calimary's JournalI fear they have more motivation than ever, as of the Mueller report's release
to help trump.
And trump has more motivation than ever to accept AND encourage their help. Hes probably watching the calendar countdown to the moment when all the statutes of limitations run out, which will be in 2022. He wants desperately to still be president by then.
And thugs.
Yep. We have them the power last November.
They BETTER use it, or theyre gonna lose it.
It BETTER go into the first attack ad!
And the second.
And the third.
And the fourth.
And the fifth.
And you get the idea. Our side damn well better weaponize this, BIGTIME.
Fuck you Mitch. Btw, who owns YOUR ass, Mitch? One of Vlads pals?
I have actively disliked Bibi since he stabbed President Obama in the back and worked with Obamas political enemies to come visit the US, AND to add insult to injury by having his weasel ambassador work out an address to a joint session of Congress WITHOUT working with 1) our President and/or 2) our Secretary of State to make all the arrangements. Fucker. Went behind Obamas back and violated protocol in the worst in-yer-face way.
Wont forgive. And CERTAINLY wont forget!
Awwwwwww! SWEET! Mine can't stand up yet. But she'll get there.
Shes only three-and-a-half months old.
Always have liked Charles Blow's work. This time, too.
And - Im also enjoying the read of the comments. Sooooooo many already saying theyre FOR impeachment, and that theyve become convinced its the right thing to do. And whether its Blows compelling argument for impeachment or the truths being learned from the Mueller reports release, the sentiment FOR impeachment is definitely there.
Just heard a Congressman on the air, Jared Huffman of California, saying its Congresss duty NOT to punt on this.
Which is good to hear.
And yesterday, I went to the ol Google machine and looked up Nancy Pelosis contact info.
And BOOM! There it is. You can call her DC office or her comment line for her San Francisco district. And I did just that. It only takes about a minute-and-a-half. Left a comment urging Congress to embrace its duty - and recognize the responsibility that history imposes. Just a few moments - is all it takes to leave your mark on this particular page.
And ABSOLUTELY call your own Congresscritter. Leave your mark. Leave YOUR voice on the record, for the record. And you may even talk to a real human, not just a recorded comment line. Either way, register YOUR view! Dont let this opportunity fly away! I think Im gonna try calling in to my reps all week. But then again, I dont mind being a nag.
History will NOT be kind to those who punt.
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