underpants's JournalEarth Vader house in Houston for sale at $4.3Million
This Otherworldly Darth Vader House in Houston Could Be Yours for $4.3 Million
You say Imperial station, we say home.
Built a short time ago in a galaxy not so far awaythat is, Houston circa 1992the two-story structure has a striking, angular silhouette that resembles the Dark Lord of the Siths personal flagship, the Executor, as well as his infamous TIE Fighter and Death Star.
The overlords lair is located on a large lot on a prestigious West University street and offers an impressive 7,000 square feet of living space. With contemporary styling throughout, it is characterized by a flowing open-plan layout and massive windows that let in plenty of natural light.
Senator Kaine's Facebook post on the passing of Senator John Warner
I am stunned at the loss of John Warner. Virginia has lost an unmatched leader, and my family has lost a dear friend.
John Warner and my father-in-law, Linwood Holton, interrupted their college studies to join the Navy during World War II. Each served in the Pacific theatre, and they met when they returned to Washington and Lee at the close of the war. Their fraternity brother days started a friendship that lasted 75 years. Lin and John worked together, built the Virginia Republican Party from irrelevance into a formidable force, competed against one another in the 1978 Virginia Senate race, and always found time for new projects and humorous reminiscence.
When I married Anne in 1984, I entered the large circle of Johns friends. From his thirty-year post in the Senate, he helped me as Mayor and Governor again and again. In particular, I will never forget his advocacy that helped save the Metro Silver Line from the brink of extinction. His advice on matters large and small (mostly solicited but occasionally offered even though I hadnt asked!) was always farsighted, patriotic, and delivered in pithy and memorable phrases.
Once I came to the Senate, I understood even more deeply the influence of John Warner. I came to know John McCain, Carl Levin, and so many others who served with him and attested to his integrity and outsized influence in a body he loved so dearly. In particular, Johns service in the Navy during World War II, as a Marine during the Korean War, and as Secretary of the Navy, made him a steady hand as Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. And in this new chapter in my life, Johns advice again became essential.
I consider it a deep honor to represent Virginia on the Armed Services Committee as John did, and I often think of him during Armed Services deliberations, wondering how he would handle the dilemmas of the day. Shortly after I was elected to my first term, I asked John to lunch in the Senate Dining Room. He hadnt been in many years. When he walked into the room, the place absolutely lit up, and a steady stream of Senators and Senate staff made a path to the table to visit with a person they loved so much.
John and I once talked about how the Senate of today was more partisan and less relationship-based than during his years of service. But at the end of our conversation, he told me: But Tim, its not in the water supply or sick building syndrome. Its in the character and priorities of the people who walk into the building every day. So you have a chance to walk into the Capitol and make it better each day.
Not having John Warner to go to for advice leaves a big hole in my life. But we can all celebrate a public servant who stood on principle, made us proud, and exemplified the best of what politics can be.
My condolences go out to Jeanne and the entire Warner family.
USPS raises stamp price to 58 cents as part of DeJoy's 10-year plan
https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/05/28/usps-rate-hike-stamps/The postmaster generals plan calls for additional price increases on package products and slower mail service

The U.S. Postal Service is raising rates on letters, magazines and marketing missives as much as 6.9 percent this summer, sending the cost of a first-class stamp from 55 to 58 cents, as the agency leans into an expansive restructuring plan that codifies slower mail delivery and streamlines agency operations.
The rate structure announced Friday represents the latest installment of Postmaster General Louis DeJoys plan to erase a projected $160 billon in liabilities over the next decade. The agency has struggled for the better part of a year with inconsistent delivery service and soaring package volumes that have gridlocked its processing network. The Postal Services on-time delivery scores have not topped 90 percent since July 2020.
DeJoys 10-year Delivering for America plan, announced in March, calls for longer delivery windows, shorter post office hours and fewer staff. The agency sent out reduction in force, or layoff, notices to hundreds of management-level employees Friday morning.
Former Penn State president Graham Spanier has jail sentence upheld
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- The former Penn State president who was forced out as the school's top administrator when Jerry Sandusky was arrested a decade ago will soon have to report to jail, after a judge on Wednesday upheld a sentence issued four years ago.
The judge ordered Graham Spanier to begin serving at least two months at the county jail several miles from the Penn State campus on July 9 -- followed by two months of house arrest on electronic monitoring -- for a single misdemeanor conviction of endangering the welfare of children.
Spanier was charged in 2012 and convicted by a jury in March 2017, but appeals had allowed him to stay out of jail.
"He made a mistake and he's going to pay for his mistake, but I don't consider him to be a danger to society as I would a criminal," Judge John Boccabella said.
Stating the obvious here but the right is purely focused on mollify the cult
Everything their media talks about right now from the WHO to Fauci to masks and vaccines to votes is all to support Trump. Yes, but thereal goal here is to erase what happen so the cult doesnt think they were wrong nor that theyve been duped.
This week features a report by the WHO that both might suggests it all started in a Wuhan lab AND that was an incomplete report. See! China virus was right! Science is wrong. (Please ignore the 500,000 needlessly dead). Oh glorious Leader was right! .............who cares where the virus came from? Epidemiologists and the health experts? Okay. The rest of us care about what happened and didnt happen.
The right wing media (or non-reality media as NPR called it this morning) really has the cult thinking that this whole thing was a big ole WIN for them. Hey! Theyve been against masks for a while and now *POOF* no masks. WIN!
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