornings a delight.
(395 posts)electric_blue68
(19,856 posts)Sweet ?donkeys (or mules).
"Yule Tide" remains one of my all time favorite Cartoons! 😁 🥰 😁
Sooo witty!