calimary's JournalThat's one good point. A very small silver lining to a spectacularly horrifying cloud.
He's (hopefully) shot his own "cause" full of holes.
Bernie Sanders has already vowed to do this, which I deeply respect and appreciate.
He knows the score.
And I've already vowed that, as a Hillary supporter, if he beats her to the nomination, you sure won't see me sitting home and pouting on Election Day! If he's the nominee, I'm all in with him, then. And happily so.
And I desperately hope that those whose posts I've seen - threatening that they're not willing to do that - I hope they eventually change their minds. We need ALL OF US onboard. TO KEEP THE WHITE HOUSE IN FRIENDLY HANDS.
This kind of thing is a GREAT idea!
It's healing to see this.
I wish we could see more of this. I appreciate the officer (or was he the local police chief) - in the report farther down-thread wherein he said this was what they hoped to show - that not every police officer is bad. I believe that.
I think we might actually have fewer bad incidents between police and the community if we had more of THIS. They should get out on the street, meet people in the community, talk with people in the community, play ball with a random group of young people, dance with people who throw an instant dancing exhibition there on the street or in the park. I would love to see foot patrols where the officer has a dog on a leash - a mutt from the shelter, not a fearsome-looking German shepherd or some such. A DOG. That people could come up and pet and ask about.
Stuff that turns the heat down. That's what we need. NOW.
'Cuz it's gonna be a long hot summer.
Man - the one-liners we have come up with over the last few decades...
"MAN, what crawled up inside you and died?"
"YIKES! That one's gonna take the paint right off the wall!"
"Danger Will Robinson!"
And my son's contributions:
"GOOD one, Dad!"
And for his own - um - er - uh - shall we say - "artistry":
My husband actually cleared a whole room full of teenage boys at a party we attended. One where all our friends were veterans of, and rather ingenious in coming up with, multiple fart jokes. He went in there - where our hosts' teenage sons and their buddies were hanging out and being their own silly fart-joking selves, and said - "hmmm... something smells in here..." BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!!!!!!
There ensued this MASSIVE instant exodus where they were scrambling to their feet, grabbing their stuff, racing for the door, groaning in pain, and one kid even took the easy way out and jumped through the open window into the garden outside. Fortunately it was a first-floor window. They had met The Prince of Poots. The Pharaoh of Farts. The Godzilla of Gas. For years afterwards, they spoke of him with hushed tones.
My husband's got STYLE. He's got GAME.
Same here.
Particularly appreciate this from MineralMan's OP:
"I've had way more than enough of the idea that it doesn't matter if the Republicans control all three branches of government.
I've finally had enough with declarations that anyone would refuse to vote for the Democratic nominee for President."
THANK YOU, MineralMan. You speak for me!
We need ALL OF US next year. ALL OF US in the voting booth. ALL OF US remembering that whoever gets into the White House gets to pick the next Supreme Court nominee(s). THAT ALONE is enough to keep me from staying home and pouting on Election Day! Especially with critical issues like Roe v Wade AND voting rights literally on the ropes.
Welcome to DU, D Gary Grady!
Glad you're here! I too just learned something new! I was calling it the "stars 'n' bars" but another much more appropriate title for it has come up in the meantime: The Dixie Swastika. Which is a much more vivid and fitting term for it, seems to me.
I will say one thing - I think we've all learned a tremendous amount of history and background info from the ongoing discussions that have arisen from last week's horrible massacre. I've certainly learned new things I didn't know before. Most illuminating! Which is a good thing.
My husband has just relinquished his crown...
Well, what does THAT tell you.
Tip-off #1: the ding-dong damn-near irrational statement itself.
Tip-off #2: the ding-dong speaker who uttered this.
"Gay rights terrorism"? Are you freakin' KIDDING me? Ohforcryingoutloud.
EXCELLENT! Maybe we can guilt the bad guys into this. That's the only way the damn Dixie Swastika's finally been removable.
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