calimary's JournalThat is a GOOD one!
He does look like some criminally insane version of Gomer Pyle. Totally!
This from another one of those "I hate big government" schmucks.
But they obviously don't mind big government at all - if they can shove it up a woman's vagina or station it in her gynecologist's office.
Seems to me it's time to look into other ways to make sure a woman who needs an abortion can get one. Offshore maybe? A boat lift to something in international waters? An "underground railroad" to undisclosed safe clinics? Something that's beyond the reach of these misogynists and bedroom busybodies.
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^
Fair game. When they pull a reckless hit job on her, she has every right to hit back.
MAN the NYTimes is NOT what it used to be. Used to be "the newspaper of record." Now it's just another rag with a pro-CON agenda. If the whole sordid judith miller affair wasn't convincing enough, this hatchet job on Hillary should help make that clear. Just watching Michael J. Schmidt on camera could tell you that. I've rarely seem an interview subject so smug. It seemed glaringly obvious that he had an anti-Hillary agenda.
I do, too! Turn this beast over to the authorities.
Trophy hunting should be BANNED. PERIOD.
The more I learn about this story the sicker I feel.
VILE people. A friend of mine tried to argue last night that the guy was this unsuspecting innocent who trusted his guides. THEY'RE to blame! What a crock of shit. I thought so then. I know so now.
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