Colorado House Republicans See Constituents As Impediments to Public Land Fracking and Drilling
Colorado House Republicans See Constituents As Impediments to Public Land Fracking and Drilling
Colorados Republican House Members Reps. Tipton, Coffman, Gardner, and Lamborn all just voted to cut Coloradans out of oil and gas decisions for public lands administered by the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM). It's no wonder that the Federal Lands Jobs and Energy bill (HR 1965) is lauded in glowing terms by the industry press, like The Bakken Magazine, because it promises to:
streamline the permitting process for energy development on federal lands while increasing the amount of total development. The bill, sponsored by Congressman Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., has passed the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill focuses on two main areas of federal lands energy development: leasing and permitting [to drill].
Stripped of the self-serving industry frame, however, it looks more like Colorados Republican House Members all voted for legislation that would limit citizen input and force American taxpayers to pay thousands of dollars to petition their government. It would also mandate leasing some of Americas best wildlife habitat for the still-fictitious resource of oil shale; prohibit federal regulation or even study of fracking; and, generally ease the way for more drilling and fracking projects.

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They want to see impediments, we'll give 'em impediments all right!