calimary's JournalHe has trump's number, for sure.
Made me cry. I didn't even get to the end of the story in The Hill
before the tears started.
Dammit, Joe. Every time I think Im out, you pull me back in.
Cool deck! Where'd you get 'em?
Deplorables cards for yet another card-carrying deplorable.
Mueller report didn't lay a glove on him?
All that obstruction fully investigated and laid out in detail with sworn witnesses and plenty of backup?
Zat the glove hes talking about?
Sheesh - anybody whos still willing to believe him after his TENS OF THOUSANDS of lies just since the campaign, is a certified fool.
The republi-CONS helped Bernie because they, too, hated Hillary.
Even one of their favorite partisan rags, the National Review, urged that in June, 2015.
Vote for the gal sitting at Putins banquet table. That way you can get the same result even while claiming youre innocent because you (technically) didnt vote for trump.
Well, there's Sarah Palin - who claims to have a front row seat to Vladimir's turf.
Im sure shed love it.
Why not a swap? trump gets a piece of Crimea and Vlad gets a piece of Alaska? Deal?
Oh yeah. And of course you'd say that same thing if the POTUS was a Democrat.
Yeah. Suuuuuuuuuuuure...
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