Democratic Primaries
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I watched the first two rounds of debates with great interest. While it goes without saying, I thought that any one of the Democratic Party candidates would be a far better president than the current White House occupant. I believe that each one represents an important segment of our party, and that we will need to harness the supporters of each one to not only win the presidential election, but to hopefully win the Senate.
Not all of the candidates have an equal chance of winning the party's nomination, of course. So I found myself looking at a few of them as potential vice presidential candidates. And I think that there are some outstanding options there. I found that I would gladly support any ticket the Democratic Party puts forth.
Then came the horrors of this past weekend. One aspect of it that sticks out for me is that it serves as a preview of Trump's America should he somehow be re-elected including by another theft such as in 2016. There is no question that things will continue to get worse, and that would include more extreme violence by the brain-dead white nationalists. And it won't be limited to their using military-grade guns.
Thus far, we've witnessed the extreme damage that such guns cause when used by disturbed individuals. Some of these individuals, such as the dick in El Paso, communicate with other equally disturbed individuals who want to be part of Trump's war on non-white people. But there are others who are in more organized groups that would take another four years of Trump as license to engage in more explosive attacks on society. And the key word here is explosive.
Thus, for the first time in my adult life, I'm not going to pick one candidate in the primary to support. I am instead going to focus on the strengths of each of them, and do my very best to only speak of the positives each one represents. I will be wholly satisfied to allow others to select the Democratic Party's ticket for 2020. And I will invest my energy in campaigning and then voting for all of the Democrats running for office, from president to state to local offices.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided

Uncle Joe
(60,687 posts)Thanks for the thread H2O Man.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)have a very focused set of themes. This past week has forced Candidates to either step up and become true leaders or get the hell out of the way for someone who will make change happen. It ain't going to be some Mush Mouth Person.
The Media is doing their friggin best to not talk issues and only do Bothsiderisms. O'Rourke open the Pandora Box with language that awaken millions of people. Lets see where this goes. It sure as hell scared Trump and his Crime Syndicate.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I think that O'Rourke has had his best showing thus far in the past couple of days. Friends and associates that were not big on him in the debates are telling me that they have loved his powerful responses of the past few days.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)suspended his campaign as per Bloomberg a hour ago. Is this because of death threats?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
H2O Man
(76,158 posts)I haven't had the news on yet today. My cousin just called right before I read this, and told me that I should be watching it.
I am concerned about the safety of our candidates, and their families. We are in strange and often dangerous times.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)has a long history of both private and public intimidation and threats on those who seem to crowd his Image Space.
Hope the suspension is just for today . We as a Nation need this fellow to keep the BullHorn of truth blaring.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden