skip fox
skip fox's JournalProfiles in Perfidy, XVII. . . . Please come CAPTION PresiDented Trump!!!

PresiDented Trump is saying: "Listen, you're not going to die of coronavirus if you drink bleach. . . . I might not be a doctor, but I've got a head for these things."
Profiles in Perfidy, whatever. . . . Please come CAPTION PresiDented Trump!!!

President (Never-Enough-Chaos) Trump is saying: "And some people are even saying Jeff Bezos, because with Amazon making a killing on shipping and so on. . . . And some are even saying he was strongly supporting that biological weapons plant or whatever in Wuhan. . . . I don't know, I'm just saying. . . "
Profiles in Perfidy, XIV. . . . Please come CAPTION PresiDented Trump!!!

PresiDented Trump is saying, "Let's get this straight: I've got total authority, total. That it! But I'm not responsible for any of it. . . Just so you know."
Profiles in Perfidy, XIII. . . . Please come CAPTION PresiDented Trump!!!

PresiDented Trump is saying: "Not only did I see the pandemic coming, but I remember telling the CDC last November to keep an eye on the wet-markets of Wuhan, China. . . . Did I nail it or what?"
"But what's he saying?" . . . Please come CAPTION PresiDented Trump!!!

PresiDented Trump is thinking: "I know those are words, but they're just not lining up."
Imagine if you can . . . Please come CAPTION PresiDented Trump!!!

PresiDented Donald J(erk off) Trump is saying: "Can you imagine what it would have been like if Hillary Clinton had been your president during this crisis? . . . Just imagine!"
Profiles in Perfidy, XII. . . . Please come CAPTION PresiDented Trump!!!

PresiDented Trump is saying: "Look, the morgues are filling up in New York. Time to ease the restrictions."
Okay, Mister My Pillow Guy, time to pony up and begin producing face masks!
Just what are all these MAGA-heads who own companies doing?
If they love America so much, why aren't they helping in this hour of critical need?
We really ARE living in a comic book!
I've suspected such for several years. The entire Trump-Gotham City shtick was painted a bit thick, garish, bold but juvenile. The rallies were designed for a two-dimensional world, a world of binaries, only one of them right. His press conferences were stuffed with half thoughts and vicious asides. His sidekicks (Bannon and Miller, esp.) are right out of Marvel casting. Etc., etc.
And then today's tweet has made me certain.
"I watch and listen to the Fake News, CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC, CBS, some of FOX (desperately & foolishly pleading to be politically correct), the @nytimes, & the @washingtonpost, and all I see is hatred of me at any cost. Dont they understand that they are destroying themselves?"
How do we get out of here????
Profiles in Perfidy, XI. . . . Please come CAPTION PresiDented Trump!!!

PresiDented Trump is saying: "If I can't have any rallies, . . . maybe we'll just have to go without an election."
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