Time to Go - A poem
Time to Go,
When voices are silenced and loyalty is all,
And the past is just a mispoken mistake,
When progress is measured in millimeters not miles,
And transparency is only a word for the day,
It may be time to take a pause
And wonder - just why am I here?
There were battles against Bushes and Cheneys,
Against the assholes and selfish,
And the 1% and oligarchs,
But now - now - now ----
Who knows?
The climate's as extreme as the rhetoric today,
And Unfavorability's required on the resume,
There's a wall to the south looming for Mexico,
And I'm hearing sirens sounding in politico.
When GW said "You're either with us or against us."
We laughed at the black and white of a simplistic pronouncement,
And no one likes an ultimatum,
But then I heard a poster here proclaim,
"If you're not with Clinton, then you're pro-Trump."
And inside I wondered - just why am I here?
The thoughts haunt me now,
Something's wrong this time,
Something's just too, too wrong.
Can I live with loyalty over conscience?
Or obeisance over mistrust?
Can I vote the lesser of two evils,
Or is that all we must hope for now?
There's things I long to do,
See the Badlands and not just the bad.
And so, my friends, after a decade and more, I travel on.
Maybe it's a good thing.
Revolutions are never comfortable,
And rarely accepted by an establishment,
So perhaps, my own late discomfort here, is a welcome invitation.
To journey on in peace with good wishes for all,
Ever to the left, never to the right.
Goodbye DU with fond farewell. It's been a great 12 years.