calimary's JournalAnother terrific quote!
Yep. Could very well be.
He has a reassuring quality about him. Thats the vibe I keep getting. At exactly the time when I think the entire country needs it.
And he'd laugh in The Asset's face, live and in person, on the debate stage.
By the third debate he'd have it so ingrained in much of America's mind that it's okay to laugh out loud at this jerk. Because he's a jerk. And we don't need a jerk as President of the United States.
Then again, though, why wouldn't he be a traitorous scumbag. Look who appointed him.
THAT'S what I'd pay good money to see. A debate with Biden against trump.
I'd pay to see Biden start laughing at trump the way he laughed at Sarah Palin. Totally took her down. Made her into a joke, silly and superficial, ignorant, not to be taken seriously. Sometimes he shook his head as he was chuckling - in an "I can't believe how ridiculous you are/your opinion/what you just said is... " He snickered at her the way a kindly family elder would chuckle at the little kid with the wildly flailing arms - who then knocked the lamp off the table-top.
Biden/Harris is geographically more balanced than Biden/Abrams.
And the trouble with Stacey Abrams, as much as I like her and as much as I've been impressed by her, is the same trouble Beto has.
They LOST. They don't come from victory in their last face-offs. That can be a problem with some voters. "He/She didn't even win his/her home state..." "If they didn't vote for _____ in _____'s own state, how's _______ supposed to win nationwide?"
Mine too.
Works gender-wise, geographically, for people of color (especially black women, who have for so long been the backbone of our party), experientially, and age-wise. It sets her up to be President, too.
And it lets US, the Democrats, be the ones who help break that last glass ceiling. WE'RE the party that breaks those barriers down for those stuck behind them.
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