2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumPlease explain the rush to give this to Hillary
It's just March. Half of the states haven't even voted yet. This is not a Rubio situation at all.
All this is doing is making people dig their heels in and piss them off. People who's vote you will need should eventually win the nomination.
Key word here is "win", which she hasn't done yet.

Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)in more ways than one.
(20,618 posts)No way she will win now!
(7,661 posts)chase some homeless people away from your condo?

(7,661 posts)make short work of your task....

(47,211 posts)

Betty Karlson
(7,231 posts)
(15,429 posts)She won it. It's over. Delusional exercises in futility can still continue, but we have our nominee.
Sanders can stay in as long as he wants, but the longer he does so the more he'll be compared to the likes of Huckabee and Kucinich.
(42,862 posts)
(13,218 posts)I believe the BS supporters are suffering from paranoia. Hillary has stated (paraphrase): If he stays in of not, it's his decision. I certainly want him to stay in so as not ruin the statistical data that we will be able to collect.
(12,011 posts)What was the actual quote?
As far as I know, she has not called for him to drop out, and she would be pretty damn stupid if she did.
(392 posts)Keep it up, hillary needs bernie More than he needs her.
(38,613 posts)Plus, she wouldn't have to defend herself against progressive ideals and pretend to share them. It would all be "But I'm not a republican! Fear President Trump!" instead of convincing us why we should vote for her.
(42,649 posts)mountain grammy
(27,503 posts)Can't we stop the big influence from the party big wigs and let the rank and file democrats weigh in on this election? We've been shut down for a while now, us liberals, the grassroots and heart and soul of the party of FDR and JFK. I don't think a vigorous and honest primary will hurt us, but interference in the process probably will.
(55,487 posts)and she is doing that handily. Vote for whoever you like. Do whatever you want. It doesn't change the reality.
The party now treats Hillary as the likely, even presumptive nominee. No one is forcing you to agree to it. At some point you'll decide who you want to support in the general election, and that again will be entirely up to you.
What you have no right to do is enforce how others think, vote, or talk about the election. No one is stopping you from voting however you please, and you have no right to control what others post about this election. You have your rights. We have ours. End of story.
(47,211 posts)so if they can just avoid the campaign she's a shoo in.
(3,017 posts)And she still won all the primaries. I don't think Hillary's supporters care what she does.
(47,211 posts)thinks we need to get behind her.
R. Daneel Olivaw
(12,606 posts)Viva_La_Revolution
(28,791 posts)of the people taking their power back
(17,320 posts)Domination if first and foremost what their crazy, rich, sadistic and megalomaniacs crave. With
total Domination, all other selfish perks are available to them.
"fear of the people taking power back". That sums it up.
(15,558 posts)It's in overdrive now.
(37,626 posts)the game wouldn't be rigged every which way - it wouldn't be a game at all.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)When one candidate has won a majority of pledged delegates, the other candidate will suspend their campaign and endorse the winner.
Not until then.
(50,414 posts)yurbud
(39,405 posts)in by demographics.
Millennials are far to the left of the DLCers, and it's not just ideological: they have been on the receiving end of corrupt neoliberal policies like K-12 education reform and changing college financial aid from mostly grants to mostly loans.
If Hillary wins, she will be like the last Whig president.
(39,405 posts)Conflict and contest are news.
Whatever she'd be doing without an opponent could legitimately be declared not especially newsworthy.
(37,748 posts)Sanders is not statistically irrelevant!!!
That's a great bumper-sticker.
(5,792 posts)notadmblnd
(23,720 posts)Her supporters believe that she is entitled to the position and they just don't want to do the hard work necessary to make her earn it. Just like they don't want to work hard for Single Payer healthcare. Just like they don't want to work hard to expand Social Security. Just like they don't want to work hard to reform prisons. Just like they don't want to work hard to rein Wall Street in. Just like they don't want to work hard rebuilding this Nations infrastructure.
They're lazy and only want to do the minimum work necessary to keep things the same.
Change is hard work
(11,417 posts)nomination. The math is against him.
Hillary and Trump have pivoted to the general. It would be foolish for Hillary to not do that. We have to win in November.
This is no longer about Bernie.
I am sure you will dig in your heels but nobody is making you do anything. Take responsibility for yourself and stop this constant blaming the media and Hillary and the DNC and whoever the hell else.
The voters in the primaries so far have decided this no body else has!
There is just one thing I do not get. Why is it that the voter/supporter of any candidate be influenced or be so angry at another voter/supporter to the point that they will not vote for a certain candidate. I mean, it is not like the CANDIDATE is saying things to piss the voter/supporter off. Why let some other citizen like yourself control you? I just don't get it. Am I the only one who feels this way? If I like a candidate or if I know a certain candidate will do a better job than the other candidate, I am not going to let YOU or anyone else stop me from supporting that candidate just because you are making me mad. It makes it seem as if people cannot think for themselves or just so gullible.
(23,272 posts)I want Bernie's message out there til the convention and will work hard to ensure that.
So yeah, keep pissing on us. It's only making it tougher for their gal Hillary to pivot to the GE.