2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumThe Democratic Platform fight is over.
Early this morning, before Bernie Sanders made his big speech endorsing Hillary Clinton today in New Hampshire, Sanderss top policy adviser, Warren Gunnels, sent an email to a few dozen fellow Sanders supporters.
The Senator made the difficult decision not to file minority reports, Gunnels wrote in the email, which was sent to all of Sanderss representatives on the Democratic convention Platform Committee and forwarded to this blog. You should be receiving an e-mail soon from the Senator about the next steps in the political revolution.
This dry language actually amounts to a very significant declaration: What it means is that the Sanders campaign will not further contest the makeup of the Democratic platform at the convention, even though Sanders did not get all the changes to the platform he had hoped for.
I would have preferred for there to be votes at the convention on stopping the TPP and banning fracking. There won't be.

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(42,862 posts)

(42,862 posts)
Red Mountain
(1,996 posts)there will be those who will work to ensure the Clinton administration(2) doesn't slip back to the right on the issues.
(2,542 posts)Eric J in MN
(35,621 posts)...if the Sanders campaign tries to change the platform, then they will also, and the Sanders campaign decided it was better to leave it.
(58,785 posts)That is a fantastic achievement for us. We will do battle for the future of America as a unified front.
But Sanders will still be fighting intraparty for nominating rules changes, including a top goal of getting rid of superdelegates, but presumably also throwing our primaries open to the entire American electorate, etc. The rules committee meets just before the convention. What comes out of that will determine what Sanders takes to the convention floor.
Eric J in MN
(35,621 posts)NT
(37,428 posts)The real fights are going to be over how to implement that platform, and how to do better than what it says.
(1,198 posts)Eric J in MN
(35,621 posts)...it would have been nice to get them on the record about TPP before Obama decides whether to submit it to the Republican-controlled Congress.
(11,197 posts)It may undergo a name change though so the claim can be made that it is a completely different trade agreement or some other such nonsense.
(1,198 posts)NorthCarolina
(11,197 posts)Bernie Sanders did America a HUGE favor by putting forth ideas and values that Democrats abandoned long ago to win favor of wealthy and corporate mega-donors. In doing so he has defused the terms "Liberal" and "Socialism", which can no longer be used by either party to incite fear in the voters minds just by someone uttering the words.
Recall Claire McCaskill and her proclamation against Bernie on Hardball..."He's a socialist for chrissakes"... "a SOCIALIST" (to her credit she didn't follow that with "Boo" though...but it was implied). Her effort, and the effort of the other comfortable class legislators and their media mouthpieces to issue the same dire warning went nowhere, and in spite of all the establishment forces against him, Bernie amassed a contingent of over 19 million faithful followers.
(1,198 posts)we're morphing into something that is ideological akin to the British conservative party (economicly protrade and socially moderate by EU standards but progressive by US standards and more elite than populist).