calimary's JournalWelcome to DU, NYMinute!
I HOPE we get some truth. If Don McGahn really is a "real lawyer," then he should know enough about what constitutes perjury and what doesn't. And if he testifies before Congress, he does so under oath.
DEFINITELY. The proper name of OUR party is what WE say it is.
That would be the Democratic Party.
NOT the "Democrat Party." There is no such thing as the "Democrat Party." Poor schmucks - I guess they never learned there's a difference between a noun ("Democrat" and an adjective ("Democratic"
It's NOT the "Democrat Party."
Any more than it's a "Democrat Senator..."
Or a "Democrat Congressman..."
Or a "Democrat Governor..."
Or a "Democrat bill..."
Or a "Democrat candidate..."
Or a "Democrat voter..."
Or a "Democrat President" for that matter.
That's what the fucking republi-CONS do. THEY think they have the right to designate what our party's name is. It's an attempt to bully, to place oneself above one's opponent, to grab a position of implicit superiority. I name you. I decide what you're called.
And my response to that is NO FUCKING-DAMN WAY!
That's why I call the opposition "republi-CONS". Not only because all they offer is a CON JOB, but because, if they think they can decide what my party's name is, then that door swings BOTH ways, pal.
So did I. Both my pregnancies were pretty rough toward the last trimester.
They both went all the way toward life-threatening. My water-retention and edema were severe. And scary as hell! Couldn't believe what was starting to happen to me, physically.
I wrote postcards to her at our Indivisible Postcard Party yesterday.
1236 Longworth H.O.B. (that stands for House Office Building)
Washington DC 20515
Phone (202) 225 - 4965
90 7th Street
Suite 2-800
San Francisco, CA 94103
(415) 556 - 4862
I just called the San Francisco number. You'll be prompted to press 2 to leave a message.
So I did! There's no reason to waste time fretting about how this might divide the country. Heck, we're ALREADY divided!!! Worse than I can remember, at any point in my life! Shit - bush v Gore wasn't even this contentious, and I thought that was the worst ever - until the Iraq War and how they lied us into it darkened our national door.
Welcome to DU, playaseeker!
Yep. It's a choice. Who (or what) do you care about protecting? A lawless so-called pResident? Or the Constitution?
It's just that simple.
And, hey, GOP: If you want to say that YOUR pResident is above the law, then you have to concede that EVERY President after him is ALSO above the law. Including the Democratic Presidents. You are laying THAT marker down.
You SURE you wanna do that? Seriously?
As long as we continue to do nothing to keep them out, that's a given.
I don't want to just "trust that the voters will take care of it in 2020."
Yeah? Well, we voters voted by approximately THREE MILLION MORE VOTES to put Hillary in the Oval Office in 2016. And look how that turned out.
Well, if they'll stay home rather than vote for "baby killers", that's just as good.
Fewer votes for the CONS, then. Increases our chances of winning.
It's just really astonishing to me - how desperately some people want to control and subjugate women.
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Gender: FemaleHome country: USA
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Member since: 2001
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