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calimary's Journal
calimary's Journal
April 22, 2019

Boy howdy is he!

April 22, 2019

Here's a good time and reason to ask: have you called your Congresscritter today?

Let ‘em know! Tell your employee what you want him or her to do, AS their employer. Do you want them to protect the Constitution and the rule of law, or some lawless so-called “pResident”? What’s more important to preserve, protect, and defend?

April 22, 2019

And btw, to those who fret and clutch their pearls about how it'll divide the country,

I have to just say “WTF?!?!??” We’re ALREADY divided. It’s been like that for quite some time by now. That horse left the barn a long time ago.

It comes down to this: do we protect the rule of law? And the Constitution? Or do we protect a lawless so-called pResident?

One other thing: have you called your Congresscritter today? Nancy Pelosi will be looking for excuses tonight in that conference call with the Democratic caucus. DO IT.

JUST DO IT. They work for YOU. You’re their employer and you pay their salaries and benefits. Make sure your employees know what you, their employer, want them to do on your behalf.

April 22, 2019

Yes. Protect an illegitimate "pResident" who cheated his way in with help from

a hostile foreign power, or protect the Constitution? You tell me. It’s one OR the other. Can’t have both.

April 22, 2019

That's fantastic!

LOVE the cartoon in the OP, too!

April 22, 2019

To those who claim we should "leave it to the voters in 2020" - PLEASE don't forget one big thing

I was asked to make a thread out of a post to an earlier thread “To those who say that impeachment is not necessary because the voters can decide in 2020...” I say it IS necessary, it is URGENT, and it's Urgent RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW.

Even more worrisome regarding those who think we should just leave it to the voters, I'm not sure they fully grasp that nothing's been done to stop Russia from violating our sovereignty again. NOTHING’S been done. I submit, again, that nothing’s been done on this because trump and his GOP apologists want that help AGAIN. I suspect they want that help even more desperately now, since the cover’s been blown and Democrats have made decisive hard-to-ignore gains in the House of Reps and in state legislatures across America. Not to mention that the clock is ticking on statutes of limitations on many of these crimes. Rachel Maddow outlined this on Friday (April 19th) that trump would be even more motivated to move heaven and earth to stay in office because the statute of limitations runs out in 2022. That would be halfway through - heaven forbid - his second term. The Russians, meanwhile, probably are VERY interested in leaving their puppet in place where he can do them the most good and America the most harm.

The GOP's “Job One” going forward is to try to blunt those gains we fought so hard to make, last November, take it all back, flip the House to red again so Kevin McCarthy gets to take the Speaker’s gavel from Nancy Pelosi, and all those inconvenient and annoying committee investigations can come to an end. And they know it’s an uphill battle with everything the public is starting to see and the exposure of some of the hidden truths. That’s why they’re working so desperately hard on the “no collusion” crap. I just heard MSNBC’s Kristen Welker describe a GOP wish to “turn the page” and try to lead the public perception toward moving on to other crimes-OOPS-I-mean-“agenda-priorities”.

Just watch: they’re gonna try in one way or other to push the “we need to move on” stuff, hard. They’ll push the “nothing to see here” and “no collusion” crap AND the “now we need to investigate the investigators!” crap. They’ll try to obstruct and drag out the process long enough that the Dems can’t get much done on the very necessary investigations now underway, til they hope they can regain the House and stop that pursuit of accountability cold.

They want Devin Nunes (mis)leading the House Intelligence Committee again (not Democrat Adam Schiff). Sure was pretty effective last time, ‘eh? They ignored, neglected, or outright buried everything and anything that might threaten their precious donald.
They want Congressman See-No-Evil chairing the Judiciary Committee (not Democrat Jerry Nadler).
They want Congressman Hear-No-Evil back in charge at Ways and Means (not Democrat Rich Neal).
They want Congressman Speak-No-Evil running the Financial Services Committee again (not Democrat Maxine Waters).
And Congressman Sergeant-Schultz back in control of the Oversight and Reform Committee (not Democrat Elijah Cummings). “... I know nothing! Nothing!”

Why? Because then they can muffle all those inconvenient questions and make all that bothersome investigation stuff go AWAY. And once again, the way will be smoothed for their lord and master to do whatever-the-fuck he wants. With impunity.

THAT’S why we need to keep the pressure up, protect AND BUILD on our gains in 2020, and Get Out The Vote like our lives, liberty, and our very democracy depend on it. Because they DO.

We CAN’T let up.

We CAN’T AFFORD TO let up.

And we sure as hell can’t rest on our 2018 laurels or decide we’ve “got this” and roll over and go back to sleep like we did in the 1970s. Back then we thought we “got this” and the ERA was almost a done deal (we’re there! Just three more states!) and Vietnam was finally over and we’d gotten rid of Nixon leftover Gerald Ford and put Jimmy Carter in the White House.

DO NOT forget what happened after that. Carter was cheated out of a second term, and the dreadful age of Reagan and the long-desired wrong-wing rebirth and return to dominance began.

What do you think? Are YOU willing to risk it on the result of next year's vote?

Are you ready to trust that the Russians won't be there, again, to help the asset-of-their-wildest-dreams stay in power?

Are you tempted to assume that there won't be other bad actors getting involved, like maybe China, or other interests that seek to do us harm and get themselves ahead, now that they've seen how well it worked out for Russia - and how easy it was to pull off (especially if there are no consequences, like, say, impeachment)?

What’s it gonna be?

From the original thread "To those who say that impeachment is not necessary because the voters can decide in 2020" by Baitball Blogger.

April 21, 2019


He knows he did something bad.

He just doesn’t want the rest of us to find out about it.

April 21, 2019


Just DAMN. Those who just simply have to burn down the village in order to “save” it will discover that they wind up with nothing worth saving when the fires burn out and the smoke clears.

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Gender: Female
Home country: USA
Current location: Oregon
Member since: 2001
Number of posts: 85,174

About calimary

Female. Retired. Wife-Mom-Grandma. Approx. 30 years in broadcasting, at least 20 of those in news biz. Taurus. Loves chocolate - preferably without nuts or cocoanut. Animal lover. Rock-hound from pre-school age. Proud Democrat for life. Ardent environmentalist and pro-choicer. Hoping to use my skills set for the greater good. Still married to the same guy for 40+ years. Probably because he's a proud Democrat, too. Penmanship absolutely stinks, so I'm glad I'm a fast typist! I will always love Hillary and she will always be my President.
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