underpants's Journal85 seconds of dumbass - Trump gets confused. Fox host has to correct his stupid ass
The second one.
Gary Kasparov is on Morning Joe
Putin's legacy is Ukraine (my 2 cents)
Lenin Stalin Putin - the Holy Grail of Mother Russia.
I havent heard legacy used in any discussion but maybe Ive missed it. This is his legacy and no one can stop him.
He will return what he has convinced himself is theirs.
He can absorb anything - financially (the country is basically his), militarily (lots of Russians), and there is no internal dissent.
Hes taking it all just because aside from a completely united US & Europe theres no way to stop him other than wiping Ukraine (as the battleground) off the map. Ukraine is the breadbasket of Europe.
Now the big questions are:
How good is the Russian military? They put a lot of money into it but Iraq was supposed to be formidable too. Pure size will be enough for Ukraine though.
Can they occupy it? Its cheaper to kill a million people than it is to govern them (this is new in the last 20 years) so whatever it takes as far as hes concerned.
Theres almost nothing anyone can do to stop him. Hes rational in his mind (in a Russian sense) and hes also completely in control.
This is truly horrible but thats how I see it.
On edit - never forget that Muscovites feel that its their destiny to rule the world. Putin is from St. Petersburg but hes basically a Muscovite at this point.
Help us discuss this matter - garbage disposal
Okay so we just got a new garbage disposal. The old one never worked and started leaking. Installed today.
My wife says - just let food go down it and let the disposal chew it up.
I say - keep the screen thing on it. It only takes a few seconds to dump it out.
What say you?
Better than bagpipes! 🥸
Colin Kaepernick initiative to offer free autopsies for 'police-related' deaths
ESPN Top Headlines
Colin Kaepernick is launching an initiative through his Know Your Rights Camp that will offer free, secondary autopsies to family members of anyone whose death is "police-related."
The initiative collaborates with a panel of board-certified forensic pathologists who perform autopsies, disclose preliminary findings and issue final reports to requesting families.
"We know that the prison industrial complex, which includes police and policing, strives to protect and serve its interests at all costs," Kaepernick said. "The Autopsy Initiative is one important step toward ensuring that family members have access to accurate and forensically verifiable information about the cause of death of their loved one in their time of need."
The goal of the initiative is to eliminate concerns about reliability and objectivity of the first autopsy conducted, the risk of manipulation of evidence, and potential bias on behalf of the coroner or medical examiner and/or the use of faulty forensic procedures.
To be accurate, Trump said a television screen was genius.
Dinesh D'Souza weighs in *mind blown* 😆😆🙄👀
Im just posting that one to watch later
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