calimary's JournalTotally off-subject, but I just had to say I love your screen name!
Just the sound of it makes me chuckle! Some of 'em here are just freakin' WUNNNNderful! I happen to like SalmonChantedEvening, too. That's a great one! There's a bunch of 'em I really like, and of course I can't remember any at the moment...
Dammit - I fucking LOVE John Fugelsang!
WTF is wrong with MSNBC that they don't give him Friday nights after Rachel?
LOVE it! And it's probably TRUE.
The koch brothers have a lot of money and they're everywhere - spreading it everywhere.
THAT is COOL!!!!!
Congrats, GoneOffShore! What a great story!!! This is Fabulous! Thank you for posting it!
Welcome to DU, dpatbrown!
Glad you're here! I'm only five years behind you and I feel the same way you do. It's a shame that only after he's gone (either from the job OR from our midst) will anyone really appreciate all he tried to do.
And yeah, he wasn't perfect. He hasn't been perfect. But THERE IS NO PERFECT!!!!!! You go looking for perfect and you'll be searching til you drop over dead of old age. In my lifetime, no president has done more, or TRIED to do more for the middle class. And at the same time, in my lifetime NO president has been up against this kind of relentless, venomous, virulent, and truly toxic opposition. AND STILL, despite everything, he still has more to show for it than anyone else - with far less obstruction to face Every Damn Day!!!!
His only mistake, I think, was naiveté about what he was facing. He gave his enemies far more respect, and consideration, and wiggle room than they deserved. FAR more. He was careful and respectful and even-handed, and every time he extended his hand, they spit in it. Or they shat on it. He should have known that was coming - but when you're looking for only the good and what CAN be done, you probably aren't wired to see that. He expected that if he fought fair, they would, too. Cuz that's just how it's supposed to be. He should have known better with this bunch of piss-ants and Sore Losermen. He expected adults. What he GOT was a bunch of spoiled, unruly, snot-nosed, entitlement-drunken, tantrum-throwing adult-size five-year-olds.
O.M.G.! A work of ART!!!!!
That is a Thing of Beauty, EarlG! You've outdone yourself!
As they used to say in the Mounds or Almond Joy commercials (I forget which) - "Indescribably Delicious!!!!"
Welcome to DU, minidriver!
Good to have you with us! Love your movies! (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) But seriously - glad you're here. And yeah, definitely we have a winner. There's gonna be nothing to see here but Denial On Parade. Along with Denial Glorified and Reinforced. We'll probably hear all about how forgiven they are. Which is cold comfort for me. dubya said that, too - "I'm fergivvin!" Always said with a smirk, too. So I guess that means since you've already been "fergivvin," then you already have a free pass. You've already been issued your Early-Bird Get-Outta-Jail-FREE card, so you're all cleared to do whatever the hell you feel like doing and commit all the sins you want against anybody you want, with impunity. Because "fergivvin."
They never had ANY "goody two shoes" image in my opinion.
I didn't like anything about them, already. But then again, I have a rather deep-seated objection to the whole idea of woman as hatchery. That's all we are? Brood mares? That's the ONLY value we bring to the table? How many babies we can issue - as though we were merely some sort of Xerox machine or something? Why are weirdo families like this held up as role models for admiration? They should be in a freakin' ZOO. Or a carnival attraction. Next to the bearded lady (who's probably expected to pop out a bunch of babies, too).
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