SoCalDem's JournalConservatives spend 25 hours a day looking for "work-arounds"
25 hours is NOT a typo...
They are a dinosaur party that refuses to accept their impending demise. The poor old real dinosaurs at least might have claimed that they could not have known what was headed their way, but republicans/conservatives KNOW why they are failing, and instead of accepting/embracing change, they rabidly fight it in every Machiavellian way they can.
In the 60's they were told that they could no longer hang onto Jim Crow laws, so they fled to suburbia (taking the tax base/jobs/good schools with them).
They invented a whole new language so they could still denigrate at will, with a dog whistle here or there...and then feign ignorance if anyone noticed.
When abortion was made legal, they created a whole new industry of legislatively curbing the application of the law whenever and wherever they could.
Now they have re-focused their attention to same sex marriage, even though many (most?) of them have gay family members/friends . They claim "tolerance", but suddenly appear to be overly "fearful" of hordes of wild-eyed gays "attacking" their faith.. ..
Their legislatures work feverishly trying to deny people they do not like, the vote.. They don't even want gay people to have cake
They proclaim that they are only trying to be "tolerant"..but even that word "tolerant" bugs me. It always reminds me that the one GIVING tolerance is automatically superior, and is being magnanimous to someone who "really" doesn't deserve it..
They are just lucky that I am not all-powerful and that I do not have a magic wand..
GOP ticket will be Bush/Walker
with Jebbie perhaps hinting that he will be a one-termer... Walker is young-ish and will be seen a a lock for 8 more years after Jebbie steps down to spend-more-time-with-his-family..
Walker will then run with Mia Love...who is very young/attractive and black... Love will have had some DC experience by then..
When juries do it, it's called nullification
and many times we think of them as being "heroic" to ignore what seems to be irrefutable evidence....but
when a branch of our government does it, are we somehow expected to accept it?
When the rabid-rightwing senators take it upon themselves to willingly refuse to legislate on behalf of the citizens, and openly defy the president, and in doing so, denigrate him, diminish him, demean him, etc., how can they be allowed to get away with it?
I am glad to see the press at least acknowledge their folly, but even in doing that, it's still being treated as little more than a faux paux that just shows how "silly/ill-advised" they are...and in a few weeks this will just be one in a long string of nonsense that they have perpetrated over SIX LONG YEARS.
My cerebrovascular accident
I originally posted this in the Lounge, but was asked to post it here as well..
My cerebrovascular accident
Wednesday (1/21) morning (9:30) I woke up and my left side (arm & leg) were "gone" .. I somehow managed to get myself to the bathroom and after my morning pee, I discovered that I was frozen in place and hollered for my husband..
I told him I thought I had had a stroke (duh!)..
I had my first ambulance ride, and then the tests started. CT scan/ekg/xray/blood etc.
I never lost consciousness or my ability to comprehend or speak .
Over the next few hours my arm & leg returned and left several times..
The next day (thursday) I had more tests...brain MRI (what a trippy test that was) echo cardiogram... carotid ultra sound..aortic ultra sound...more blood tests..
The doctor decided that I had a singular complete minor stroke in the right hemisphere of my brain. It was not hemorrhagic, and there was no brain swelling.
My blood pressure is low, everything else checked out fine.
I returned home 32 hours after the start..none the worse for wear ..
I see a neurologist on 1/27 for a more detailed explanation of the MRI, but for now I am only on lipitor (cholesterol has always been a bit high), and a 325 aspirin..
I apparently dodged a huge catastrophe..
Of course., my husband is going nuts watching me, and asking me how I feel every 15 minutes
My cerebrovascular accident
Wednesday morning (9:30) I woke up and my left side (arm & leg) were "gone" .. I somehow managed to get myself to the bathroom and after my morning pee, I discovered that I was frozen in place and hollered for my husband..
I told him I thought I had had a stroke (duh!)..
I had my first ambulance ride, and then the tests started. CT scan/ekg/xray/blood etc.
I never lost consciousness or my ability to comprehend or speak .
Over the next few hours my arm & leg returned and left several times..
The next day (thursday) I had more tests...brain MRI (what a trippy test that was) echo cardiogram... carotid ultra sound..aortic ultra sound...more blood tests..
The doctor decided that I had a singular complete minor stroke in the right hemisphere of my brain. It was not hemorrhagic, and there was no brain swelling.
My blood pressure is low, everything else checked out fine.
I returned home 32 hours after the start..none the worse for wear ..
I see a neurologist on 1/27 for a more detailed explanation of the MRI, but for now I am only on lipitor (cholesterol has always been a bit high), and a 325 aspirin..
I apparently dodged a huge catastrophe..
Of course., my husband is going nuts watching me, and asking me how I feel every 15 minutes
Already missing Craig and Stephen
The pasty doughboy Corden will fail..
The late late show audience will not want a "modernized" version of a variety show (he's going to sing and dance & tell jokes, and have a band)
and taming Stephen will fail as well..
We lost two great shows
We used to have homemade apple pie & we are now expected to accept stale Twinkies in exchange
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