dmr's JournalSpeculating on Trump's tax returns:
I can't remember who sorta alluded in either last week's hearing, or yesterday's (I'm having a fist fight with cancer, and, well, I get forgetful, so I hope your thought processes are better than mine) where in one of those hearings an answer was given that they're (FBI) looking at "everything". Tax returns were mentioned (I think by Al Franken).
During today's press conference, Sean Spicer made a quick reference that Trump has a NY law office that will write a certified letter indicating he has no Russian financial ties. No reporter asked a follow up question.
I sat here growling and laughing at my TV.
So, now Comey is fired, the FBI is in a tailspin, & no doubt Trump will appoint a spineless lackey.
Does Trump really think he can keep his taxes secret from us forever?
As an aside, NY state is looking at legislation that in order to run for POTUS you have to submit your returns.
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