calimary's JournalThat Beau Biden one got me.
That's what I did yesterday as my son was heading out on some errand. Left his shirt collar kinda wet, I'm afraid...
Welcome to DU, Rossi!
Glad you're here! I was a little surprised about Buzzfeed being on there, but hey, at least the "big three" gas giants have been rightfully and properly cited here. AND that site, too. Good to see that one's included in the distrust column, where it belongs! But that doesn't come as surprising news to most of us here, I'd suspect.
Oh MAN, I LOVE that, Novara! "This Day in Duh"!
I've seen it here before and I've loved it then, too!!! Takes me directly to the Rude Pundit, who recently added - "well fuck us all with a surprise stick."
(GOD I love that one, too!)
And I'm sure she's planning for a nice big-ticket job with Goldman Sachs when she leaves the SEC.
THAT is one thing that needs to be changed. If you're in a job of an SEC regulator-type, then you SHOULD NOT be able go over to the other side when you're done and join all your little friends over there whose favor you curried to grease the skids for yourself later. I get it! You were making an INVESTMENT in your own future! You shouldn't be able to peddle that influence in that baldly improper way.
All this woman seems interested in is feathering her nest after she's finished at the SEC. Which actually should have been at least a year ago!!!
I'd venture to say you're not getting trashed NEARLY as hard as Hillary is.
It can be rather weary-making.
LOVE this story!
Those boys will make fine husbands and fathers someday. Compassion and empathy are worth having AND showing off!
Really lovely, Will. Made me cry.
NO parent should EVER have to bury a child. It's supposed to be the other way around.
It's a banana boat by now.
Cuz they're all little more than a bunch of bananas.
With apologies to actual bananas everywhere, of course.
Great point, Fred Sanders! He's very dear.
That's the word that comes to mind when I think of him. He is very dear. What a dear man. And you're correct. It isn't valued. Now it's far more important to be the most bombastic or the biggest bullshitter or the best-connected or the richest or the best conniver or the biggest wheeler-dealer or the most clever liar and cheat. I wonder how many people heard about dennis hastert, for example, and even held a little admiration for him for how long he was able to keep it all secret (because the REAL crime here is getting found out, getting CAUGHT). That's what gets the attention and the admiration and the repeated validation in THIS particular world. And it's just a damn shame.
I love Joe Biden. He's so genuine, so open, so one-of-us. I think it's called "authenticity." And he has it. As 3catwoman3 says - "he's the real deal." And he's a wonderful, devoted dad. His kids have gotta know how much they're loved - especially as they've grown up.
I wish he did not have this kind of sadness in his life. NO parent should have to bury their child.
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